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Behavior display TreeView

Added on 1/5/2001


behavior D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave

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Author: AlexandreGhez

A text bahavior to display TreeView data. Support multiple selection and Drag and drop

-- TreeView behavior 1.1 with Drag And Drop
-- Created by Alexandre GHEZ (
-- Visit my home page for full documentation and samples :

-- Variables for the Tree
property ma_Tree, mi_TreeIndex, ma_GhostTree, mi_LastSelectedLine, mi_LastDisplayedLine, mb_CurrentlyDragging
property mi_RolledLine, ms_TreeMember, mi_TreeSprite, mi_TreeDisplayedLength
property mi_TreeLength, mb_DropAllowed, mb_DropOnMe, mb_RollOutDone

-- Properties of the behavior
property ps_DragMember, pi_DragSprite, pa_DropTarget, ps_DropBehavior, ps_DataMember, pb_IsToggable,
property ps_RolloverMember, pi_LineHeight, ps_ScriptWhenClicked, pb_AllowDrag, pb_AllowDrop, ps_FontRender
property pb_Frame, pa_FrameSprite, ps_FrameMember, pb_Rollover, pi_RolloverSprite, pb_DisplayIcon, ps_FontRenderSelected
property pb_SelectMultiple, pb_DisplayChecked, pi_CursorOver, pi_CursorDown, pi_CursorStop, pi_CursorAction, pi_CursorDefault

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  la_BehaviorProperty = [:]
  -- Create the Tree information
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #ps_DataMember, [#comment: "Text data source",#default:false,format: #field]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #ps_ScriptWhenClicked, [#comment: "Lingo code when clicked ", format: #string,#default:""]
  -- Tree behavior--
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pb_IsToggable, [#comment: "Tree can be deployed / Contracted ", format: #boolean,#default:false]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pi_CursorAction, [#comment: "Cursor for toggle", format: #cursor,#default:280]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pb_SelectMultiple, [#comment: "Multiple selection enabled", format: #boolean,#default:true]
  -- Tree rendering
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pb_DisplayIcon, [#comment: "Display icons for file/folder", format: #boolean,#default:true]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pb_DisplayChecked, [#comment: "Check viewed items", format: #boolean,#default:true]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #ps_FontRender, [#comment: "Font used for display", format: #font,#default:0]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #ps_FontRenderSelected, [#comment: "Font used for selected", format: #font,#default:0]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pi_LineHeight, [#comment: "Line Height", format: #number,#default:16]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pi_CursorDefault, [#comment: "Default cursor", format: #cursor,#default:280]
  --- Parameters for the Drag
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pb_AllowDrag, [#comment: "Drag from the tree", format: #boolean,#default:false]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pi_CursorOver, [#comment: "Cursor when mouse is over", format: #cursor,#default:289]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pi_CursorDown, [#comment: "Cursor when mouse is down", format: #cursor,#default:290]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pi_CursorStop, [#comment: "Cursor when roll do not accept drop", format: #cursor,#default:291]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #ps_DragMember, [#comment: "Member filled by the selection", format: #text,#default:""]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pi_DragSprite, [#comment: "Sprite used by the drag selection", format: #sprite,#default:120]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pa_DropTarget, [#comment: "List of sprites that accept the drop from this la_TreeItem", format: #String,#default:"[]"]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #ps_DropBehavior, [#comment: "Behavior for the drop", format: #Symbol,#default:#move, range:[#move,#copy,#Check]]
  --Parameters for the drop
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pb_AllowDrop, [#comment: "Allow Dropped items", format: #boolean,#default:false]
  ---Hilight parameters
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pb_Frame, [#comment: "Has rect when selected", format: #boolean,#default:false]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pa_FrameSprite, [#comment: "Sprite rect ", format: #sprite,#default:20]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #ps_FrameMember, [#comment: "Rect member ", format: #member,#default:false]
  -- Rollover parameters
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pb_Rollover, [#comment: "Has Rollover", format: #boolean,#default:false]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #pi_RolloverSprite, [#comment: "Sprite for the rollover ", format: #sprite,#default:20]
  setaProp la_BehaviorProperty, #ps_RolloverMember, [#comment: "Bitmap for roll", format: #member,#default:false]
  return la_BehaviorProperty
end getPropertyDescriptionList

