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Behavior Start Menu(xml)

Added on 10/17/2002


behavior D8 D8_5 D9 Mac PC Shockwave

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Author: Roti (website)

Start Menu(xml) This is a tree structured menu behavior. The whole menu itself comes from the makeList() function of the XMLParser xtra this will be the 'Start Menu' itself. Then the menu will be presented by field castmembers. The depth of the structure isn't limited, just the screensize does that. You don't need sprites, just field members. You can use the myParent property to track back the attributes of the tree. The return function will have the number of the clicked line, the attributes of the menuitem, the parent menuitem's attributes, and the whole submenu too. What will you need: - You have to make a cast named 'menu' and place field castmembers there, as many as you will need from number 1. - If you want a bitmap to be the background of the menus, name it 'background', and put it to the 'menu' cast, anywhere! - You must have a 'startmenu_element_clicked' global function, because it will be called, when a menuelem clicked. - A text or field castmember, that holds the menu structure. This member's text comes from the makeList() function of the XMLParser xtra. (So the simplest thing is to make the menu in xml, and use the XMLPArser Xtra to have the list.)

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-- Start menu ; 2004.01.x
-- Author: Roti ;
-- Copyright (C)

-- 2004.01.
-- new property myMinwidth -- the minimum width of the menu and submenus
-- new property mySubmenuloc -- where should the submenu appears, at the top, or beside the selected row

on getBehaviorDescription me
  return "Start Menu"&RETURN&RETURN&"This is a tree structured menu behavior. The whole menu itself comes from the makeList() function of the XMLParser xtra this will be the 'Start Menu' itself. Then the menu will be presented by field castmembers. The depth of the structure isn't limited, just the screensize does that. You don't need sprites, just field members. You can use the myParent property to track back the attributes of the tree. The return function will have the number of the clicked line, the attributes of the menuitem, the parent menuitem's attributes, the whole submenu with just the QUOTEnameQUOTE attributes, the whole submenu, and the clicked linenumber in the xml." & RETURN & RETURN & "What will you need:"&RETURN&"- You have to make a cast named 'menu' and place field castmembers there, as many as you will need from number 1."&RETURN&"- If you want a bitmap to be the background of the menus, name it 'background', and put it to the 'menu' cast, anywhere!"&RETURN&"- You must have a 'startmenu_element_clicked' global function, because it will be called, when a menuelem clicked."&RETURN&"- A text or field castmember, that holds the menu structure. This member's text comes from the makeList() function of the XMLParser xtra."&RETURN&"    (So the simplest thing is to make the menu in xml, and use the XMLPArser Xtra to have the list.)"
end getBehaviorDescription

on getBehaviorTooltip me
  return "Use this behavior to make a Start Menu"
end getBehaviorTooltip

property mySprite -- my spritenumber
property myList -- The list, which comes from the makeList() function of the XMLParser xtra
-- it can be set from script, or can come from a text member; if it is empty, than nothing happens
property myAttrib -- which property of the list contains the names of the menuitems
-- if it is empty, than nothing happens, because the handler needs to know the attribute name,
-- which holds the name of the menuitem
property myDefbg -- the background color of the unselected menu
property myDeffg -- the color of the unselected text
property myFontsize -- the size of the text (should be an odd number because of Director's bug)
property myWidth  -- the width of the menutiems
property myLocz -- the locz of the menu
property myFreesprite -- this is the sprite which presents the next menu
property myParent -- the parent sprite number
property mySub -- this is the deep
property myLine_ -- store the hilited line, to send mousedown if needed
property myDelay -- this is the delay to show the menu
property MyXmlLine -- store the clciked xml line
property myBlend -- this is the blend of the background of the menuitem, is exist
property myHilite -- is the hilite enabled? Yes=Void

