on fAdd tFraction1, tFraction2
-- Adds two given fractions
tWorkingFraction1 = fMakeImproper(tFraction1)
tWorkingFraction2 = fMakeImproper(tFraction2)
-- Convert fractions to use a common denominator
tNewDenominator = tWorkingFraction1.denominator * tWorkingFraction2.denominator
tWorkingFraction1 = fChangeDenominator(tWorkingFraction1, tNewDenominator)
tWorkingFraction2 = fChangeDenominator(tWorkingFraction2, tNewDenominator)
-- Add them together and make into a proper fraction
tCombinedNumerator = tWorkingFraction1.numerator + tWorkingFraction2.numerator
tSumFraction = fNew(tCombinedNumerator, tNewDenominator)
tSumFraction = fMakeProper(tSumFraction)
-- Return the total
return tSumFraction
on fAddAndSimplify tFraction1, tFraction2
-- Adds two fractions and simplifies the result
tAddedFraction = fAdd(tFraction1, tFraction2)
tSimplifiedFraction = fSimplify(tAddedFraction)
-- Return the final fraction
return tSimplifiedFraction
on fAreEqual tFraction1, tFraction2
-- Returns whether two fractions are equal
tComparison = fCompare(tFraction1, tFraction2)
if tComparison = #equal then tAreEqual = TRUE
else tAreEqual = FALSE
-- Returns TRUE or FALSE
return tAreEqual
on fChangeDenominator tFraction, tNewDenominator
-- Converts a fraction into using given denominator
-- Returns -1 instead of the converted fraction if conversion is impossible
-- Check it can be converted
tCanChange = TRUE
-- Check that numerator can be evenly divided into the new denominator
tScale = (tFraction.denominator + 0.0) / tNewDenominator
tNewNumerator = integer(tFraction.numerator / tScale)
if (tFraction.numerator / tScale) <> tNewNumerator then
tCanChange = FALSE
end if
if tCanChange = TRUE then
-- Can convert so do so
tConvertedFraction = fCopy(tFraction)
tConvertedFraction.numerator = tNewNumerator
tConvertedFraction.denominator = tNewDenominator
-- Cannot convert, so return -1
tConvertedFraction = -1
end if
-- Return converted (or otherwise) fraction
return tConvertedFraction
on fCompare tFraction1, tFraction2
-- Compares the second fraction against the first
tFraction1Value = fGetDecimalValue(tFraction1)
tFraction2Value = fGetDecimalValue(tFraction2)
if tFraction1Value = tFraction2Value then tComparison = #equal
else if tFraction2Value < tFraction1Value then tComparison = #lessthan
else tComparison = #greaterthan
-- Returns the comparison
return tComparison
on fCopy tFraction
-- Duplicates the fraction
return duplicate(tFraction)
on fFractionToString tFraction
-- Make a fraction variable into a string
if tFraction.whole <> 0 then tString = string(tFraction.whole) & " "
else tString = EMPTY
tString = tString & string(tFraction.numerator) & "/" & string(tFraction.denominator)
-- Return the string
return tString
on fGetCommonDenominators tFraction1, tFraction2, tUpperLimit
tlValidDenominators = []
tlFraction1ValidDenominators = []
tlFraction2ValidDenominators = []
-- Get lists of valid denominators for fractions
repeat with a = 1 to tUpperLimit
if fIsDenominator(tFraction1, a) then
add tlFraction1ValidDenominators, a
end if
if fIsDenominator(tFraction2, a) then
add tlFraction2ValidDenominators, a
end if
end repeat
-- Compare lists and only return values in both
repeat with a = 1 to count(tlFraction1ValidDenominators)
if getone(tlFraction2ValidDenominators, tlFraction1ValidDenominators[a]) > 0 then
add tlValidDenominators, tlFraction1ValidDenominators[a]
end if
end repeat
-- Return list of valid denominators
return tlValidDenominators
on fGetDecimalValue tFraction
-- Returns the decimal value of a fraction
if tFraction.denominator <= 0 then return -1
tDecimalValue = tFraction.whole + (tFraction.numerator + 0.0) / tFraction.denominator
-- Returns the decimal value