--- External API
On CreateFolder me, ls_Label
  -- Add a folder after the last selected line
  la_InsertInfo = GetInsertInfo(getLastSelectedItem())
  -- Reset Selection --
  Repeat with li_TreeIndex = 1 to mi_TreeLength
    ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].selected = 0
  End repeat
  la_Item = [#parent:true,#level:la_InsertInfo.level,#status:0,#label:ls_Label,#display:1,#selected:1,#viewed:0,#data:["",""]]
  AddAt ma_Tree, la_InsertInfo.position , la_Item
  mi_TreeLength = mi_TreeLength + 1
  if ps_ScriptWhenClicked <> "" then
    do ps_ScriptWhenClicked && la_Item
  end if
End CreateFolder

On RenameItem me, ls_Label
  li_Position = getLastSelectedItem("DontSkip")
  If li_Position Then
    ma_Tree[li_Position].label = ls_Label
  End If
End CreateFolder

On AddTreeItem me, ls_Label, la_Data
  -- Add a folder after the last selected line
  la_InsertInfo = GetInsertInfo(getLastSelectedItem())
  -- Reset Selection --
  Repeat with li_TreeIndex = 1 to mi_TreeLength
    ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].selected = 0
  End repeat
  la_Item  = [#parent:false,#level:la_InsertInfo.level,#status:0,#label:ls_Label,#display:1,#selected:1,#viewed:0,#data:la_Data]
  AddAt ma_Tree, la_InsertInfo.position, la_Item
  mi_TreeLength = mi_TreeLength + 1
  if ps_ScriptWhenClicked <> "" then
    do ps_ScriptWhenClicked && la_Item
  end if
End CreateFolder

On GetItemLabel me
  li_Position = getLastSelectedItem("DontSkip")
  If li_Position And li_Position <= mi_TreeLength Then
    Return ma_Tree[li_Position].label
    return ""
  End If
End GetItemLabel

On RollElement me, ls_Type
  -- Called when the mouse is over the Tree and the Tree accept Drop
  if not pb_AllowDrop Then
  End If
  If ls_Type = #Out Then
    If Not mb_RollOutDone  Then
      mi_RolledLine = 0
      mb_RollOutDone = True
      If mi_TreeIndex > 0 Then
        ma_tree[mi_TreeIndex].selected = 0
      Else  If mi_LastDisplayedLine > 0 Then
        ma_tree[mi_LastDisplayedLine].selected = 0
      End If
    End If
  End If
  mb_RollOutDone = False
  la_MousePosition = The mouseLoc
  li_RollLine = PointToLine(sprite mi_TreeSprite, la_MousePosition)
  li_RollChar = PointToChar(sprite mi_TreeSprite, la_MousePosition)
  lb_AfterTree  = False
  If li_RollLine <> mi_RolledLine Or li_RollLine = 1 Then
    mi_RolledLine = li_RollLine
    If li_RollChar <= mi_TreeDisplayedLength Then
      mi_TreeIndex = GetTreeItemPosition(li_RollLine)
      mi_TreeIndex = mi_LastDisplayedLine
      lb_AfterTree = True
    End If
    -- Reset the selection
    repeat with la_TreeItem in ma_Tree
      la_TreeItem.selected = 0
    End repeat
    -- If the item is a closed folder, we select it, otherwise, we underline the element
    If mb_DropAllowed then
      if mi_TreeIndex and (mi_TreeIndex <= mi_TreeLength) Then
        If ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].parent and Not ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].Status And Not lb_AfterTree Then
          ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].selected = 1
          ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].selected = 2
          --- If we are on the last line and she is underlined
          If  mi_TreeIndex = mi_LastDisplayedLine Then
            set lb_AfterTree = True
          End if
        End If
      End if
    End If
  End If
  If mb_DropAllowed Then
    set the cursor of sprite pi_DragSprite to pi_CursorDown
    set the cursor of sprite pi_DragSprite to pi_CursorStop
  end if
  -- If we are After the Tree, Reset the position
  If lb_AfterTree Then
    mi_TreeIndex = 0
  End If
End RollElement

