This utility handler is designed to make a list easier to read during development.
-- This utility was originally written by Jason Winshell in 1995
-- I have updated the handler to work without support Xtras or other functions being called
-- I've also optimized the string handling somewhat
-- Additionally, I added the ability to specify the delimiter for output
-- You can specify the delimiter between items (default to TAB)
-- Or you can specify the delimiter between lines (default to RETURN)
-- NOTE: If you use the " " (space) for the first and "\" (backslash) for the latter, you should be able to compile the output
-- The actual functionality is almost entirely untouched
-- Mark Castle, Castle Productions, May 2001
-- Example:
-- x = [#winken, #blinken, #nodd,[1,2,3,[#first:1,#second:2]]]
-- put ListToDisplayString( x )
on ListToDisplayString incomingList, fieldDelimiter, lineDelimiter
-- Create an empty string to contain the formatted display text
outputString = ""
listWalker = [0:0]
currList = incomingList
currListPos = 1
thisDepth = 0
-- Replace the field delimiter if necessary
if voidP( fieldDelimiter ) then
fieldDelimiter = TAB
end if
-- Replace the line delimiter if necessary
if voidP( lineDelimiter ) then
lineDelimiter = RETURN
end if
put "[" & lineDelimiter after outputString
repeat while listP(currList)
-- outside if test so we can use tabs in else clause
lineString = ""
repeat with depthCount = 0 to thisDepth
lineString = lineString & fieldDelimiter
end repeat
if currListPos <= count( currList ) then
if ilk( currList, #proplist ) then
prop = getPropAt( currList, currListPos )
if ilk( prop, #symbol ) then
put "#" & string( prop ) & " : " after lineString
else if ilk( prop, #string ) then
put QUOTE & string( prop ) & QUOTE & " : " after lineString
put lineString & string( prop ) & " : " after lineString
end if
end if
-- what kind of value
isListValue = FALSE
value = getAt( currList, currListPos )
if ilk( value, #proplist ) OR ilk( value, #linearList ) then
isListValue = TRUE
addProp( listWalker, currList, currListPos + 1 )
currList = value
currListPos = 1
thisDepth = thisDepth + 1
put "[" after lineString
else if ilk( value, #string ) then
put QUOTE & string( value ) & QUOTE after lineString
currListPos = currListPos + 1
else if ilk( value, #symbol ) then
put "#" & string( value ) after lineString
currListPos = currListPos + 1
put string( value ) after lineString
currListPos = currListPos + 1
end if
-- add comma if not last element in list
if currListPos <= count( currList ) AND not isListValue then
put "," after lineString
end if
put lineString & lineDelimiter after outputString
-- if the current list was a zero element property list
-- output a single ':'
-- pop back up
if ilk( currList, #proplist ) then
if count( currList) = 0 then
put " : " after lineString
put lineString & lineDelimiter after outputString
end if
end if
currList = getPropAt( listWalker, count( listWalker ) )
currListPos = getAt( listWalker, count( listWalker ) )
thisDepth = thisDepth - 1
lineString = ""
if thisDepth >= 0 then
deleteAt( listWalker, count( listWalker ) )
repeat with depthCount = 0 to thisDepth
put fieldDelimiter after lineString
end repeat
-- -- put "]" after lineString
-- add comma if not last element in list
if currListPos <= count( currList ) then
put "," after lineString
end if
put lineString & lineDelimiter after outputString
end if
end if
end repeat
put "]" & lineDelimiter after outputString
return outputString
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263