Thanks to Alex da Franca for releasing these scripts to the world.
Here are some scripts which enable you to mimic a basic hierachical listview in a single bitmap sprite in director.
Due to the use of imaging lingo, which simply rocks, you only need a single sprite to display and interact with the list.
Since the output is a single bitmap it can also be used in a 3-D sprite as texture for an overlay.
The appearance can be adjusted completely to fit your needs. Parameters like, fontface, -size, -colors for normal, highlight and selected states etc. can be freely defined. It can also use an image object as background, so that it can be kind of textured, or even, if you grab the stage image underneath, mimic background transparent ink, while preserving its scrolling speed.
Opening and closing nodes can optionally be animated.
Multiple selection by SHIFT clicking and open/close all folder with the ALT key is also provided.
No xtra is needed so that it is x-platform and looks the same on all platforms (except the standard director xtras of course).
In the following example dcr some of the properties, which can be set, are settable at runtime. (be careful with that font menu, depending on the number of installed fonts it may take a while to appear the first time... :-(