On DropElement me, la_DroppedData
  -- Called when Drop occurs on the Tree
  if not pb_AllowDrop Then
  End If
  li_LevelShift = 0
  If mi_TreeIndex = 0 Then
    --- Drop after the Tree --
    mi_TreeIndex = mi_LastDisplayedLine
    lb_DeselectDrop = False
    If mi_TreeLength <> 0 Then
      -- If last item is a closed folder, we put it at the same level after his childs
      -- If last item is open folder, we put it just under the folder
      -- Il last item is a file, we append it after the file with the same level
      li_Level = ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].level
      lb_Selected = ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].Selected
      ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].Selected = 0
      If ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].parent And Not ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].status And lb_Selected = 2 Then
        li_LevelShift = 0
        ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].Selected = 1
        lb_DeselectDrop = True
        lb_MustDecrement = 1
        mi_TreeIndex = mi_TreeIndex + 1
        Repeat While (mi_TreeIndex <= mi_TreeLength)
          If (ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].level > li_Level) Then
            mi_TreeIndex = mi_TreeIndex + 1
            lb_MustDecrement = 1 --- Or 0 if it is a empty folder ???
            exit Repeat
          End If
        End Repeat
        mi_TreeIndex = mi_TreeIndex - lb_MustDecrement
        mi_TreeIndex = Min(mi_TreeIndex, mi_TreeLength)
      Else If ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].parent And ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].status Then
        -- One more shift
        li_LevelShift = li_LevelShift + 1
        -- No Shift
        li_LevelShift = 0
      End If
    End If
    -- Drop inside the Tree --
    If mi_TreeLength <> 0 Then
      li_Level = ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].level
      -- Reset the selection
      ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].selected = 0
      lb_DeselectDrop = False
      --- closed folder, Tree is appended
      if ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].parent and Not ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].status Then
        --- Drop inside a closed folder
        --- the closed folder will be the selection, the dropped data are deselected
        lb_DeselectDrop = True
        ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].selected = 1
        lb_MustDecrement = 1
        mi_TreeIndex = mi_TreeIndex + 1
        Repeat While (mi_TreeIndex <= mi_TreeLength)
          If (ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].level > li_Level) Then
            mi_TreeIndex = mi_TreeIndex + 1
            lb_MustDecrement = 1
            exit Repeat
          End If
        End Repeat
        mi_TreeIndex = mi_TreeIndex - lb_MustDecrement
        mi_TreeIndex = Min(mi_TreeIndex, mi_TreeLength)
        -- Save the Shift level of the last item of the childrens
        li_LevelShift = li_Level
        li_LevelShift = ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].level - Not ma_Tree[mi_TreeIndex].parent
      End If
      mi_TreeIndex = 0
      li_LevelShift = 0
    End If
  End If
  -- It's now time to add data to the Tree
  li_Insert_Index = mi_TreeIndex + 1
  la_DroppedData = Duplicate(la_DroppedData)
  Repeat with  la_TreeItem in la_DroppedData
    la_TreeItem.level = la_TreeItem.Level + li_LevelShift
    If lb_DeselectDrop Then
      la_TreeItem.selected = 0
    End If
    AddAt ma_Tree, li_Insert_Index, la_TreeItem
    li_Insert_Index = li_Insert_Index + 1
  End Repeat
  mi_RolledLine = 0
  mi_TreeLength = Count(Ma_Tree)
  return 1
End DropElement

on DrawItemFrame me,li_Line
  -- Frame the displayed line
  if li_Line > 0 then
    set ma_FrameRect=GetLineRect(li_Line)
    set ma_FrameRect=rect(-100,-100,-98,-98)
  end if
  if ma_FrameRect <> [] then
    set the rect of sprite pa_FrameSprite to ma_FrameRect
  end if
end DrawItemFrame

