Note that this is 3 parts. A movie script a frame script, and a behavior.
on PopUpField SpriteNum,PopUpLineHandlers,PopUpLineShow
----- By Christof Daetwyler 1996
-- Parameters:
-- SpriteNum: The SpriteNum of the field that we use as 'PopUp'
-- PopUpLineShow: Text that has to be shown by the PopUp
-- PopUpLineHandlers: Text where each line includes the handler
-- according to the lines shown in the popUp
global gLinks
put PopUpLineHandlers into gLinks
put 0 into gHilitePop
-- Pop the menu up at the click location.
put clickHV() into clickHV
put value(item 1 of clickHV) into clickH
put value(item 2 of clickHV) into clickV
set the visible of sprite SpriteNum to false
put PopLineShow into field (the name of member(the memberNum of sprite SpriteNum))
PopUpMakeSmall SpriteNum, clickH, clickV
set the visible of sprite SpriteNum to true
on PopUpMakeSmall SpriteNum,ClickH,ClickV
----- By Christof Daetwyler 1996
-- This script makes a text-Field as width as the longest line
-- and sets it at the location specified with ClickH, ClickV
-- The TextField MemberName should have a line and a shadow of 1 Pixel
set the puppet of sprite SpriteNum to true
put (the name of member(the memberNum of sprite SpriteNum)) into MemberName
-- First, we have to find out, what line is the longest
-- And how many characters are there until its end
-- To use the Director 5 - lingo - Command
put field memberName into inhalt
put inhalt & return into inhaltX
put 0 into X1
put 0 into X2
put 0 into X3
repeat with t = 1 to the number of lines of inhalt
put offset(numToChar(13),inhaltX) into X1
delete char 1 to X1 of inhaltX
put X1 + X2 into X2
if X1 > X3 then
put x1 into X3
put X2 into CharNumLongestLine
put X1 into CharCountLongestLine
end if
end repeat
put inhalt into field MemberName
put ClickV into CV
-- if the bottom of the PopUp-Field reaches the bottom of the stage, it has to be moved up
-- probably you find a better solution - let me know
put (the lineHeight of field MemberName) * (the number of lines of field MemberName) into HS
set the height of sprite SpriteNum to HS
if CV + HS > 480 then
put 480 - HS into CV
end if
set the locV of sprite SpriteNum to CV
set the locH of sprite SpriteNum to ClickH
put the locH of sprite SpriteNum into x1
-- first, the PopUp becomes as width as possible -> later we'll shrink it
-- we use undocomented Lingo, because it's the only way to do it:
set the rect of member memberName = rect(0,0,640,20)
put string(charPosToLoc(member memberName,CharNumLongestLine)) into PointString
put word 1 of PointString into PointString
delete char 1 to 6 of PointString
put Value(PointString) + x1 + 4 into x2
put the locV of sprite SpriteNum - 2 into y1
put the height of sprite SpriteNum + y1 + 6 into y2
-- then, when we know how with the longest line is, we shrink to that rects:
set the rect of member memberName = rect(x1,y1,x2,y2)
on PopUpLineHilite Nr, SpriteNum
-- this script hilites line 'Nr' of Text-sprite SpriteNum
put 0 into start
put (the name of member(the memberNum of sprite SpriteNum)) into Name
repeat with t = 1 to Nr - 1
put length(line t of field Name) + start + 1 into start
end repeat
set Start to start + 1
set End to start + (length(line (Nr) of field Name))
hilite char Start to End of field Name
on PopUpsHide
global gHilitePop
put 0 into gHilitePop
set the visible of sprite 47 to 0
on clickHV
put string (the clickLoc) into clickHV
delete char 1 to 6 of clickHV
delete char (the number of chars of clickHV) of clickHV
return clickHV
on exitFrame
global gHilitePop
-- In this case, the PopUp is Sprite Nr. 47
if rollover(47) AND (the mouseDown = 1) then
-- The mouse is over the PopUp Field
-- Now the corresponding line has to be hilited
put the mouseLine into mL
put the mouseChar into mC
if mL <> gHilitePop AND mL > 0 then
PopUpLineHilite mL,47
put mL into gHilitePop
end if
if (the visible of sprite 47 = 1) then
if (the mouseUp = 1) then
-- The mouse was pressed over the PopUp-Field,
-- but now it has been moved away from it and has been released
set the hilite of field (the name of member(the memberNum of sprite 47)) to false
put 0 into gHilitePop
end if
end if
end if
go to the frame
on mouseUp
global gLinks
PopUpLineHilite (the mouseLine),47
do line (the mouseLine) of gLinks
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263