-- 2004.01.
property myMinwidth -- the minimum width of the menu and submenus
property mySubmenuloc -- where should the submenu appears, at the top, or beside the selected row

on beginsprite me
  -- Handle the tree type
  case ilk(myList) of
    #string:-- if it is a string
    #member:-- if it is the member, which holds the string
  end case
  -- Handle, if we put the behavior by hand
  if mySprite=Void then
    mySprite = me.spriteNum
  end if

on mouseWithin me
  if mySub<2 then
  end if
  myLine=the mouseline
  if myLine<>-1 and mySprite<>Void and myHilite=Void then -- hiliting the appropriate line
    repeat with i = 1 to myLine-1-- It is needed to hilite the lines properly
    end repeat
  end if
  if myLine_<>myLine and mySub then -- if we change the hilited line with the mouse
    -- Use a delay if we aren't at the end
    if the timer>myDelay-5 and the timer      the timer=myDelay+5
      -- First check whether to hide submenus
      if myLine=-1 then
        myLine_=myLine -- store the hilited line
        --        abort
      end if
      mousedown(me,the mouseline) -- open the menus
    end if
  end if
  myLine_=myLine -- store the hilited line
end mouseWithin

on rightmousedown me
  mousedown(me,the mouseline)

on mousedown me,myLine
  -- close my submenu, if it is visible
  if myFreesprite<>Void then
    if sprite(myFreesprite).visible=true then
    end if
  end if
  -- store the mousecharacter
  mc=the mousechar
  -- The menu, which opened the menus, can close all
  if mySub=1 or mySub=Void then -- if we have children
  end if
  -- Prevent quick mouse motions
  if myLine=Void then
    myLine=the mouseline
  end if
  -- Prevent, if we have another field behind the menu
  if sprite(mySprite).member.type=#field then
    if the number of lines in sprite(mySprite).member.text      abort
    end if
  end if
  myMousedown=the mousedown
  if myMousedown=0 then
    myMousedown=the rightMouseDown
  end if
  -- Check the mouse
  if myLine<1 or mySub=Void then
    if mySub>2 then
      exit -- if the mouse ran away on some submenu
      myLine=0 -- if this is the first menu, we will use the whole tree
    end if
  end if
  -- Check the unwanted mouse triggers
  if myList=Void then -- if we caught some mouse trigger, but we don't have the list, exit
  end if
  -- Check if we reached the end of the submenus
  if myList.count>1 and myLine+1<=myList.count then
    if myList[myLine+1].count =1 then -- if there aren't any submenu, then return the attributes
      -- The attributes of the menuitem, and the parent's attributes
      if myMousedown then
        -- tempmylist is a list, where only the myAttrib attributes presented
        repeat with i=2 to tempmylist.count
          if tempmylist[i][1][myAttrib]=Void then
          end if
        end repeat
        -- Here you can add further variables to pass ..........
        startmenu_element_clicked(myLine,myList[myLine+1][1],myList[1],myList,tempmylist,sprite(myParent).MyXmlLine[myLine],the rightMouseDown)
      end if
    end if
  end if
  -- Search for the next free sprite for the submenu, if needed
  if myFreesprite=Void then -- search for the first free sprite from the given locz to +50
    repeat with myFreesprite = myLocz to myLocz+50
      if sprite(myFreesprite).type=0 then
        exit repeat
      end if
    end repeat
    -- if there aren't any free sprite
    if myFreesprite=myLocz+50 then
      alert "I can't find an empty sprite! from "&myLocz&" to "&myLocz+50&"!"
    end if
  end if
  if sprite(myFreesprite).visible=true and sprite(myFreesprite).type<>0 and sprite(myFreesprite).member<>member(0,0) then
  end if
  -- Check, which part of the menu should we use
  if myParent then
    thelist=myList[1][2] -- if it is the first submenu
  end if
  -- Check if this is the first menu
  if mySub=Void then
  end if
  -- myFreesprite holds the first free sprite
  sprite(myFreesprite).type=16 -- set the type of the sprite
  sprite(myFreesprite).forecolor=255 -- set the forecolor of the sprite
  repeat with i = 1 to thelist.count-1 -- fill the member with the text
    if thelist[i+1][1][myAttrib]<>Void then
      myXmlLine.add(i) -- store the clicked xml line
    end if
  end repeat
  delete the last char of MenuText
  if member(mySub,"menu").type=#empty then
    alert "You don't have enough field members in the QUOTEmenuQUOTE cast!"
  end if
  member(mySub,"menu").text=MenuText -- use the next submenu's member
  if MenuText="" then
  end if
  -- Check if it hasn't got this behavior
  if sprite(myFreesprite).scriptInstanceList.getone("StartMenu")=0 then
  end if
  -- the submenus inherit the main properties
  -- Set the width of the field
  -- calculate the new width, using picture object on the fly
  repeat with ciklus = 1 to 100
    if member(ciklus).type=#empty then
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  new(#text, member(ciklus))
  the itemdelimiter=","
  repeat with i=1 to the number of items in myStyle
    myNewStyle=myNewStyle&"#"&(item i of myStyle)&","
  end repeat
  delete the last item of myNewStyle
  new(#bitmap, member(ciklus))
  newwidth=member(ciklus).width+member(mySub,"menu").border+member(mySub,"menu").margin -- this is the width
  if newwidth    
    if myMinwidth=Void then
    end if
    if newwidth      sprite(myFreesprite).member.rect=rect(0,0,myMinwidth,0)
    end if
  end if
  -- Check, where to set the menuitem
  t=the number of lines in MenuText
  if mySub=1 then -- if it is the first menu
    if mySubmenuloc="beside" then -- put it beside
    else -- put it to the top
    end if
  end if
  -- Check if the submenu hits the bottom
  if sprite(myFreesprite).bottom>(the stageBottom-the stagetop)-20 then
    sprite(myFreesprite).loc=point(sprite(mySprite).right+2,((the stageBottom-the stagetop)-sprite(myFreesprite).member.height)-10)
  end if  
  -- Check if the submenu hits the left side
  if sprite(myFreesprite).left<0 then
  end if    
  -- Use background if we have
  if member("background","menu").type<>#empty then
  end if
  if myParent<>Void then
    repeat with i = 1 to myLine-1-- It is needed to hilite the lines properly
    end repeat
  end if
  -- Clear the unwanted selections
  numofchars=the number of chars in MenuText