On CheckItem me,li_Line
  -- Check the displayed line
  li_TreeIndex = GetTreeItemPosition(li_Line)
  ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].viewed = 1
End CheckItem

On CloseTree lb_DontDisplay
  -- Close all folders
  Repeat With li_TreeIndex = 1 To mi_TreeLength
    ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].status = 0
  End Repeat
  If voidP(lb_DontDisplay) Then
  End If
End CloseTree

On OpenTree lb_DontDisplay
  -- Expand all folders
  Repeat With li_TreeIndex = 1 To mi_TreeLength
    ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].status = 1
  End Repeat
  If voidP(lb_DontDisplay) Then
  End If
End OpenTree

On ToggleItem me,li_Line
  -- Toggle Tree Folder
  li_TreeIndex = GetTreeItemPosition(li_Line)
  ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].status = Not (ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].status)
end ToggleItem

On ResetTree
  ---Close all folders, and change the selection to 0
  Repeat with la_TreeItem in Ma_Tree
    la_TreeItem.selected = 0
    la_TreeItem.status  = 0
  End repeat
End ResetTree

On SelectItem me,li_Line, lb_ForceEmpty
  -- Select the item
  If Not pb_SelectMultiple Then
    lb_ForceEmpty = "True"
  end if
  lb_shiftKey = the shiftDown and  VoidP(lb_ForceEmpty)
  lb_ControlKey = the controlDown And  VoidP(lb_ForceEmpty)
  li_TreeIndex = GetTreeItemPosition(li_Line)
  If Not li_TreeIndex Then
    -- We click outside the Tree
  End If
  --No modifiers keys, reset the selection
  If Not lb_ShiftKey And Not lb_ControlKey Then
    Repeat With la_TreeItem In ma_Tree
      la_TreeItem.selected = 0
    End Repeat
    ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].selected = 1
  End If
  if lb_ControlKey then
    -- Discontinue selection, toggle the selection
    ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].selected = Not ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].selected
  end if
  if lb_ShiftKey Then
    -- Continue Selection
    if voidP(mi_LastSelectedLine) Then
      mi_LastSelectedLine = li_Line
    End If
    li_StartLine = min(mi_LastSelectedLine,li_Line)
    li_EndLine  =max(mi_LastSelectedLine,li_Line)
    repeat with li_Line_Index = li_StartLine To li_EndLine
      ma_Tree[GetTreeItemPosition(li_Line_Index)].selected = 1
    end repeat
  end if
  mi_LastSelectedLine = li_Line
End SelectItem

-- Events Handler

On BeginSprite me
  mi_TreeSprite=the spritenum of me
  ms_TreeMember=the member of sprite mi_TreeSprite
  pa_DropTarget = value(pa_DropTarget)
  mb_CurrentlyDragging = False
  mb_DropAllowed = True
  mb_DropOnMe = False
  mb_RollOutDone = True
  if pb_Rollover then
    PuppetSprite pi_RolloverSprite,true
    set the ink of sprite pi_RolloverSprite to 9 ----MASK
    set the member of sprite pi_RolloverSprite to member ps_RolloverMember
    set the loc of sprite pi_RolloverSprite to point(-1000,-1000)
  end if
  if pb_Frame then
    PuppetSprite pa_FrameSprite,true
    set the ink of sprite pa_FrameSprite to 9 ----MASK
    set the member of sprite pa_FrameSprite to member ps_FrameMember
    set the loc of sprite pa_FrameSprite to point(-1000,-1000)
  end if
end BeginSprite

