Command Line Arguments, 3 State Buttons, and Limited Fields
Added on 12/20/1999
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This week instead of a long article, here are three short behaviors that I get a lot of requests for. Too small for a full article, but useful none the less.
First lets look at the command line question. I have had numerous
people ask if they could drop a "save" file on the projector's icon (like you
can with word or excel) and have that file load up. Well, there is an undocumented
feature in Director 7 (yes, another one) that will allow us to read the name of the file
or any arguments that are passed to the projector when it starts up. This example
reads a text "save" file but it can be modified to respond to various
"switches" or messages on startup. Remember that this is a windows only
structure, but a nice feature none the less.
--Copyright 1999 Chuck Neal
--If you find this code helpful, send me an e-mail and let me know. :-)
on checkString me
acceptedTypes = ["txt", "doc"]
theFile = the commandLine
theChars = theFile.char.count
if theFile <> "" and acceptedTypes.getOne(theFile.char[(theChars -
2)..theChars]) <> 0 then
--is a valid file dropped or clicked
myFile = new(xtra "fileIO")
openFile(myFile, theFile, 1)
theText = readFile(myFile)
return theText
end if
on getBehaviorDescription me
return "Call this handler to return the text of a file that started your
projector. Change the acceptedTypes list to the extensions you want to use. For more
advanced use you can use the file association script in the commercial Buddy API library
to allow saved files to be double clicked and start automatically."
The second common script I get a lot of requests for is a simple 3 state
button. Below is a script that allows for a simple button with rollover and click
states. Just add this to your button, pick the graphics, and go!
--Copyright 1999 Chuck Neal
--If you find this code helpful, send me an e-mail and let me know. :-)
on mouseEnter me
sprite(spriteNum).member = overState
on mouseLeave me
sprite(spriteNum).member = defaultState
on mouseDown me
sprite(spriteNum).member = clickState
on mouseUp me
sprite(spriteNum).member = overState
do whatDo
on mouseUpOutside me
sprite(spriteNum).member = defaultState
on getBehaviorDescription me
return "This is a standard 3 state button. Drop it on your sprites and select
the code to run on the mouseUp."
The last of this weeks 3 little scripts is a behavior that will limit a
users input in a field by number of letters and what characters are allowed. By
dropping this on an editable field it can filter its input to only allow the characters
you want in.
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
p_list = [:]
p_list.addProp(#maxText, [#format : #integer, #comment : "Max number of
allowed Characters:", #default : 20])
p_list.addProp(#allowedKeys, [#format : #string, #comment : "Keys to pass to
field (Leave blank for all):", #default :
p_list.addProp(#myWrap, [#format : #boolean, #comment : "Allow word
wrapping?", #default : 0])
return p_list
on beginSprite me
sprite(spriteNum).wordwrap = myWrap
on keyDown me
if allowedKeys contains the key and allowedKeys <> "" then
if sprite(spriteNum).text.char.count > maxText then
end if
else if allowedKeys = "" then
end if
on getBehaviorDescription me
describe = "This is a simple behavior for text and field members that does the
following..." & return
describe = describe & "Limit a field to certain Characters" &
return & "Limit a field to a certain NUMBER of characters" & "Turn
the word wrap on/off for the field"
Happy holidays, and happy coding.
As usual, you can also find all of these behaviors/scripts in the behavior database.
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263