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Behavior Page turn

Added on 10/9/2000


behavior D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave

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Author: JulianSaxe

You may select a second castmember to display the other side of the turned page half way through the animation. The animation may be executed in a series of enterFrame (dependent upon your movie"s framerate) messages or a repeat loop (faster and smoother). This behaviour is a little low on documentation but a few suggestions are mentioned for it"s improvement in the opening comments.

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-- Page Turn Behaviour (using sprite quad property)

-- Julian de Saxe
-- Sorry the documentation is so sparse.

-- Planned for next time I visit this script:
-- Add function to turn the page back again.

-- Add functionality to animate on mouseUp;
-- (detecting which corner of the sprite was closest to the mouse event and
-- calculating the lead-in distance based on the distance from the vertical centre of the sprite)
-- ie. The closer to the middle of the page the less the lead-in.

-- Add isOkToAttach handler.

-- This behaviour doesn't work on Flash sprites.
-- But wouldn't it be so cool to do this with an animated flash movie.
-- Dream up a whole children's story book with every page a lushman's Flash movie
-- sitting in a .dxr on a web page with narration and a soundtrack. Click on the corner to turn the page.
-- Write to Macromedia and beg them to support the quad property of a Flash sprite in their next version of Director!

on getBehaviorTooltip
  return "This behavior makes a sprite animate" & RETURN & ¬
    "in a simulated page turn (left or right)."
end getBehaviorTooltip

on getBehaviorDescription
  vDesc = vDesc &"A bitmap sprite with this behavior attached will"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "be animated to simulate a page turning."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "Drop it on a sprite and indicate the direction"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "you wish the page to turn (left to right OR"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "right to left)."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "Then choose the corner that should begin turning first (TOP or BOTTOM)."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "This gives the animation the appearance of being turned from"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "one of the corners."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "Select the distance that this corner will travel before the other"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "corner begins to turn."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "This is expressed as a percentage of the total width of"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "the sprite."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "Choose the amplitude of the arc of the curve for the top and bottom"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "of the page."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "ie. how high or low the locus of the corner rises or falls below the top or bottom."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "of the page."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "The higher the value the further the page appears to rise out of the stage (towards your nose)."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "Select the speed of the animation."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "This will vary according to whether you choose to play the animation in a frame"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "based animation or a repeat loop."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "If you wish to change castmembers half way through the animation"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "check the box and select a bitmap castmember from the pop-up menu."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "NB. This is useful to have the page look as though the other side of the page"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "is authentic. However, the image of the castmember needs to be reversed in the vertical axis"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "because the quad property of the sprite at this stage in the animation will reverse the image."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "back to it's proper appearance."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "Choose whether you want the animation to be frame based or occur in a repeat loop."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "Choosing repeat loop makes the animation much faster and smoother and is more consistent"
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "over a range of machines."
  vDesc = vDesc &RETURN& "ps. This behaviour contains no error checking."
  return vDesc
end getBehaviorDescription

property pSprite              -- sprite object reference
property pSpriteRect         -- original rect of sprite

property pCurrentQuad         -- quad point reference
property pOrigQuad              -- original sprite quad values

property pSwitch              --  initially FALSE. Set to TRUE to begin animation
property pFrameOrRpt      -- allows designer to decide to execute animation in repeat loop or frame based
property pMyAnimFactor   -- factor of pi to calculate quad points

property pTurnPage          -- left to right or right to left?
property pLeadCorner      -- leading corner is th corner that starts turning first (top or bottom?)
property pTurnDirection

property pTotalX

property pLeadInTime        -- distance that the first corner travels before the second corner begins to animate.

property pSpeed            -- number of steps
property pTotalDistance          -- the counter ( = 2 * sprite.width)
property pDistance

property pTopAmplitude  --  height (amplitude) of curve (top of page)
property pBottomAmplitude  --  height (amplitude) of curve (bottom of page)

