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Behavior Copy Progress handler for Buddy API

Added on 5/31/2000


D6_5 D7 D8 Mac PC Script

Required Xtras:
Buddy API

This item has not yet been rated

Author: GarySmith

This script requires Buddy API and the MUI Xtra as well as slider graphics.

Download PC Source
on baCopyXFilesProgress sourceDir, destDir, fileSpec, overwrite
  -- replacement for baCopyXFiles which adds a progress copy dialog with cancel button
  -- reuires MUI Xtra  
  global gKeepCopying  
  set sDir = addSeperator( sourceDir )
  set dDir = addSeperator( destDir )
  set fileList = baFileList( sDir, fileSpec )
  set fileCount = count( fileList )
  if  fileCount > 0 then
    set fileNum = 1
    set gKeepCopying = true
    repeat while (fileNum <= fileCount ) and (gKeepCopying = true) )
      setCopyStatus "Copying:" && getAt( fileList, fileNum ), fileNum, fileCount
      baCopyFile( sDir & getAt( fileList, fileNum ), dDir & getAt( fileList, fileNum ), overwrite )
      set fileNum = fileNum + 1
    end repeat
  end if  

on baXCopyProgress sourceDir, destDir, fileSpec, overwrite
  -- replaces baXCopy to show a progress copy dialog with cancel button
  -- requires MUI Xtra
  global gKeepCopying
  set sDir = addSeperator( sourceDir )
  set dDir = addSeperator( destDir )
  -- can take some time to prepare list of files, so show dialog first
  setCopyStatus "Preparing to copy...", 1, 100
  set folderList = getAllSubFolders( sDir )
  addAt( folderList, 1, sDir )
  set folderCount = count( folderList )
  set sourceList = []
  set destList = []
  set folderNum = 1
  set startPos = length( sDir ) + 1
  repeat while folderNum <= folderCount  
    set fileList = baFileList( string( getAt( folderList, folderNum )), fileSpec )
    set fileCount = count( fileList )
    set fileNum = 1
    repeat while fileNum <= fileCount
      append sourceList, getAt( folderList, folderNum ) & getAt( fileList, fileNum )
      append destList, dDir & chars( getAt( folderList, folderNum ), startPos, 1000 ) & getAt( fileList, fileNum )
      set fileNum = fileNum + 1
    end repeat
    set folderNum = folderNum + 1
  end repeat
  set fileCount = count( sourceList )
  if  fileCount > 0 then
    set the itemDelimiter = the last char of sDir
    set fileNum = 1
    set gKeepCopying = true
    repeat while (fileNum <= fileCount ) and (gKeepCopying = true) )
      setCopyStatus "Copying:" && the last item of getAt( sourceList, fileNum ), fileNum, fileCount
      baCopyFile( getAt( sourceList, fileNum ), getAt( destList, fileNum ), overwrite )
      set fileNum = fileNum + 1
    end repeat
  end if
end baXCopyProgress

on setCopyStatus status, number, total,
  global gMUIobject, gWindowItems, gWindowProps
  set baseItemList = duplicate( getAt( gWindowItems, 2 ) )
  set the value of baseItemList  = string( status )
  itemUpdate( gMUIobject, 2, baseItemList )
  set baseItemList = duplicate( getAt( gWindowItems, 4 ) )
  set the value of baseItemList  =  "pb" & string( 22 * number / total )
  itemUpdate( gMUIobject, 4, baseItemList )

on getAllSubFolders startDir
  -- returns a list of all the sub folders in startDir
  -- returns empty list if no subfolders or startDir doesn't exist
  -- reuturns full path to the folders, always ends with folder delimiter
  if the platform contains "Win" then
    set delimiter = "\"
    set delimiter = ":"
  end if
  set result = []
  if baFolderExists( startDir ) then
    if the last char of startDir = delimiter then
      append result, startDir
      append result, startDir & delimiter
    end if
    set i = 1
    repeat while i <= count( result )
      getFolders( getAt( result, i ), result ) -- add list of sub folders to end of list
      set i = i + 1 -- keep going till no more folders
    end repeat
    deleteAt result, 1 -- delete original folder from start of list
  end if
  return result

on getFolders startDir, folderList
  -- adds a list of folders to list
  if the platform contains "Win" then
    set delimiter = "\"
    set delimiter = ":"
  end if
  set temp = baFolderList( startDir )
  set i = 1
  repeat while i <= count( temp )
    append folderList, startDir & getAt( temp, i ) & delimiter
    set i = i + 1
  end repeat

on addSeperator source
  if the platform contains "Win" then
    set seperator = "\"
    set seperator = ":"
  end if
  if the last char of source <> seperator then
    return source & seperator
    return source
  end if