On EndSprite me
  if pb_Rollover then
    PuppetSprite pi_RolloverSprite,false
  end if
  if pb_Frame then
    PuppetSprite pa_FrameSprite,false
  end if
end EndSprite

on Mouseleave
  if pb_Rollover then
    set the loc of sprite pi_RolloverSprite to point(-1000,-1000)
  end if
end MouseLeave

on mousewithin
  set li_Cursor = pi_CursorDefault
  li_RolledChar = PointToChar(sprite mi_TreeSprite,the mouseLoc)
  If li_RolledChar > 0 Then
    ls_Font = member(ms_TreeMember).char[li_RolledChar].font
    Case ls_Font of
      "Webdings *" : li_Cursor = pi_CursorAction
      "Wingdings *" : li_Cursor = pi_CursorOver
    end case
  End If
  set the cursor of sprite mi_TreeSprite to  li_Cursor
  if pb_Rollover then  
    if la_RollRect<>[] then
      set the rect of sprite pi_RolloverSprite to la_RollRect
    end if
  end if  
end mousewithin

On mouseDown me
  la_clickLoc = the MouseLoc
  --- We use the mousedown handler to manage the Drag and Drop
  if pb_AllowDrag Then
    --If modifiers keys, exit
    if the shiftDown or the ControlDown then
    end if
    li_StartTimer = the timer
    repeat while the mouseDown And ((the timer - li_StartTimer) < 30)
    end repeat
    If the mousedown then
      -- Retrieve the clicked line (so it will be selected in the ghost tree)
      li_Line= GetTreeItemPosition(PointToLine(sprite mi_TreeSprite,la_clickLoc))
      li_Char = PointToChar(sprite mi_TreeSprite, la_clickLoc)
      -- Clic outside the Tree, exit
      if li_Char > mi_TreeDisplayedLength Then
      End If
      -- If click occurs on the toggle elements , exit
      If member(ms_TreeMember).Char[li_Char].font = "Webdings *" then
      end if
      -- If line is not selected, reset the selection and use this line as the selection
      If ma_Tree[li_Line].selected = 0 Then
        repeat with li_Tree_Index = 1  to Count(ma_Tree)
          ma_Tree[li_Tree_Index].selected = 0
        End repeat
        ma_Tree[li_Line].selected = 1
      End If
      -- Start the Drag
      set mb_CurrentlyDragging = True
      la_Selected_Info = CreateGhostTree(li_Line)
      -- We move the ghost Tree under the mouse
      puppetSprite pi_DragSprite, True
      set the cursor of sprite mi_TreeSprite to pi_CursorDown
      set the ink of sprite pi_DragSprite to 8
      set the member of sprite pi_DragSprite to member ps_DragMember
      set the loc of sprite pi_DragSprite to Point(1000,1000)
      -- The selected Icon  and line is under the mouse
      li_Shift_x = la_Selected_Info[#Selectedlevel]  * 12 + 12
      li_Shift_y = la_Selected_Info[#Selectedline] * pi_LineHeight - 8
      la_SelectedItems = la_Selected_Info[#selectedItems]
      mi_RolledLine = -1
      mb_DropAllowed = True
      Repeat While the mousedown
        lb_SendRoll = False
        -- Stop Icon if the mouse is not over a droppable element
        Repeat with li_Sprite in pa_DropTarget
          If Rollover(li_Sprite) Then
            lb_SendRoll = True
            exit Repeat
          End if
        End Repeat
        If Not lb_SendRoll Then
          set the Cursor of sprite pi_DragSprite to pi_CursorStop
          li_Sprite = -1
        Else If li_Sprite <> mi_TreeSprite Then
          set the Cursor of sprite pi_DragSprite to pi_CursorDown
        End If
        la_MousePosition = the mouseLoc
        -- Determine if we are on his childrens --
        mb_DropOnMe = ((li_Sprite = mi_TreeSprite) and ps_DropBehavior = #move)
        If mb_DropOnme then
          li_RolledLine = PointToLine(sprite mi_TreeSprite, la_MousePosition)
          li_RolledItem = GetTreeItemPosition(li_RolledLine)
          If GetPos(la_SelectedItems, li_RolledItem) > 0 Then
            -- Roll over is childrens
            mb_DropAllowed = False
            mb_DropAllowed = True
          end if
        End If
        Repeat with li_SpriteRoll in pa_DropTarget
          If li_SpriteRoll <> li_Sprite Then
            SendSprite li_SpriteRoll, #RollElement,#out
          End if
        end repeat
        If lb_SendRoll Then
          -- Mouse over a droppable element, send him code
          SendSprite li_Sprite, #RollElement,#in
          SendSprite li_Sprite, #RollElement,#Out
        End If
        set li_x = la_MousePosition[1] - li_Shift_X
        set li_y = la_MousePosition[2] - li_Shift_Y
        set the rect of sprite pi_DragSprite to Rect( li_x,  li_y , li_x + 400, li_y + 150)
      end repeat
      PuppetSprite pi_DragSprite, False
      set the cursor of sprite mi_TreeSprite to -1
      -- Mouse is Up, send the Drop event
      If mb_DropAllowed Then
        FlagDropDone = False
        repeat with li_Sprite in pa_DropTarget
          If Rollover(li_Sprite) Then
            SendSprite li_Sprite, #DropElement, ma_GhostTree
            flagDropDone = The result
          end if
        end repeat
        --depending of the behavior, we make some stuff on the original Tree
        If FlagDropDone Then
          case (ps_DropBehavior) of
              --- Just Check the dropped items
              repeat with li_TreeIndex In la_SelectedItems
                ma_Tree[li_TreeIndex].viewed = 1
              End Repeat
            #Move :
              -- Move elements, delete dropped items from the source
              li_DeletedIndex = 0
              If mb_DropOnMe Then
                -- Warning ! the data are added before deleted, so the tree change
                -- If the selection was after the roll, we must delete this elements
                If li_RolledItem >0 And li_RolledItem < la_selectedItems[1] Then
                  li_DeletedIndex = 0
                  la_SelectedItems = la_SelectedItems + count(ma_GhostTree)
                End If
              End If
              repeat with li_TreeIndex In la_SelectedItems
                DeleteAt ma_Tree, li_TreeIndex + li_DeletedIndex
                mi_TreeLength = mi_TreeLength - 1
                li_DeletedIndex = li_DeletedIndex - 1
              End Repeat
          end case  
        End If
      End If
    end if  
  end if
End MouseDown

