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Behavior PopUp Menu

Added on 6/10/1999


behavior D6_5 Mac PC

This item has not yet been rated

Author: RettCrocker

This behavior turns any text field into a popup menu.

--There are four options...
--1. The item list: A list of the lines in the popup menu.
--2. Function to call: This is the function called when an item in the popup menu is selected.  The number of the
line selected is passed to the function specified.
--3. The direction: This specifies the direction the menu will pop.  Auto pops in the direction most appropriate to the position of the currently selected item in the list.
--4. The number of flashes: This specifies the number of flashes you will see when an item is selected.  In the MacOS the default is 3 so that is the default here as well.
--Code by Rett Crocker 1997
--If you use this code I would appreciate a mention in the
--credits.  Enjoy.
property pItemList, pEventToCall, pDirection, pSelectFlash
property pSprite, pField, pSwitchField, pLocV, pCurrent
property pFullField, pLastML, pDown

on beginSprite me
  set pSprite = the spriteNum of me
  set pField = the memberNum of sprite pSprite
  set pLocV = the locV of sprite pSprite
  set pFullField = ""
  set lDelim = the itemDelimiter
  set the itemDelimiter = ","
  set lText = pItemList
  set pItemList = []
  set lNoItems = the number of items of lText
  repeat with x = 1 to lNoItems
    set lCurrItem = (item x of lText)
    setAt(pItemList, x, lCurrItem)
    put lCurrItem & RETURN after pFullField
  end repeat
  delete line (the number of lines of pFullField) of pFullField
  set pCurrent = line 1 of pFullField
  put pCurrent into field pField
  set pDown = 0

on mouseDown me
  set pLastML = 0
  set pDown = 1
  set pSwitchField = findEmpty(member 1)
  duplicate member pField, pSwitchField
  put pFullField into field pSwitchField
  case pDirection of
      set lLine = getPos(pItemList, pCurrent)
      set lLineHeight = the lineHeight of member pField
      set lV = (the locV of sprite pSprite) - ((lLine - 1) * lLineHeight)
      set the locV of sprite pSprite = lV
      set the memberNum of sprite pSprite = pSwitchField
      set lNoLines = the number of lines of pFullField
      set lLineHeight = the lineHeight of member pField
      set lDiff = (lNoLines - 1) * lLineHeight
      set lV = (the locV of sprite pSprite) - lDiff
      set the locV of sprite pSprite = lV
      set the memberNum of sprite pSprite = pSwitchField
      set the memberNum of sprite pSprite = pSwitchField
  end case

on mouseWithin me
  if pDown = 1 then
    set lML = the mouseLine
    if lML > 0 then
      if lML <> pLastML then
        hilite line lML of field pSwitchField
        set pLastML = lML
      end if
    end if
  end if

on mouseUp me
  if pLastML > 0 then
    set pCurrent = line pLastML of field pSwitchField
    if pSelectFlash > 0 then
      set lUnHiliteLine = ((the number of lines of field pSwitchField) + 1)
      hilite line lUnHiliteLine of field pSwitchField
      repeat with x = 1 to pSelectFlash
        hilite line pLastML of field pSwitchField
        hilite line lUnHiliteLine of field pSwitchField
      end repeat
    end if
    set lString = pEventToCall & SPACE & pLastML
    do lString
  end if
  set pDown = 0
  put pCurrent into field pField
  set the locV of sprite pSprite = pLocV
  set the memberNum of sprite pSprite = pField
  erase member pSwitchField

on mouseUpOutside me
  set pDown = 0
  put pCurrent into field pField
  set the locV of sprite pSprite = pLocV
  set the memberNum of sprite pSprite = pField
  erase member pSwitchField

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  set description = [:]
  addProp description,#pItemList,[#default:"",#format:#string,#comment:"Items in menu (put a comma between each item):"]
  addProp description,#pEventToCall,[#default:"",#format:#string,#comment:"Function to call:"]
  addProp description,#pDirection,[#default:#auto,#format:#symbol,#comment:"Pop direction:", #range:[#auto, #down, #up]]
  addProp description,#pSelectFlash,[#default:3,#format:#integer,#comment:"Number of flashes on select:"]
  return description

on getBehaviorDescription
  set lLine01 = " Pop Behavior:" & RETURN
  set lLine02 = " This behavior turns any text field into a popup menu." & RETURN
  set lLine03 = " There are four options..." & RETURN
  set lLine04 = " 1. The item list: A list of the lines in the popup menu." & RETURN
  set lLine05 = " 2. Function to call: This is the function called when an" & RETURN
  set lLine06 = " item in the popup menu is selected.  The number of the" & RETURN
  set lLine07 = " line selected is passed to the function specified." & RETURN
  set lLine08 = " 3. The direction: This specifies the direction the menu" & RETURN
  set lLine09 = " will pop.  Auto pops in the direction most appropriate" & RETURN
  set lLine10 = " to the position of the currently selected item in the list." & RETURN
  set lLine11 = " 4. The number of flashes: This specifies the number of" & RETURN
  set lLine12 = " flashes you will see when an item is selected.  In the" & RETURN
  set lLine13 = " MacOS the default is 3 so that is the default here as well." & RETURN
  set lLine14 = "----------------------------" & RETURN
  set lLine15 = " Code by Rett Crocker 1997" & RETURN
  set lLine16 = " If you use this code I would appreciate a mention in the" & RETURN
  set lLine17 = " credits.  Enjoy." & RETURN
  set lLine18 = "----------------------------" & RETURN
  return lLine01 & lLine02 & lLine03 & lLine04 & lLine05 & lLine06 & lLine07 & lLine08 & lLine09 & lLine10 & lLine11 & lLine12 & lLine13 & lLine14 & lLine15 & lLine16 & lLine17 & lLine18



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