return tDecimalValue
on fGetDenominators tFraction, tUpperLimit
tlValidDenominators = []
-- Get a list of valid denominators for fraction
repeat with a = 1 to tUpperLimit
if fIsDenominator(tFraction, a) then
add tlValidDenominators, a
end if
end repeat
-- Return list of valid denominators
return tlValidDenominators
on fGetLowestCommonDenominator tFraction1, tFraction2
-- Finds the lowest common denominator
tMaximumDenominator = tFraction1.denominator * tFraction2.denominator
repeat with a = 1 to tMaximumDenominator
if fIsDenominator(tFraction1, a) and fIsDenominator(tFraction2, a) then
tLowestCommonDenominator = a
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- Return the lowest common denominator
return tLowestCommonDenominator
on fGetLowestDenominator tFraction
-- Find lowest denominator by simply starting at 1 and working up to current denominator
tLowestDenominator = tFraction.denominator
repeat with a = 1 to tFraction.denominator
if fChangeDenominator(tFraction, a) <> -1 then
tLowestDenominator = a
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- Return the lowest found denominator
return tLowestDenominator
on fGetType tFraction
-- Gets the type of the given fraction
if fIsProper(tFraction) then tFractionType = #proper
if fIsImproper(tFraction) then tFractionType = #improper
else tFractionType = #mixed
end if
-- Return fraction type
return tFractionType
on fGetWhole tFraction
-- Gets the whole part of any sort of fraction
tWorkingFraction = fMakeProper(tFraction)
tWhole = tWorkingFraction.whole
-- Return just the whole part
return tWhole
on fIsCommonDenominator tFraction1, tFraction2, tDenominator
-- Checks whether a denominator is valid for two fractions
tIsCommonDenominator = TRUE
if fChangeDenominator(tFraction1, tDenominator) = -1 then tIsCommonDenominator = FALSE
if fChangeDenominator(tFraction2, tDenominator) = -1 then tIsCommonDenominator = FALSE
-- Return TRUE or FALSE
return tIsCommonDenominator
on fIsDenominator tFraction, tDenominator
-- Checks whether a denominator is a valid denominator for a fraction
if fChangeDenominator(tFraction, tDenominator) = -1 then tIsDenominator = FALSE
else tIsDenominator = TRUE
-- Returns TRUE or FALSE
return tIsDenominator
on fIsImproper tFraction
-- Checks whether a fraction is improper
tIsImproper = TRUE
if tFraction.whole > 0 then tIsImproper = FALSE
if tFraction.numerator < tFraction.denominator then tIsImproper = FALSE
-- Returns TRUE or FALSE
return tIsImproper
on fIsMixed tFraction
-- Checks whether a fraction is mixed
tIsMixed = TRUE
if tFraction.numerator < tFraction.denominator then
tIsMixed = FALSE
if tFraction.whole = 0 then
tIsMixed = FALSE
end if
end if
-- Returns TRUE or FALSE
return tIsMixed
on fIsProper tFraction
-- Checks whether a fraction is proper
tIsProper = TRUE
if tFraction.numerator >= tFraction.denominator then tIsProper = FALSE
-- Returns TRUE or FALSE
return tIsProper
on fJustFraction tFraction
-- Returns a fraction with top limit of 1 unit
tJustFraction = fMakeProper(tFraction)
if (tJustFraction.numerator = 0) and (tJustFraction.whole > 0) then
tJustFraction.numerator = tJustFraction.denominator
end if
tJustFraction.whole = 0
-- Returns just the fraction
return tJustFraction
on fMakeFraction tDecimalValue
-- Convert a decimal value into a fraction and simplify the result
if tDecimalValue <0 then
tNewFraction = -1
tDecimalValue = value(string(tDecimalValue)) * 10000
tNewFraction = fMakeProper(fSimplify(fNew(tDecimalValue, 10000)))
end if
-- Return the fraction (or error)
return tNewFraction
on fMakeImproper tFraction
-- Make into improper fraction
tImproperFraction = fNew()
tNumerators = tFraction.numerator + tFraction.whole * tFraction.denominator
