if tDY = 0 then
if tDX > 0 then tAngle = 0
else tAngle = 180
else if tDX = 0 then
if tDY > 0 then tAngle = 90
else tAngle = 270
tAngle = integer(atan(tDY / tDX) / pi() * 180.0)
if tDX * tDY < 0 then tAngle = tAngle + 180
if tDY < 0 then tAngle = tAngle + 180
end if
-- Orientate angle and clip within range 0 -> 360
tAngle = (630 - tAngle) mod 360
-- Return the angle
return tAngle
on mDistance me, tDX, tDY
-- Calculate distance
return sqrt(tDX * tDX + tDY * tDY)
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
tlData = [:]
tlData[#pZoom] = [#format: #float, #default: 2.0, #comment: "How much to zoom (is a scalar dependant on fisheye effect):"]
tlData[#pFishEye] = [#format: #integer, #default: 20, #range: [#min: 0, #max: 100], #comment: "Fisheye effect strength (0 = none, 100 = very strong):"]
tlData[#pGridSize] = [#format: #integer, #default: 5, #range: [#min: 3, #max: 10], #comment: "Resolution of grid effect"]
tlData[#pSize] = [#format: #integer, #default: -100, #comment: "RADIUS of bounding circle of magnifying area in pixels"]
tlData[#pSampleAreaSize] = [#format: #integer, #default: 100, #comment: "size of sampling area (edge length of square in pixels)"]
tlData[#pMovement] = [#format: #symbol, #default: #fixedtocursor, #range: [#fixedtocursor, #stationary], #comment: "Movement of magnifying section:"]
return tlData
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263