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Behavior System Info into a field member

Added on 6/12/2000


behavior D7 D8 PC

Required Xtras:
Buddy API

This item has not yet been rated

Author: KumarK

System Info into a field member

---- written for Director 8 ---
---- Kumar.K ----
------ Custom Properties ------
property  theMember,WhereTo,Version_Info,systemfolders,cpu_info,disk_info,Mem_Info,Screen_Info,sound_info,font_info,cpu_desc,DiskList

-- Events --
on EnterFrame me
  if WhereTo = "On EnterFrame" then
  end if
end EnterFrame

on ExitFrame me
  if WhereTo = "On EnterFrame" then
  end if
end ExitFrame

on MouseUp
  if WhereTo = "On MouseUp" then
  end if
end MouseUp

on MouseDown
  if WhereTo = "On MouseDown" then
  end if
end MouseDown

on MouseEnter
  if WhereTo = "On MouseEnter" then
  end if
end MouseEnter

on MouseLeave
  if WhereTo = "On MouseLeave" then
  end if
end MouseLeave
------ Events ------

------ Get Behavior Description List ------
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  FieldMembersList = searchfieldMember(me)
  if  FieldMembersList.count() > 0 then
    set description = [:]
    addProp description, #theMember, [#format:#String, #comment: "Insert System Info into Which Field ?", \
    addProp description, #Version_Info, [#format:#Boolean, #comment: "Do You Want to Insert --> Version Info ?", \
    addProp description, #systemfolders, [#format:#Boolean, #comment: "Do You Want to Insert --> SystemFolders Info ?", \
    addProp description, #cpu_info, [#format:#Boolean, #comment: "Do You Want to Insert --> Cpu Info ?", \
    addProp description, #disk_info, [#format:#Boolean, #comment: "Do You Want to Insert --> Disk Info ?", \
    addProp description, #Mem_Info, [#format:#Boolean, #comment: "Do You Want to Insert --> Memory Info ?", \
    addProp description, #Screen_Info, [#format:#Boolean, #comment: "Do You Want to Insert --> Screen Info ?", \
    addProp description, #Sound_Info, [#format:#Boolean, #comment: "Do You Want to Insert --> SoundCard Info ?", \
    addProp description, #Font_Info, [#format:#Boolean, #comment: "Do You Want to Insert --> Fonts Info ?", \
    if the currentspritenum = 0 then
      addProp description, #WhereTo, [#comment: "Where To Attach ?" ,#format:#String, \
    #range:["On EnterFrame","On ExitFrame"],#default:"On EnterFrame"]
      addProp description, #WhereTo, [#comment: "Where To Attach ?" ,#format:#String, \
    #range:["On MouseUp","On MouseDown","On MouseEnter","On MouseLeave"],#default:"On MouseUp"]    
    end if    
    return description
  end if  
end getPropertyDescriptionList
------ Get Behavior Description List ------

-- Get Behavior description --
on getBehaviorDescription
  return "This Behavior Insrets the System info into Field Member" & RETURN & RETURN & \
  "This Behavior needs Buddy API Xtra to work, so please ensure You Have Buddy API Xtra." & RETURN & RETURN &\
  "Parameters" & RETURN & \
  "* Field Member." & RETURN & \
  "* system info needed." & RETURN & \
  "* Where to attach this Script"

------ Availbale for both Frame and Sprite Script ------
on isOKToAttach (me, aSpriteType, aSpriteNum)
  case aSpriteType of
      return true
      return true
  end case
end isOKToAttach
------ Availbale for both Frame and Sprite Script ------

------ Search for Field Member ------
on searchfieldMember me
  FieldMembersList = []
  maxCastLib = the number of castLibs
  repeat with theCastLib = 1 to maxCastLib
    maxMember = the number of members of castLib theCastLib
    repeat with memberNumber = 1 to maxMember
      theMember = member(memberNumber, theCastLib)
      if theMember.type = #Field then
        if = EMPTY then
        end if
      end if
    end repeat
  end repeat
  return FieldMembersList
------ Search for Field Member ------

