To activate previous instance and quit
Added on 6/12/2000
Required Xtras:
Buddy API
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To activate previous instance and quit(this script should be used in moviescript of a projector)
---- written for Director 8 ---
---- Kumar.K kumark@icode.com ----
-- Get Behavior description --
on getBehaviorDescription
return "This Behavior checks wheteher previous instance of the same application running. " & RETURN &
"If yes it activates the previous instance and exits to windows" & RETURN & RETURN &
"This Behavior needs Buddy API Xtra to work, so please ensure You Have Buddy API Xtra." & RETURN & RETURN &
"* Please use this script in movie script of the projector file"
-- Get Behavior description --
-- activate previous instance --
on activateprevious
set wnd = baPrevious( false )
if wnd <> 0 then
baWindowToFront( wnd )
end if
end activateprevious
-- activate previous instance --