I developed this MP3 project in my spare time as a way to learn more about Lingo and it evolved into a full blown player so I decided to make the project file available. http://www.lingodude.com/ MP3 player featuring the asFFT Xtra. The complete project is available as fully commented source code with in the dir file. The player has many features and is patterned after Winamp. It features a Pitch control to vary the speed up to 4x and slow down to .25x. The main reason for the pitch control was so guitar players could slow down a song to half speed to help learn guitar parts. It also has the usual volume, pan, progress bar and transport controls. Songs can be played or paused with the space bar as well as next/previous song can be played with the left and right arrow keys as well as the program buttons. You can load as many songs as you want by selecting the Directory and it will load all the songs in the directory. You can load as many Directories in as you like. You can also Save and Load playlists. The song title will scroll by default just click on the song title to make it stationary and click again to start scrolling. Download the FREE player, Mac or PC, from: http://www.lingodude.com/