Dialogs Xtra displays Open and Save file dialogs, enabling you to prompt the user for a file path in applications that read from or write to the hard drive.
Price: $99
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Dialogs Xtra displays Open and Save file dialogs, enabling you to prompt the user for a file path in applications that read from or write to the hard drive. Although the FileIO Xtra that comes bundled with Director includes similar capabilities, Dialogs Xtra offers the following features not found in the FileIO Xtra:
Can prompt the user for a folder instead of a file
Creates a dialog that can't disappear behind the stage window (D5 FileIO problem)
Can open the dialog to a particular directory (Mac only)
Appends the filetype extension associated with the user's chosen file type in a SaveAs dialog (Win only)
Comes with clear documentation for each function, which you can view online from the link below
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