property pOtherPage
property pChangeMember
property pAdvanceWhenFinished

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  if the currentSpriteNum = 0 then exit
  theMember       = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).member
  theMemberNumber = theMember.number
  vPDList = [:]
  setaProp vPDList, #pTurnDirection, [#comment: "direction of page turn : ", #format: #string, #range:["LeftToRight","RightToLeft"], #default: "LeftToRight"]
  addProp vPDList, #pLeadCorner, [#comment: "leading corner : ", #format: #string, #range:["Top","Bottom"], #default: "top"]
  addProp vPDList, #pLeadInTime,  [#comment: "lead in time : ", #format: #float, #range:[#min:0,#max:1], #default: 0.25]
  addProp vPDList, #pTopAmplitude, [#comment: "amplitude of top curve : ", #format: #float, #range:[#min:0.0000,#max:1.000], #default: 0.07]
  addProp vPDList, #pBottomAmplitude, [#comment: "amplitude of bottom curve : ", #format: #float, #range:[#min:0,#max:1], #default: 0.22]
  addProp vPDList, #pSpeed, [#comment: "speed of animation : ", #format: #integer, #range:[#min:1,#max:150], #default: 1]
  addProp vPDList, #pChangeMember, [#comment: "change member half way ?  ", #format: #boolean, #default: 0]
  addProp vPDList, #pOtherPage, [#comment: "other side of page (image) : ", #format: #graphic, #default: theMemberNumber+1]
  addProp vPDList, #pFrameOrRpt, [#comment: "how do you want to execute the animation : ", #format: #string, #range:["frame based", "repeat loop"], #default: "frame based"]
  addProp vPDList, #pAdvanceWhenFinished, [#comment: "advance to the next frame when finished : ", #format: #boolean, #default: TRUE]
  return vPDList
end getPropertyDescriptionList

on beginSprite me

on enterFrame me
  if pSwitch then
    if pDistance < pTotalDistance  then
      do pTurnPage
      pSprite.quad = pCurrentQuad   --- draw sprite
      set pDistance = pDistance + pSpeed
    else if pDistance >= pTotalDistance then
      set pDistance = pTotalDistance
      do pTurnPage
      pSprite.quad = pCurrentQuad    --- draw sprite
      if pAdvanceWhenFinished then
        go to the frame + 1
      end if
      pSwitch = FALSE
    end if
    if pChangeMember then
      if pDistance > pTotalDistance/2 then
        pSprite.member = pOtherPage
        pChangeMember = FALSE
      end if
    end if
  end if
end enterFrame

on endSprite me
  puppetSprite pSprite.spriteNum, FALSE

on mLeftToRightBottom me
  vTopPoint = pOrigQuad[1]
  vBottomPoint = pOrigQuad[4]
  -- move bottom point
  if pDistance <= pTotalX then
    vXb = pDistance
    vYb = pBottomAmplitude*sin((vXb-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vBottomPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.left + abs(vXb)
    vBottomPoint.locV = pSpriteRect.bottom + vYb        -- change operator to alter view.
  else if pDistance > pTotalX then
    vXb = pTotalX
    vYb = pBottomAmplitude*sin((vXb-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vBottomPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.left + abs(vXb)
    vBottomPoint.locV = pSpriteRect.bottom + vYb        -- change operator to alter view.
  end if
  -- move top point
  if pDistance >= pLeadInTime AND pDistance <= pTotalDistance then
    set vXt = pDistance - pLeadInTime
    vYt = pTopAmplitude*sin((vXt-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vTopPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.left + abs(vXt)
    vTopPoint.locV = + vYt     -- change operator to alter view.
  end if
  pCurrentQuad[1] = vTopPoint
  pCurrentQuad[4] = vBottomPoint

on mLeftToRightTop me
  vTopPoint = pOrigQuad[1]
  vBottomPoint = pOrigQuad[4]
  -- move top point
  if pDistance <= pTotalX then
    set vXt = pDistance
    vYt = pTopAmplitude*sin((vXt-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vTopPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.left + abs(vXt)
    vTopPoint.locV = + vYt    -- change operator to alter view.
  else if pDistance > pTotalX then
    vXt = pTotalX
    vYt = pTopAmplitude*sin((vXt-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vTopPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.left + abs(vXt)
    vTopPoint.locV = + vYt      -- change operator to alter view.
  end if
  -- move bottom point
  if pDistance >= pLeadInTime AND pDistance <= pTotalDistance then
    vXb = pDistance - pLeadInTime
    vYb = pBottomAmplitude*sin((vXb-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vBottomPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.left + abs(vXb)
    vBottomPoint.locV = pSpriteRect.bottom + vYb     -- change operator to alter view.
  end if
  pCurrentQuad[1] = vTopPoint
  pCurrentQuad[4] = vBottomPoint