-- Dialog box based on code from 'Lingo in a Nutshell' by Bruce Epstein
-- If you don't have a copy, get one now!

on showCopyProgress
  global gMUIobject
  global gWindowProps
  global gWindowItems
  set dialogWidth = 250
  set dialogHeight = 115
  -- Instantiate the Xtra
  set gMUIobject = new (xtra "MUI")
  -- Start with the default container window's attributes
  set gWindowProps = GetWindowPropList(gMUIobject)
  -- Set the title and width of the dialog
  set the name of gWindowProps = "Copy progress"
  set the width of gWindowProps = dialogWidth
  set the Mode of gWindowProps = #pixel
  set the xPosition of gWindowProps = the stageLeft + ((the stageRight - the stageLeft) - dialogWidth) / 2
  set the yPosition of gWindowProps = the stageTop + ((the stageBottom - the stageTop) - dialogWidth) / 2
  set the height of gWindowProps = dialogHeight
  set the modal of gWindowProps = false
  set the closeBox of gWindowProps = false
  -- Specify callback handler that responds to user actions
  set the callback of gWindowProps = "copyProgressHandler()"
  -- Build a list of the contents of the window
  set gWindowItems = []
  -- The first widget in the dialog must be #WindowBegin
  -- Start with a generic item's attributes
  set widget1 = GetItemPropList(gMUIobject)
  set the type of widget1 = #windowBegin
  add gWindowItems, widget1
  -- Add a simple text field
  set widget2 = GetItemPropList(gMUIobject)
  set the value of widget2 = "Copying: "
  set the type of widget2 = #label
  set the width of widget2 = dialogWidth - 20
  set the locH of widget2 = 13
  set the locV of widget2 = 12
  set the height of widget2 = 20
  add gWindowItems, widget2
  -- Add a dismiss button
  set widget3 = GetItemPropList(gMUIobject)
  set the type of widget3 = #defaultPushButton
  set the title of widget3 = "Cancel"
  set the width of widget3 = 100
  set the locH of widget3 = (dialogWidth - the width of widget3) / 2
  set the height of widget3 = 24
  set the locV of widget3 = dialogHeight - 34
  add gWindowItems, widget3
  -- add bitmap
  set widget4 = GetItemPropList(gMUIobject)
  set the type of widget4 = #bitmap
  set the value of widget4 = "pb0"
  set the width of widget4 = 224
  set the locH of widget4 = (dialogWidth - the width of widget4) / 2
  set the height of widget4 = 20
  set the locV of widget4 = dialogHeight - 75
  add gWindowItems, widget4
  -- The last widget in the dialog must be #WindowEnd
  set widget5 = GetItemPropList(gMUIobject)
  set the type of widget5 = #windowEnd
  add gWindowItems, widget5
  -- Initialize the dialog
  Initialize (gMUIobject , [#windowPropList: gWindowProps, #windowItemList: gWindowItems])
  -- Draw the dialog
  --Run (gMUIobject)
  WindowOperation( gMUIobject, #show )
end showCopyProgress

--  This is your callback handler (see gWindowProps above)
on copyProgressHandler  event, itemNumber, itemPropList
  global gMUIobject, gKeepCopying
  if not objectP(gMUIobject ) then
    alert "gMUIobject must be declared globally elsewhere"
  end if
  case (event) of
      -- In an emergency this will stop both
      -- modal and non-modal dialogs.
      set gKeepCopying = false
      stop(gMUIobject, 1)
      windowOperation (gMUIobject , #hide)
  end case
end copyProgressHandler

on closeCopyProgress
  global gMUIobject, gKeepCopying
  set gKeepCopying = false
  stop(gMUIobject, 1)
  windowOperation (gMUIobject , #hide)
end closeCopyProgress



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