on mouseUp me
  --If we have done a drag and drop, exit
  if mb_CurrentlyDragging or Not Rollover(mi_TreeSprite) Then
    set mb_CurrentlyDragging = False
  end if
  -- If tree is empty, exit
  if Not mi_TreeLength Then
  End If
  li_ClickedLine = PointToLine(sprite mi_TreeSprite,the clickloc)
  li_ClickedChar = PointToChar(sprite mi_TreeSprite,the clickloc)
  If li_ClickedLine = -1 or li_ClickedChar = -1 Then
  End If
  ---Draw Item rect
  if pb_Frame then
  end if
  -- Toggle the Status  
  if pb_IsToggable then
    --Check the font ( + and - icons are in Webdings font)
    If member(ms_TreeMember).char[li_ClickedChar].font = "Webdings *" Then
      ToggleItem me,li_ClickedLine
    end if
  end if
  -- Select the line
  If member(ms_TreeMember).char[li_ClickedChar].font <> "Webdings *" Then
    SelectItem me, li_ClickedLine
  End If
  -- Execute Lingo Code
  if ps_ScriptWhenClicked <> "" then
    li_ItemPosition = GetTreeItemPosition(li_ClickedLine)
    If li_ItemPosition > 0 Then
      la_Item = ma_Tree[li_ItemPosition]
      do ps_ScriptWhenClicked && la_Item
    end if
  end if
end mouseup

-- Main functions --
on initTree me, la_Tree
  -- Populate the list
  If Not VoidP(la_tree) Then
    ma_Tree = la_Tree
    set ls_Data =the text of member ps_DataMember
    if char 1 of ls_Data = "[" Then
      -- If this is a list, we assume it have the good format
      ma_Tree = Value(ls_Data)
      -- Not a list, the following style is required (Tab as FieldSeparator and Return as RecordSeparator)



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