I have created a engine for quiz, just change the declared global variable "qnt" to the number of questions a developer wants to. And just set the given parameters by typing some questions and their respective answer.
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
description = [:]
if the currentspritenum >0 then exit
FIELDSpriterlist = searchfieldMember(me)
addprop description, #textmember, [#comment: "Select the text member", #format:#text, #default: ""]
addprop description, #quest, [#comment: "Type your question", #format:#string, #default: ""]
addprop description, #textopt1, [#comment: "Select the radio button", #format:#string, #range:FIELDSpriterlist,#default: FIELDSpriterlist[1]]
addprop description, #opt1, [#comment: "Your first option", #format:#string, #default: ""]
addprop description, #textopt2, [#comment: "Select the radio button", #format:#string, #range:FIELDSpriterlist, #default: FIELDSpriterlist[2]]
addprop description, #opt2, [#comment: "Your second option", #format:#string, #default: ""]
addprop description, #textopt3, [#comment: "Select the radio button", #format:#string, #range:FIELDSpriterlist,#default: FIELDSpriterlist[3]]
addprop description, #opt3, [#comment: "Your third option", #format:#string, #default: ""]
addprop description, #textopt4, [#comment: "Select the radio button", #format:#string, #range:FIELDSpriterlist, #default: FIELDSpriterlist[4]]
addprop description, #opt4, [#comment: "Your fourth option", #format:#string, #default: ""]
return description
end getPropertyDescriptionList
on enterframe
put quest into member textmember
put opt1 into field member textopt1
put opt2 into field member textopt2
put opt3 into field member textopt3
put opt4 into field member textopt4
on exitframe
go the frame
on searchfieldMember me
FIELDSpriterlist = []
maxCastLib = the number of castLibs
repeat with theCastLib = 1 to maxCastLib
maxMember = the number of members of castLib theCastLib
repeat with memberNumber = 1 to maxMember
theMember = member(memberNumber, theCastLib)
if theMember.type = #button then
if theMember.name = EMPTY then
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
return FIELDSpriterlist
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263