Useful list functions
Added on 7/27/1999
Various functions for manipulating lists, including randomisingLists, sorting Property Lists by value
-- Functions for manipulating lists
-- Last updated 7/99
on randomiseList aList
-- accepts either property or linear lists
-- and returns a randomised duplicate version of that list
listtype = ilk (aList)
if listtype = #list then
tList = duplicate (aList)
rList = []
mx = count (tList)
repeat while mx > 0
ps = random(mx)
va = getAt (tList, ps)
append rList, va
deleteAt tList, ps
mx = count (tList)
end repeat
else if listtype = #propList then
tList = duplicate (aList)
rList = [:]
mx = count (tList)
repeat while mx > 0
ps = random(mx)
pr = getPropAt (tList, ps)
va = getAt (tList, ps)
addProp rList, pr, va
deleteAt tList, ps
mx = count (tList)
end repeat
end if
return rList
on removeDuplicates aLinearList
-- searches through a linear list
-- returns the list without any duplicates
if ilk (aLinearList) = #list then
rList = []
mx = count (aLinearList)
repeat with i = 1 to mx
v = aLinearList[i]
if getOne(rList, v) = 0 then append rList, v
end repeat
return rList
else return aLinearList
on sortByValue propListToSort
-- sorts a property list firstly by value, then by property
pList = duplicate (propListToSort)
sort pList
mx = count (pList)
rList = [:]
vList = []
repeat with valPos = 1 to mx
v = pList[valPos]
if getOne (vList, v) = 0 then append vList, v
end repeat
sort vList
mx2 = count (vList)
repeat with sortedValPos = mx2 down to 1
thisV = vList[sortedValPos]
repeat with valPos = 1 to mx
v = pList[valPos]
if v = thisV then addProp rList, getPropAt (pList, valPos), v
end repeat
end repeat
return rList
on listContains aList, aStr
-- searchs through a linear list looking for entries that
-- contain the specified str. returns 0 if found
set mx = count (aList)
repeat with j = 1 to mx
if aList[j] contains aStr then return 0
end repeat
return -1
on filterList sList, filterStr
-- searchs through a linear list looking for entries that
-- contain the filterStr
rList = []
mx = count (sList)
repeat with j = 1 to mx
fName = sList[j]
if fName contains filterStr then append rList, fName
end repeat
return rList