Open File WIth Associated Application
Added on 6/6/2000
code to open a file with an associated program using Buddy Api Xtra
-----code for opening a file with associated program(requires Buddy API Xtra) ----
---- written for Director 8 ---
---- Kumar.K kumark@icode.com ----
-- custom properties --
property folderlist,theFile,subfolders,fileslist,state,whereto
------ Get Behavior Description List ------
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
set description = [:]
addProp description, #theFile, [#format:#String, #comment: "Open Which File ?", #range:fileslist,#default:fileslist[1]]
addProp description, #state, [#format:#String, #comment: "Open with which Window State? ", #range:statelist, #default:statelist[1]]
if the currentspritenum = 0 then
addProp description, #WhereTo, [#comment: "Where To Attach ?",#format:#String, #range:["On EnterFrame","On ExitFrame"],#default:"On EnterFrame"]
addProp description, #WhereTo, [#comment: "Where To Attach ?",#format:#String, #range:["On MouseUp","On MouseDown","On MouseEnter","On MouseLeave"],#default:"On MouseUp"]
end if
return description
end getPropertyDescriptionList
------ Get Behavior Description List ------
-- Get Behavior description --
on getBehaviorDescription
return "This Behavior opens the specified file in the current directory or" & RETURN & "the subfolder(upto level 2) with an associated Program." & RETURN & RETURN &"This Behavior needs Buddy API Xtra to work, so please ensure You Have Buddy API Xtra." & RETURN & RETURN & "Parameters" & RETURN & "* File." & RETURN & "* Window State." & RETURN & "* Where to attach this Script"
-- Get Behavior description --
---- get the file name to be opened ----
on getfilelist me
set mypath=the moviepath
set fileslist=[]
set Folders = baFolderList( mypath )
repeat with i = 1 to folders.count
set subfolders = baFolderList( mypath & "" & folders[i])
if subfolders.count <> 0 then
repeat with j=1 to subfolders.count
set Files = baFileList( mypath & " " & folders[i] & "" & subfolders[j],"*.*")
repeat with k=1 to Files.count
fileslist.append(folders[i] & "" & subfolders[j] & "" & files[k])
end repeat
end repeat
set Files = baFileList( mypath & " " & folders[i],"*.*")
repeat with j=1 to Files.count
fileslist.append(folders[i] & "" & files[j])
end repeat
set Files = baFileList( mypath & " " & folders[i],"*.*")
repeat with j=1 to Files.count
fileslist.append(folders[i] & "" & files[j])
end repeat
end if
end repeat
return fileslist
---- get the file name to be opened ----
-- Events --
on EnterFrame me
if WhereTo = "On EnterFrame" then
end if
end EnterFrame
on ExitFrame me
if WhereTo = "On EnterFrame" then
end if
end ExitFrame
on MouseUp
if WhereTo = "On MouseUp" then
end if
end MouseUp
on MouseDown
if WhereTo = "On MouseDown" then
end if
end MouseDown
on MouseEnter
if WhereTo = "On MouseEnter" then
end if
end MouseEnter
on MouseLeave
if WhereTo = "On MouseLeave" then
end if
end MouseLeave
------ Events ------
---open file ---
on openfile
set OK = baOpenFile( the moviepath & "" & thefile , state )
---open file ---