Simatrix Menu
Added on 7/8/2001
Click and hold to drop down the menu, then select the voice you want. Double-click everywhere to move the whole menu.
Download PC Source
-- the menu voices follow the double_click and slow down
-- 01/07/2001
-- simatrix@libero.it www.baboni.com
-- example shocked movie at http://www.baboni.com/simatrixMenu/simatrixMenu.htm
-- Instructions: drop the "Simatrix Menu behavior" to the Menu Label sprite.
-- Put the other 3 voices in the right order in the channels below.
-- If you want a rollover effect on the Menu Label:
-- dispose a rollover member in the slot
-- after the one that contains the Menu Label.
-- If you do not want a rollover effect on the Menu Label:
-- delete the lines of code in the mouseEnter and mouseLeave handler
-- For the voices of the menu attach them the behaviors you want,
-- such as "rollover member change" of the behavior library/animation/interactive
-- and any other navigation behaviors.
property my, myMember, myMemberRollover
property ptempo
property Voice01, voice02, voice03
Property over
on beginSprite me
my = sprite(me.spriteNum)
voice01 = sprite(me.SpriteNum - 1)
voice02 = sprite(me.SpriteNum - 2)
voice03 = sprite(me.SpriteNum - 3)
pTempo = 10
-- delete the next 2 line of code if you do not want a rollover effect
myMember = (sprite me.spriteNum).member
myMemberRollover = member(myMember.number + 1)
on mouseEnter me
-- delete the next line of code if you do not want a rollover effect
(sprite my).member = myMemberRollover
on mouseLeave me
-- delete the next line of code if you do not want a rollover effect
(sprite my).member = myMember
on mouseDOwn me
over = 1
on mouseUp me
over = 2
on mouseUpOutside me
over = 2
on exitFrame me
if the doubleClick then
over = 3
my.loc = my.loc
end if
case over of
1: menuDown
2: menuUp
3: start
end case
on start
---- The Menu Label goes to the double-click point ----
CurrentLoc = my.loc
speed = ( the clickLoc - currentLoc)/ptempo/0.5
my.loc = my.loc + speed
---- First Voice follows the Menu Label ----
voice01Loc = voice01.loc
speed01 = (the clickLoc - voice01loc)/ptempo*0.6
voice01.loc = voice01.loc + speed01
---- Second Voice follows the first one ----
pLag = (random(2) + 1) * .1
voice02loc = voice02.loc
diff02 = (voice01loc - voice02loc)
voice02.loc = voice02loc + diff02 *pLag
---- Third Voice follows the second one ----
voice03loc = voice03.loc
diff03 = (voice02loc - voice03loc)
voice03.loc = voice03loc + diff03 *pLag
on menuDown
-- vertical distance between the voices
distance = 22 -- change this value if needed
---------------- voice 01 goes down ---------
if voice01.locV < my.locV + distance then
voice01.locV = voice01.locV + pTempo*0.5
end if
if voice02.locV < voice01.locV + distance then
voice02.locV = voice02.locV + pTempo*0.4
end if
if voice03.locV < voice02.locV + distance then
voice03.locV = voice03.locV + pTempo*0.3
end if
on menuUp
---------------- voice 01 goes up ---------
if voice01.locH > my.locH then
voice01.locH = voice01.locH - pTempo*0.4
end if
if voice01.locH < my.locH then
voice01.locH = voice01.locH + pTempo*0.4
end if
if voice01.locV > my.locV then
voice01.locV = voice01.locV - pTempo*0.5
end if
if voice01.locV < my.locV then
voice01.locV = voice01.locV + pTempo*0.5
end if
---------------- voice 02 goes up ---------
if voice02.locH > my.locH then
voice02.locH = voice02.locH - pTempo*0.4
end if
if voice02.locH < my.locH then
voice02.locH = voice02.locH + pTempo*0.4
end if
if voice02.locV > my.locV then
voice02.locV = voice02.locV - pTempo*0.4
end if
if voice02.locV < my.locV then
voice02.locV = voice02.locV + pTempo*0.4
end if
--------------- voice 03 goes up ---------
if voice03.locH > my.locH then
voice03.locH = voice03.locH - pTempo*0.4
end if
if voice03.locH < my.locH then
voice03.locH = voice03.locH + pTempo*0.4
end if
if voice03.locV > my.locV then
voice03.locV = voice03.locV - pTempo*0.3
end if
if voice03.locV < my.locV then
voice03.locV = voice03.locV + pTempo*0.3
end if