ActiveX Web controler
Added on 6/18/1999
Drop this one on your Web ActiveX control, the buttons and the entry field. The rest should be pretty easy. Be sure to put it in any frame after frame 1. If it is placed in frame 1 (especially in authoring) it may not respond and may return errors.
--Copyright 1999 Chuck Neal
--If you find this code helpful, send me an e-mail and let me know. :-)
property initialURl, spriteNum, command, whenGo, browserSprite
on getPropertydescriptionList me
p_list = [:]
if (sprite the currentSpriteNum).member.type = #activeX then
addProp p_list, #initialURL, [#format : #string, #default : "www.mediamacros.com", #comment : "Default URL"]
else if (sprite the currentSpriteNum).member.type = #field then
addProp p_list, #whenGo, [#format : #symbol, #comment : "When to browse to new URL?", #default : #EnterKey, #range : [#EnterKey, #TabKey, #Both]]
addProp p_list, #command, [#format : #symbol, #comment : "What Button is this?", #default : #Back, #range : [#Forward, #Back, #StopAction, #Search, #Home, #refresh]]
end if
return p_list
on beginSprite me
if (sprite spriteNum).member.type = #activeX then
navigate((sprite spriteNum), initialURl)
sendAllSprites(#IAmBrowser, spriteNum)
end if
on mouseUp me
if (sprite spriteNum).member.type = #activeX then
else if (sprite spriteNum).member.type = #field then
-- (sprite spriteNum).hilite = true
case command of
#Back : goBack(sprite browserSprite)
#Forward : goForward(sprite browserSprite)
#StopAction : stop(sprite browserSprite)
#Search : goSearch(sprite browserSprite)
#Home : goHome(sprite browserSprite)
#Refresh : refresh(sprite browserSprite)
end case
end if
on keyDown me
if (sprite spriteNum).member.type = #field then
if the key = RETURN then
if whenGo = #EnterKey or whenGO = #both then
navigate(sprite browserSprite, (sprite spriteNum).member.text)
end if
else if the key = tab then
if whenGo = #TabKey or whenGO = #both then
navigate(sprite browserSprite, (sprite spriteNum).member.text)
end if
end if
end if
on IAmBrowser me, whatSprite
put whatSprite
browserSprite = whatSprite
on getBehaviorDescription me
describe = "Place this behavior on your Internet Explorer activeX sprite and on all your buttons and the URL field. Make sure that all start on the same frame and that the Web ActiveX sprite is after (larger sprite number) than the buttons. That"s all there is to it."