This script uses the simple princip from the Vigenere cipher (Encryption)
--This script is a parent script, this means you need to birth the script before using any handlers/methods within --the code:
--gCipherObj = new(script "p: cipher") -- ("p: cipher" being the name of the parent script cast member)
--To get the crypted or the encrypted text:
--outPutText = mEnCodeDeCode(object, "input text", "keyword",TRUE/FALSE: crypt/decrypt)
--an example: (ENCYPT)
--outPutTxt = mEnCodeDeCode(gCipherObj, "Your text must be here", "LURID",0)
--"Your text must be here" is encypt(0) with the keyword "LURID". the result is "JILZ WPRK UXDN SM KPLV"
--an example: (DECYPT)
--outPutTxt = mEnCodeDeCode(gCipherObj, "JILZ WPRK UXDN SM KPLV", "LURID",1)
--"JILZ WPRK UXDN SM KPLV" is DEcypted(1) with the keyword "LURID". the result is "YOUR TEXT MUST BE HERE"
--| lingoist: s.m.ack stuart m. acklam, 27th June 2000, Dir 8.0
--| --
--| Version History:
--| 000627: lingo / demo done s.m.ack
--|------------------ DISCRIPTION --------------------
--| This script uses the simple princip from the Vigenere cipher.
--| The Vigenere cipher is a simple example of a polyalphabetic cipher.
--| In its original form, it is based on the Vigenere tableau (see the method mSetUpAlphaBet)
--| To encode using this cipher, first choose a keyword, such as "LURID", and write it above the plain text repeatedly:
--| The cipher letter is the letter in the tableau determined by the keyword column and the plaintext row.
--| Thus the first "M" of the message is encrypted as "X", the first "E" as "Y", and so on.
--| To decrypt the Vigenere cipher, you run this process in reverse. Alternatively,
--| you can reverse the keyword by replacing every letter by its negative (mod 26).
--| For example, LURID contains letters numbered 11,20,17,8, and 3 (with A=0).
--| The negatives mod 26 are 26-11=15, 26-20=6, 26-17=9,26-8=18, and 26-3=23, which
--| corresponds to the word PGJSX. So encrypting with PGJSX decrypts LURID.
--| more infomation can be found on the Vigenere cipher via
--|------------------ HOW TO USE THIS SCRIPT --------------------
--| This script is a parent script, this means you need to birth the script before using any handlers/methods within the code:
--| gCipherObj = new(script "p: cipher") -- ("p: cipher" being the name of the parent script cast member)
--| To get the crypted or the encrypted text:
--| outPutText = mEnCodeDeCode(object, "input text", "keyword",TRUE/FALSE: crypt/decrypt)
--| an example: (ENCYPT)
--| outPutTxt = mEnCodeDeCode(gCipherObj, "Your text must be here", "LURID", 0)
--| "Your text must be here" is encypt(0) with the keyword "LURID". the result is "JILZ WPRK UXDN SM KPLV"
--| an example: (DECYPT)
--| outPutTxt = mEnCodeDeCode(gCipherObj, "JILZ WPRK UXDN SM KPLV", "LURID", 1)
--| "JILZ WPRK UXDN SM KPLV" is DEcypted(1) with the keyword "LURID". the result is "YOUR TEXT MUST BE HERE"
-- set up the KEYWODE LIST
on mSetUpKeyWord me, vkey, vDecrypt
vReturn = []
repeat with i = 1 to (vkey).length
vReturn[i] = chars (vkey, i, i)
end repeat
-- if the a request to DECRYT, vDecrypt = TRUE
if vDecrypt then
vReturnDeC = []
repeat with i = 1 to vReturn.count
vLet = vReturn[i]
vA = (pAlphabetList[1].getOne(vLet))-1
vB = (26 - vA)+1
if vB = 27 then vB = 1
vReturnDeC[i] = pAlphabetList[1][(vB)]
end repeat
vReturn = vReturnDeC
end if
return vReturn
-- ENCYPT or DECYPT the TEXT with the key
on mEnCodeDeCode me, wht, vkey, vDecrypt
theTxt = ""
wht = mForceUppercase (me, wht)
vkey = mForceUppercase (me, vkey)
vKeyWordList = mSetUpKeyWord (me, vkey, vDecrypt) -- sets the string key into a list
vTheCurrentKeyLetter = 0
repeat with i = 1 to (wht).length
if chars (wht, i, i) = " " then
theTxt = theTxt & " "
next repeat
vTheCurrentKeyLetter = vTheCurrentKeyLetter + 1
vTheKeyLNum = (vTheCurrentKeyLetter mod (vKeyWordList.count))
if vTheKeyLNum = 0 then vTheKeyLNum = vKeyWordList.count
vTheKeyLetter = vKeyWordList[(vTheKeyLNum)]
vHori = pAlphabetList[1].getOne(vTheKeyLetter)
vtheLetter = chars(wht, i, i)
vVerti = pAlphabetList[1].getOne(vtheLetter)
theLetter = pAlphabetList[vVerti][vHori]
theTxt = theTxt & theLetter
end if
end repeat
return theTxt
----------------------------- Forces ANY lowercase letters to uppercase - basic lingo from director 8 help (numToChar())
on mForceUppercase me, input
output = EMPTY
num = length(input)
repeat with i = 1 to num
theASCII = charToNum(input.char[i])
if theASCII = min(max(96, theASCII), 123) then
theASCII = theASCII - 32
if theASCII = min(max(63, theASCII), 91) then
put numToChar(theASCII) after output
end if
put input.char[i] after output -- added 0626 (
end if
end repeat
return output
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Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263