-- Insert System Info --
on InsertSystemInfo
  --- setting the field to editabel
  member(theMember).editable = TRUE  
  --- Making the field scrollable
  member(theMember).boxType = #scroll
  --- Align the field
  member (theMember).alignment = "left"
  ----insertinging version info ----
  if Version_Info=true then
    member(themember).text= "----------------- Version Info -----------------"
    set os = baVersion("os")
    set ver = baVersion("windows")
    set ntver = baVersion("nt")
    set dosver = baVersion("dos")
    set vfwver = baVersion("vfw")
    set qtver = baVersion("qt")    
    set qt3ver = baVersion("qt3")  
    insertintofield theMember,"Operating System :",os
    insertintofield theMember,"Windows Version :",ver
    insertintofield theMember,"Nt Version :",ntver  
    insertintofield theMember,"Dos Version :",dosver      
    insertintofield theMember,"Video For Windows Version :",vfwver
    insertintofield theMember,"QT Version :",qtver
    insertintofield theMember,"QT3 Version :",qt3ver      
  end if  
  ---Insert System Folders Info ---
  if systemfolders=true then
    member(themember).text=member(themember).text & Return & Return & "----------------- SystemFolders Info -----------------"
    set winfold = baSysFolder( "Windows" )
    set sysfold = baSysFolder( "system" )
    set tempfold = baSysFolder( "temp" )
    set curfold = baSysFolder( "current" )    
    insertintofield theMember,"Windows Folder :",winfold    
    insertintofield theMember,"System Folder :",sysfold    
    insertintofield theMember,"Temparary Folder :",tempfold    
    insertintofield theMember,"Current Folder :",curfold        
  end if
  ---Insert CPU Info --  
  if cpu_info=true then
    member(themember).text=member(themember).text & Return & Return & "----------------- CPU Info -----------------"  
    set cpu_vendor = baCpuInfo( "vendor" )
    set cpu_type = baCpuInfo( "type" )
    set cpu_model = baCpuInfo( "model" )
    set cpu_stepping = baCpuInfo( "stepping" )
    set cpu_speed = baCpuInfo( "speed" )
    findcputype cpu_type,cpu_model
    insertintofield theMember,"CPU vendor :",cpu_vendor    
    insertintofield theMember,"CPU Type and Model:",cpu_Desc
    insertintofield theMember,"CPU Stepping ",cpu_stepping    
    insertintofield theMember,"CPU Speed:",cpu_speed & " Mzh"
  end if
  if disk_info=true then
    member(themember).text=member(themember).text & Return & Return & "----------------- Disk Info -----------------"  
  end if
  if mem_info=true then
    member(themember).text=member(themember).text & Return & Return & "----------------- Memory Info -----------------"  
    set ram = baMemoryInfo( "ram" )
    set freeram = baMemoryInfo( "free ram" )
    set swap = baMemoryInfo( "swap" )
    set freeswap = baMemoryInfo( "free swap" )
    insertintofield theMember,"Amount of Physical memory :",(ram/1024)/1024 & " Mb"  
    insertintofield theMember,"Amount of free Physical memory :",(freeram/1024)/1024 & " Mb"    
    insertintofield theMember,"Size of the Current Swap File :",(swap/1024)/1024 & " Mb"    
    insertintofield theMember,"Amount of the swap file not being used :",(freeswap/1024)/1024 & " Mb"        
  end if  
  if Screen_Info=true then
    member(themember).text=member(themember).text & Return & Return & "----------------- Screen Info -----------------"  
    set screen_height = baScreenInfo( "height")
    set screen_width = baScreenInfo( "width")
    set screen_depth = baScreenInfo( "depth")
    set screen_fontheight = baScreenInfo( "fontheight")    
    insertintofield theMember,"Height of the screen in pixels :",screen_height    
    insertintofield theMember,"Width of the screen in pixels :",screen_width    
    insertintofield theMember,"Color depth of the screen in bits :",screen_depth    
    insertintofield theMember,"Height of the system font in pixels :",screen_fontheight        
  end if
  if Screen_Info=true then
    member(themember).text=member(themember).text & Return & Return & "----------------- SoundCard Info -----------------"  
    set Soundcard = baSoundCard( )
    if Soundcard=1 then
      insertintofield theMember,"Is SoundCard is Installed :", "Yes"
      insertintofield theMember,"Is SoundCard is Installed :", "No"      
    end if
  end if
  if font_info=true then
    member(themember).text=member(themember).text & Return & Return & "----------------- Fonts Installed on Your machine -----------------"  
  end if  
-- Insert System Info --

