Put in your expire date and returns an alert if true - very easy to adjust!!!
-- ) christian krauter
-- free to use for mediamacros readers
-- drop me an email if any suggs or useful
property pmyExpYear, pmyExpMonth, pmyExpDate
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
props = [:]
props.addProp(#pmyExpYear, [#format: #integer, #default: 2001, #comment: "Enter the expire year as number:"])
props.addProp(#pmyExpMonth, [#format: #integer, #default: 3, #comment: "Enter the expire month as string:"])
props.addProp(#pmyExpDate, [#format: #integer, #default: 3, #comment: "Enter the expire month as number:"])
return props
on exitFrame me
-- set expire to false
expire = FALSE
-- today's year month day
thisyear = (the long date).item[2].word[3]
thismonth = (the long date).item[2].word[2]
thisday = (the long date).item[2].word[1]
-- return today's month as integer for later computing
if thismonth = "January" then
thismonth = 1
else if thismonth = "Februar" then
thismonth = 2
else if thismonth = "March" then
thismonth = 3
else if thismonth = "April" then
thismonth = 4
else if thismonth = "May" then
thismonth = 5
else if thismonth = "June" then
thismonth = 6
else if thismonth = "July" then
thismonth = 7
else if thismonth = "August" then
thismonth = 8
else if thismonth = "September" then
thismonth = 9
else if thismonth = "October" then
thismonth = 10
else if thismonth = "November" then
thismonth = 11
else if thismonth = "December" then
thismonth = 12
end if
-- compares today's date values with the your data properties
if thisyear > pmyExpYear then
expire = TRUE
else if thisyear = pmyExpYear then
if thismonth > pmyExpMonth then
expire = TRUE
else if thismonth = pmyExpMonth and thisday >= pmyExpDate then
expire = TRUE
end if
end if
-- if expire returns true excute your code here
if expire = TRUE then
alert "Sorry this program has expired on"&&pmyExpYear&&pmyExpMonth&&pmyExpDate
end if
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263