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Behavior Select From DropDown List

Added on 6/10/1999


behavior D6_5 Mac PC

This item has not yet been rated

Author: TonyBray

A behaviour to display a list of items, automatically select a pre-deterimed item from the list and then display the selection in another field. This program runs automatically as it is used for a demonstration.

--Could change the enterFrame to be mouseEnter and include a mouseUp handler to allow the user to make the selection.
--Drag onto the field sprite that will display the selection. pDisplayFld = the field in which the final selection is displayed. pListFld = the cast member containing the list of items to select from. pHilite = the line number of the selection. Ensures that the item is highlighted to  show the user which item has been selected.
property  pDisplayFld, pListFld,pHiliteLine

-- EnterFrame changes the dropdown list to reflect the required text.
-- field "empty list" is the field that is used to display the list.
-- the list of items is put into this field.
on enterFrame me
  put field ( the pListFld of me) into field "empty list"
  -- wait so that the list is displayed for a short period before the
  -- selection is highlighted
  waitLst 30
  hilite line pHiliteLine of field "empty list"
  -- wait so that selection is displayed for a short period before the
  -- selection is put into the dispaly field.
  waitLst 60
  put line pHiliteLine of field "empty list" into field (the pDisplayFld of me)

-- make sure that the fields are empty so that nothing is "left over" from a previous call.
on beginSprite me
  put " " into field "empty list"
  put " " into field (the pDisplayFld of me)

-- waitLst just pauses the movie for the time howlong.
ON waitLst howlong
  repeat while the timer < howlong
  end repeat
END waitLst

on getPropertyDescriptionList
  if the currentspritenum <> 0 then
    -- these variables ensure that the appropriate fields are
    -- displayed in the dialogue box. Ensures that you are "close" to the
    -- required fields, which helps when you have a long list of fields to select from.
    -- You can still select a different set of fields if required.
    set myMemref = the member of sprite the currentspritenum
    set myDisplayFld = the name of member myMemref
    set myFstWord = word 1 of myDisplayFld
    set myListFld =  member (myFstWord && "menu")
    set p_list = [:]
    addProp p_list,#pListFld,[ #comment:"Select field containing the list.",#format:#field, #default: myListFld ]
    addprop p_list,#pDisplayFld,[ #comment:"Select field to display selection.", #format:#field, #default: myDisplayFld ]
    addprop p_list,#pHiliteLine,[ #comment:"Enter the line number for the hilite.", #format:#integer, #default:2 ]
    put p_list
    return p_list
  end if

on getBehaviorDescription
  return ¬
            "Select a list of items and the field to display the selection in." & RETURN & ¬
            "PARAMETERS:" & RETURN & ¬
            "• List field - Select the field containing a list of items to be selected from."& RETURN & ¬
            "• Display field  - Select the field that will display the result of the selection from the list of items."&RETURN&¬
            "• Line number - Enter the number of the line in the selection list to be hilited."



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