--- insert into field
on insertintofield mem,first,second
  ---- spaces -----
  addspace = "            "  
  member(mem).text= member(mem).text & Return & first &  second
--- insert into field

-- Find Cpu Type and Mode --
on findcputype cputype,model
  if cputype = 4  and ((model = 0) or (model =1)) then
    cpu_desc="486 DX"
  end if
  if cputype = 4  and (model = 2)  then
    cpu_desc="486 SX"
  end if
  if cputype = 4  and ((model = 3) or (model =7)) then
    cpu_desc="486 DX2"
  end if
  if cputype = 4  and (model = 4) then
    cpu_desc="486 SL"
  end if
  if cputype = 4  and (model = 5) then
    cpu_desc="486 SX2"
  end if
  if cputype = 4  and (model = 8) then
    cpu_desc="486 DX4"
  end if
  if cputype = 5  and ((model = 1) or (model = 2)) then
  end if
  if cputype = 5  and (model = 3) then
    cpu_desc="Pentium Overdrive"
  end if
  if cputype = 5  and (model = 4) then
    cpu_desc="Pentium MMX"
  end if  
  if cputype = 6  and (model = 1) then
    cpu_desc="Pentium Pro"
  end if    
  if cputype = 6  and (model = 3) then
    cpu_desc="Pentium II (r1)"
  end if
  if cputype = 6  and (model = 5) then
    cpu_desc="Pentium II (r2)"
  end if
  if cputype = 6  and (model = 5) then
    cpu_desc="Celeron (r1)"
  end if
  if cputype = 6  and (model = 6) then
    cpu_desc="Celeron (r2)"
  end if
  if cputype = 6  and (model = 7) then
    cpu_desc="Pentium III"
  end if  
  if cputype = 5  and ((model = 5) or (model = 6)) then
    cpu_desc="AMD K5"
  end if    
  if cputype = 5  and (model = 7) then
    cpu_desc="AMD K6"
  end if
  if cputype = 5  and (model = 8) then
    cpu_desc="AMD K6-II"
  end if
  if cputype = 5  and (model = 9) then
    cpu_desc="AMD K6-III"
  end if

-- to find number of disks ---

on findnumofdisks
  repeat with i=1 to seachlist.count
    Result = baDiskInfo( seachlist[i], "type" )
    if result <> "Invalid" then
    end if
  end repeat


---write about disk --
on getdiskinfo
  baDisableDiskErrors( true )
  repeat with i=1 to DiskList.count
    disk_type=baDiskInfo( DiskList[i], "type" )
    disk_name=baDiskInfo( DiskList[i], "name" )
    disk_size=baDiskInfo( DiskList[i], "size" )
    disk_free=baDiskInfo( DiskList[i], "free" )    
    disk_number=baDiskInfo( DiskList[i], "number" )
    member(themember).text= member(themember).text & Return    
    member(themember).text=member(themember).text & Return &  "Details of Drive " &  DiskList[i] & ":\"
    insertintofield theMember,"Drive Type :",disk_type
    insertintofield theMember,"Drive Name :",disk_name    
    insertintofield theMember,"Drive Size :",disk_size/1024 & " MB"
    insertintofield theMember,"Free Space :",disk_free/1024 & " MB"
    insertintofield theMember,"Serial Number :",disk_number    
  end repeat
  baDisableDiskErrors( false )  

----check the fonts installed
on checkfontsinstalled
  set fontslist = baFontList( "all" )
  sort fontslist
  repeat with i= 1 to fontslist.count
    member(themember).text=member(themember).text & Return & fontslist[i]
  end repeat  
----check the fonts installed



36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263

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