-- inizialize, make lists to put data in...
inum = the spritenum of me
pStartCounter = 0
pListCounter = 0
set pTimer = the ticks
set horisontallist=[]
set verticallist=[]
set rotationlist=[]
set skewlist=[]
set memberlist=[]
set blendlist=[]
set inklist=[]
set widthlist=[]
set heightlist=[]
set rectlist=[]
--set quadlist=[]
-- puts data in lists...
put line 2 of field (x) into horisontallist
put line 5 of field (x) into verticallist
put line 8 of field (x) into rotationlist
put line 11 of field (x) into blendlist
put line 14 of field (x) into memberlist
put line 17 of field (x) into skewlist
put line 20 of field (x) into inklist
put line 23 of field (x) into widthlist
put line 26 of field (x) into heightlist
put line 29 of field (x) into rectlist
-- put line 32 of field (x) into quadlist
----------- ***
-- Checks for last word in horisontallist
put the number of words in (horisontallist) into Hlistcount
end beginSprite
on exitframe
-- when to start playing the recorded data
if the ticks - pTimer > playme then
end if
---------- ***
on Iplay me
-- if horisontallsit played trough then stop
if sprite(inum).locH = value(horisontallist.word[Hlistcount]) then
-- Reads data and plays it on the screen...
pListCounter = pListCounter+1
--sprite(inum).quad = value(quadlist.word[pListCounter])
end if
--------------- ***
on getPropertyDescriptionList
set description = [:]
addProp description,#x, [#default:"Data record 1", #format:#field, #comment:"Play recorded data from wich field?"]
addProp description,#playme, [#default:180, #format:#integer,#range:[#min:0, #max:999], #comment:"How long to wait(in ticks) before starting to play?"]
return description
on getbehaviordescription
return " Plays recorded sprite data from a field. The recordings can be made with the -Sprite recorder- behavior."
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263