on closemenu -- close the submenus
  if myFreesprite then
    if sprite(myFreesprite).visible=true and string(sprite(myFreesprite).scriptinstancelist) contains "StartMenu" then -- and sprite(myFreesprite).member<>member(0,0) then -- sprite(myFreesprite).type<>0
      if sprite(myFreesprite+1).member.type=#bitmap then
      end if
    end if
  end if

on isOKToAttach (me, aSpriteType)
  case aSpriteType of
      return FALSE
  end case

on getPropertyDescriptionList
  if the currentSpriteNum = 0 then exit
  return [ #myList: [#comment: "Display which member's structure on rollover?",  #format:  #text,  #default:  ""],  #myAttrib: [#comment: "which property of the list contains the name of the menuitem",  #format:  #string,  #default:"name" ],  #myDefbg:  [#comment: "the default background color of the menu",   #format:  #integer,   #default: 255 ],  #myDeffg : [#comment: "the default color of the text",  #format:  #integer,  #default: 0 ], #myLocz: [#comment: "the locz of the menu",  #format:  #integer,  #default: 50 ],  #myWidth: [#comment: "the width of the menuitems", #format:  #integer,   #default: 150 ],  #myDelay: [#comment: "the delay to show the menu",  #format:  #integer,  #default: 20 ], #myFontsize: [#comment: "the size of the text",  #format:  #integer,  #default: 17], #myBlend: [#comment: "the blend of the menuitems backgruond image",  #format:  #integer, #range: [#min:0, #max:100]] , #myMinwidth: [#comment: "the minimum width of the menu and submenus",  #format:  #integer, #range: [#min:10, #max:800], default:10] , #mySubmenuloc: [#comment: "where should the submenu appears, at the top, or beside the selected row",  #format:  #string, #range: ["top", "beside"], default:"top"]]
end getPropertyDescriptionList



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