Format Text
Added on 8/4/2000
Sets the formating properties of a text sprite
-- visit my shockwave site
-- http://www.unixville.com/~shehal/
-- mailto:shehal@mediasolv.com
-- I work for MediaSolv.com
-- visit RISSA"s site
-- http://www.geocities.com/~marissaj/
property textBoxWidth
property textBoxHeight
property textAlignment
property textAntiAliasThreshold
property textAntiAlias
property textScrollTop
on beginSprite me
textMember = sprite(me.spriteNum).member
set the antiAlias of textMember = TRUE
member(textMember).antiAliasThreshold = textAntiAliasThreshold
set the boxType of textMember = #fixed
set the width of textMember = textBoxWidth
set the height of textMember = textBoxHeight
set the alignment of textMember = textAlignment
set the scrollTop of textMember = textScrollTop
on getPropertyDescriptionList
set description = [:]
addProp description,#textBoxWidth, [#default: 307, #format:#integer, #comment:"Width of Text Box"]
addProp description,#textBoxHeight, [#default:291, #format:#integer, #comment:"Height of Text Box"]
addProp description,#textAntiAliasThreshold, [#default:9, #range :[9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24,36, 48, 72, 92], #format:#integer, #comment:"Anti-AliasThreshold (specify font size)"]
addProp description,#textAlignment, [#default:#left, #range :[#left, #center, #right, #full], #format:#field, #comment:"Text Alignment"]
addProp description,#textScrollTop, [#default: TRUE, #format:#boolean, #comment:"Scroll Text to top of Box ?"]
return description