5 types of Control
Play: Plays movie at normal speed
Rewind: Rewinds movie
Stop: Stops and goes to the begining of the movie
Pause: Pauses movie
FastFwd: Plays movie at 4 times the normal speed
-- Flash Movie Controls
-- 5 types of Control
-- Play: Plays movie at normal speed
-- Rewind: Rewinds movie
-- Stop: Stops and goes to the begining of the movie
-- Pause: Pauses movie
-- FastFwd: Plays movie at 4 times the normal speed
-- visit my shockwave site
-- http://www.unixville.com/~shehal/
-- mailto: shehal@mediasolv.com
-- MediaSolv.com office login: shehal
-- wapOA login: shehal
-- visit RISSA"s site
-- http://www.geocities.com/~marissaj
on beginSprite me
flashMember = sprite(flashSprite).member
set the directToStage of flashMember = TRUE
set the playBackMode of flashMember = #normal
normalRate = the frameRate of flashMember
flashMoviePlaying = FALSE
end beginSprite
on mouseUp me
case buttonAction of
if flashMoviePlaying = FALSE then
stop sprite (flashSprite)
set the playBackMode of flashMember = #normal
play sprite (flashSprite)
flashMoviePlaying = TRUE
end if
stop sprite (flashSprite)
hold sprite (flashSprite)
flashMoviePlaying = FALSE
end case
end mouseUp
on mouseDown me
if buttonAction = "FastFwd" then
set the playBackMode of flashMember = #fixed
stop sprite (flashSprite)
set the fixedRate of member flashMember to (4*normalRate)
play sprite (flashSprite)
set the playBackMode of flashMember = #normal
end if
end mouseDown
on verifyFlash n
return sprite (n).member.type = #Flash
end verifyFlash
on getFlashSpriteList
flashList = []
repeat with i = 1 to the lastChannel
if verifyFlash (i) then
add flashList, i
put the type of the member of sprite (i)
end if
end repeat
return flashList
end getFlashSpriteList
on mErrorAlert me, fError, fData
fBehaviorName = string (me)
delete word 1 of fBehaviorName
delete the last word of fBehaviorName
delete the last word of fBehaviorName
case fData.ilk of
#void: fData = ""
#symbol: fData = "#" & fData
end case
case fError of
return [#getPDLError: [#comment: "CANCEL: Sprite MUST be one of the following member types:"& RETURN & fData, #format: #symbol, #range: [#Cancel], #default: #Cancel]]
alert "No Flash sprites are currently on the screen"
end case
end fErrorAlert
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
if not the currentSpriteNum then
end if
flashMovie = getFlashSpriteList ()
if not flashMovie.count then
return fErrorAlert (me, #noFlash)
PDL = [:]
setaProp PDL, #flashSprite, [#comment: "Flash sprite channel", #format: #string, #default: flashMovie[1], #range: flashMovie]
setaProp PDL, #buttonAction, [#comment: "Video button action", #format: #string, #default: "Play", #range: ["Rewind", "Stop", "Play", "Pause", "FastFwd"]]
return PDL
end if
end getPropertyDescriptionList
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263