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Behavior Object Serializer

Added on 5/16/2001


D6_5 D7 D8 D8_5 Mac PC Script Shockwave

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Author: Markie (website)

This handler is used to convert an object (Parent script instance) into a property list. Any properties of the object which contain objects are recursively serialized. Great tool for sending information via MUS Xtra since objects aren't allowed.

-- This handler is used to create a property list out of an object
-- The object reference is traversed to create a property list with each property of the original object
on SerializeObject objectReference
  --  Ensure that the paramater is an object of some kind
  if not ( objectP( objectReference ) ) then
    --    Just return what was passed in if not an object
    return objectReference
  end if
  -- Create an empty property list
  newPropList = [:]
  -- See if the object is a list or not
  if ( listP( objectReference ) ) then
    -- It's a list, so check each element
    listCount = objectReference.count
    case ilk( objectReference ) of
        -- Linear list, so just iterate through each element and see if they're all not objects
        -- Create flag to tell if an object has been found
        objectFoundFlag = FALSE
        repeat with currentElement in objectReference
          if objectP( currentElement ) then
            -- An object was found, so the list has to be parsed each element separately
            objectFoundFlag = TRUE
            exit repeat
          end if
        end repeat
        if not ( objectFoundFlag = TRUE ) then
          -- No object was found in the list, so return the whole thing to the caller
          return objectReference
          -- Go thru each element since the entire list can't be returned
          repeat with currentIndex = 1 to listCount
            propValue = getAt( objectReference, currentIndex )
            if objectP( propValue ) then
              propValue = SerializeObject( propValue )
            end if
            propName = value( "#linearListElement_" & currentIndex )
            setaProp( newPropList, propName, propValue )
          end repeat
        end if
        -- Property list, so need to get each name-value pair
        repeat with currentIndex = 1 to listCount
          propValue = getAt( objectReference, currentIndex )
          if objectP( propValue ) then
            propValue = SerializeObject( propValue )
          end if
          propName = getPropAt( objectReference, currentIndex )
          setaProp( newPropList, propName, propValue )
        end repeat
    end case
    --    Make sure it's an instance or object that can be serialized
    if ( objectReference.ilk = #instance ) then
      -- It's an object and not a list so serialize it directly
      -- Determine how many properties there are
      totalProps = count( objectReference )
      -- Assign identical property values:
      repeat with i = 1 to totalProps
        -- Get the name of the current property
        propName = getPropAt( objectReference, i )
        -- Get the value for the property
        propValue = getaProp( objectReference, propName )
        if objectP( propValue ) then
          -- Serialize the value for the property
          propValue = SerializeObject( propValue )
        end if
        setaProp( newPropList, propName, propValue )
      end repeat
      -- This object can't be serialized, but it should be added with a note that it can't be
      setaProp( newPropList, #unSerializableObject, string( objectReference ) )
      -- Check for object instance
    end if
    -- Check for list
  end if
  return newPropList



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Newnan, GA 30263

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