on mRightToLeftTop me
  vTopPoint = pOrigQuad[2]
  vBottomPoint = pOrigQuad[3]
  -- move top point
  if pDistance <= pTotalX then
    set vXt = pDistance
    vYt = pTopAmplitude*sin(pMyAnimFactor*(vXt-pTotalX)) --
    vTopPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.right - abs(vXt)
    vTopPoint.locV = + vYt    -- change operator to alter view.
  else if pDistance > pTotalX then
    vXt = pTotalX
    vYt = pTopAmplitude*sin(pMyAnimFactor*(vXt-pTotalX))
    vTopPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.right - abs(vXt)
    vTopPoint.locV = + vYt      -- change operator to alter view.
  end if
  -- move bottom point
  if pDistance >= pLeadInTime AND pDistance <= pTotalDistance then
    vXb = pDistance - pLeadInTime
    vYb = pBottomAmplitude*sin(pMyAnimFactor*(vXb-pTotalX))
    vBottomPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.right - abs(vXb)
    vBottomPoint.locV = pSpriteRect.bottom + vYb     -- change operator to alter view.
  end if
  pCurrentQuad[2] = vTopPoint
  pCurrentQuad[3] = vBottomPoint

on mRightToLeftBottom me
  vTopPoint = pOrigQuad[2]
  vBottomPoint = pOrigQuad[3]
  -- move bottom point
  if pDistance <= pTotalX then
    vXb = pDistance
    vYb = pBottomAmplitude*sin((vXb-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vBottomPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.right - abs(vXb)
    vBottomPoint.locV = pSpriteRect.bottom + vYb        -- change operator to alter view.
  else if pDistance > pTotalX then
    vXb = pTotalX
    vYb = pBottomAmplitude*sin((vXb-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vBottomPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.right - abs(vXb)
    vBottomPoint.locV = pSpriteRect.bottom + vYb        -- change operator to alter view.
  end if
  -- move top point
  if pDistance >= pLeadInTime AND pDistance <= pTotalDistance then
    vXt = pDistance - pLeadInTime
    vYt = pTopAmplitude*sin((vXt-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vTopPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.right - abs(vXt)
    vTopPoint.locV = + vYt     -- change operator to alter view.
    -- test else
  else if pDistance = pTotalDistance then
    vXt = pTotalDistance
    vYt = pTopAmplitude*sin((vXt-pTotalX)*pMyAnimFactor)
    vTopPoint.locH = pSpriteRect.right - abs(vXt)
    vTopPoint.locV = + vYt     -- change operator to alter view.
  end if
  pCurrentQuad[2] = vTopPoint
  pCurrentQuad[3] = vBottomPoint

on mInitialise me
  pSprite = sprite (me.spriteNum)
  pSpriteRect = pSprite.rect
  pOrigQuad = duplicate(pSprite.quad)
  pCurrentQuad = duplicate(pOrigQuad)
  pTotalX = (pSprite.right - pSprite.left)*2 -- twice the width of the sprite (ie total distance travelled in x)
  pLeadInTime = integer(pLeadInTime * pSprite.width) -- the 'lead-in' is expressed as a percentage of sprite.width
  pTotalDistance = pTotalX + pLeadInTime -- total number of pixels in x (top and bottom)
  pDistance = 0
  pMyAnimFactor = pi/(pTotalX)
  pTopAmplitude = integer(pSprite.height * pTopAmplitude) --  amplitude of top corner arc
  pBottomAmplitude = integer(pSprite.height * pBottomAmplitude) --  amplitude of bottom corner arc
  pTurnPage = "m"&pTurnDirection&pLeadCorner&&"me" -- handler defined by author parameters
  pSwitch = FALSE

on animate me
  if pSwitch then
    repeat while pDistance < pTotalDistance
      do pTurnPage
      pSprite.quad = pCurrentQuad   --- draw sprite
      set pDistance = pDistance + pSpeed
      if pChangeMember then
        if pDistance > pTotalDistance/2 then
          pSprite.member = pOtherPage
          pChangeMember = FALSE
        end if
      end if
    end repeat
    repeat while pDistance >= pTotalDistance
      set pDistance = pTotalDistance
      do pTurnPage
      pSprite.quad = pCurrentQuad    --- draw sprite
      if pAdvanceWhenFinished then
        go to the frame + 1
      end if
      pSwitch = FALSE
      exit repeat
    end repeat
  end if

on turnPage me
  case pFrameOrRpt of
    "frame based":
      pSwitch = TRUE
    "repeat loop":
      pSwitch = TRUE
      animate me
  end case
end turnPage



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