tImproperFraction.numerator = tNumerators
tImproperFraction.denominator = tFraction.denominator
tImproperFraction.whole = 0
-- Return converted fraction
return tImproperFraction
on fMakeMixed tFraction, tWholeUsed
-- Make into a mixed fraction (Returns -1 if impossible)
tMixedFraction = fCopy(tFraction)
tImproperFraction = fMakeImproper(tFraction)
tNumeratorsToDelete = tWholeUsed * tFraction.denominator
-- Check there are enough numerators to subtract from
if tNumeratorsToDelete <= tFraction.numerator then
tMixedFraction = fMakeProper(tFraction)
tMixedFraction.numerator = tMixedFraction.numerator - tNumeratorsToDelete
tMixedFraction.whole = tWholeUsed
end if
-- Return converted fraction
return tMixedFraction
on fMakeProper tFraction
-- Make into proper fraction
tProperFraction = fNew()
tNumerators = tFraction.numerator + tFraction.whole * tFraction.denominator
tProperFraction.numerator = tNumerators mod tFraction.denominator
tProperFraction.denominator = tFraction.denominator
tProperFraction.whole = tNumerators / tFraction.denominator
-- Return converted fraction
return tProperFraction
on fNew tNumerator, tDenominator, tWhole
-- Initialise and return a fraction property list
if voidP(tWhole) then tWhole = 0
if (voidP(tDenominator)) and (voidP(tNumerator)) then tDenominator = 1
if (voidP(tDenominator)) and (not(voidP(tNumerator))) then tDenominator = tNumerator
if voidP(tNumerator) then tNumerator = 0
-- If values are not integers then call fMakeFraction instead
if (tNumerator <> integer(tNumerator)) or (tDenominator <> integer(tDenominator)) or (tWhole <> integer(tWhole)) then
tNewFraction = fMakeFraction(tNumerator / tDenominator + tWhole * tDenominator)
tNewFraction = [#numerator: integer(tNumerator), #denominator: integer(tDenominator), #whole: integer(tWhole)]
end if
-- Return fraction property list
return tNewFraction
on fRemoveWhole tFraction
-- Removes the whole part from any type of fraction
tJustFraction = fMakeProper(tFraction)
tJustFraction.whole = 0
-- Return just the fractional part
return tJustFraction
on fSimplify tFraction
-- Uses the other routines to simplify the fraction
tLowestDenominator = fGetLowestDenominator(tFraction)
tSimplifiedFraction = fChangeDenominator(tFraction, tLowestDenominator)
-- Return the simplified fraction
return tSimplifiedFraction
on fStringToFraction tString
-- Make a string into a fraction 'variable type'
tFraction = fNew()
if tString contains " " then
tFraction.whole = value(tString.char[1..(offset(" ", tString) - 1)])
tString = tString.char[(offset(" ", tString) + 1)..length(tString)]
tFraction.whole = 0
end if
tFraction.numerator = value(tString.char[1..(offset("/", tString) - 1)])
tFraction.denominator = value(tString.char[(offset("/", tString) + 1)..length(tString)])
-- Return the fraction
return tFraction
on fSubtract tFraction1, tFraction2
-- Subtracts two given fractions
tWorkingFraction1 = fMakeImproper(tFraction1)
tWorkingFraction2 = fMakeImproper(tFraction2)
-- Convert fractions to use a common denominator
tNewDenominator = tWorkingFraction1.denominator * tWorkingFraction2.denominator
tWorkingFraction1 = fChangeDenominator(tWorkingFraction1, tNewDenominator)
tWorkingFraction2 = fChangeDenominator(tWorkingFraction2, tNewDenominator)
-- Subtract them and make into a proper fraction
tSubtractedNumerator = tWorkingFraction1.numerator - tWorkingFraction2.numerator
-- If numerator is no longer positive return an error
if tSubtractedNumerator < 0 then
tSumFraction = -1
tSumFraction = fNew(tSubtractedNumerator, tNewDenominator)
tSumFraction = fMakeProper(tSumFraction)
end if
-- Return the total (or error code)
return tSumFraction
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263