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Behavior Text Member Menu System

Added on 6/22/2000


behavior D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave

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Author: MarkSteinwender

Turns a TEXT field sprite into a rollover menu.

Download PC Source    Download Mac Source
--How to use:
--1. A 1 pixel dots of any color must be on/off the stage.
--2. Drag and drop this behavior on to the text sprite that should act as the menu.
--3. Select color values from 0 to 256 for the rollOver downState and the rearImageOver color.
--" "If you wish to link to other pages refine your linking according to pLineNum for example if you create a property list.....myLinks[1:yourLink, 2:thatLink].
-- Mark Steinwender
-- Created: 6.12.00
-- text member menu system
-- This behaviour uses a text field as a menu system
-- A one pixle bitmap or a vector can be used as a rollover that is place off the screen
-- or hidden as a color of the background. This image is resized according to
-- the width of the movie and the height of the line wrap
-- use this behaviour as you please.

property pMySprite
property pMyMemberName
property pMyOverColor
property pMyDownColor
property pMyBackColor
property pMyNaturalColor
property pLineNum
property pLastlineNum
property pMouseState
property pFixedLineHeight
property pMyHeight, pMyWidth
property pMyLeftPos, pMyTopPos
property pMyRollOver
property pMyLineList
property pMyCharWidth
property pMyKerning
property pMyOffSetList
property pMyrollOverWidth

on beginSprite me
  set pMySprite = the spriteNum of me -- get the sprite channel number
  set pMyMemberName = sprite(pMySprite).member -- get the name of the cast member in the channel
  initSpecifications() -- initinalize all the specs used for the text menu instance
  resetColor(me,#all) -- set all the text color to the default just incase it was not turned off when the mouse left
on initSpecifications me
  set pLineNum = 900 -- an outrageous line num so when the mouse is within it will never = the currentLine num off the bat
  set pFixedLineHeight = member(pMyMemberName).fixedLineSpace -- get the lineHieght of the text member
  set pMyHeight = member(pMyMemberName).height
  set pMyWidth = member(pMyMemberName).width
  set pMyLeftPos = sprite(pMySprite).left
  set pMyTopPos = sprite(pMySprite).top
  set pMyKerning = member(pMyMemberName).kerningThreshold
  set pMyCharWidth = (getAt(charPosToLoc(member(pMyMemberName), 3) ,1) - getAt(charPosToLoc(member(pMyMemberName), 2) ,1) )
  set pMyLineList = wordWrapWorkAround() -- creates a list if the line is wraped on two lines then it sets its value to 2 (line is wraped over two lines)
  set pMyrollOverWidth = the stageRight - the stageLeft - 4
on mouseWithin me
  pointClicked = the mouseLoc -- get the mouse position
  currentLineNum = pointToLine(sprite(pMySprite), pointClicked) -- the exact lineNum that the mouse is over
  if currentLineNum <> pLineNum then
    resetColor(me, #oneLine) -- reset the previousLine rolled over to its origional color
    pLineNum = currentLineNum -- set your new lineNum that the mouse is over
    if pMouseState = #down then -- if the mouse is down then do the down rollover on other links
      changeColor(me, #down)
      changeColor(me, #over) -- change the color of that ne lineNum
    end if
  end if
on mouseLeave me
  resetColor(me, #oneLine) -- reset the color of the text
  set pLineNum = 900 -- reset lineNum to an outrageous number so it will never be the currentLinNum
  sprite(pMyRollOver).visible = FALSE -- hide the rollover
on mouseDown me
  changeColor(me, #down) -- set the text to the down color
  set pMouseState = #down -- sets the state of the mouseButton to down
on mouseUp me
  changeColor(me, #over)  -- set the text to the over color
  set pMouseState = #up -- sets the state of the mouseButton to up
on mouseUpOutside me
  changeColor(me, #outside)  -- set the text to the over color
  set pMouseState = #up -- sets the state of the mouseButton to up
on resetColor me, state
  -- #all will reset the text to its default color
  if state = #all then
    repeat with i = 1 to member(pMyMemberName).line.count
      member(pMyMemberName).line[i].foreColor = pMyNaturalColor
    end repeat
  end if
  -- #oneline will change only that lineNum to the origional color
  if state = #oneLine then
    member(pMyMemberName).line[pLineNum].foreColor = pMyNaturalColor
  end if
on changeColor me, state
  if pLineNum = 1 then -- omit the first line rollOver since it is the tittle of the menu
    sprite(pMyRollOver).visible = FALSE -- hide the rollover
    nothing            -- this is specific for my instance so it can be deleted for other uses
    if state = #over then
      member(pMyMemberName).line[pLineNum].foreColor = pMyOverColor -- change the text to its over color
    end if
    if state = #down then    
      member(pMyMemberName).line[pLineNum].foreColor = pMyDownColor -- change the text to its down color
    end if
    if state = #outside then
      exit -- of you do not exit then the doSolidRollover will return a error sonce you are not on a line
    end if
    doSolidRollover    -- do the solid imageSizing to create a two stage rollOver
  end if
on doSolidRollover me
  if pMyLineList[pLineNum] <> 0 then --  does this Line wrap???
    n_LineHeight = pMyLineList[pLineNum] -- if wraped then add the wrapAmount from offSetList to set the lineHeight
    n_LineHeight = 1 -- the lineHeight is normal
  end if
  -- establish the locV if the rollOver + a pixle offSet to help positin it the middle of the text field
  set thisTopLoc = (pMyTopPos + (pMyOffSetList[pLineNum] + 4))
  -- check the current with and if it is already set then do not resize it again
  if sprite(pMyRollOver).width = pMyrollOverWidth then
    sprite(pMyRollOver).width = pMyrollOverWidth
  end if
  sprite(pMyRollOver).visible = TRUE -- show the rollover
  sprite(pMyRollOver).height = pFixedLineHeight * n_LineHeight -- sets the rollOver height
  sprite(pMyRollOver).loc = point(2, thisTopLoc) -- position the rollover in the right point()
on wordWrapWorkAround me
  pMyOffSetList = [:] -- contains the locV of the line top loc's
  thisList = [:]      -- a list containing values that state it wraps or not
  lineOffset = 0      -- assume there is no line offset
  repeat with i = 1 to member(pMyMemberName).line.count
    if i = 1 then        -- since the begining is one we say it is one!
      firstLetterNum = 1 -- well it is usless to count the total and then subtract that by the total - 1 since we know it is 1
      firstLetterNum = firstLetterNum + (member(pMyMemberName).line[i - 1].char.count + 1) --the first letter of the nextLine is 1 + the length(preveiousLine)
    end if
    lastLetterNum = firstLetterNum + (member(pMyMemberName).line[i].char.count - 1) -- the last letter is the fist letter + length(currentLine - 1)
    firstCharLoc = getAt(charPosToLoc(member(pMyMemberName), firstLetterNum) ,2) -- get the LocV of the first character in the line[i]
    lastCharLoc = getAt(charPosToLoc(member(pMyMemberName), lastLetterNum) ,2) -- get the LocV of the second character in the line[i]
    if firstCharLoc < lastCharLoc then -- meaning that the first and last characters are not on the same line
      set nLinesWraped = (lastCharLoc - firstCharLoc + pFixedLineHeight)/pFixedLineHeight -- divide the difference in the lines by the fixedLineHeight to find out how many lines it was wraped onto
      addProp(thisList, i, nLinesWraped) -- add the amount of lines wraped to list pMyLineList
      lineOffset = lineOffset + nLinesWraped -- keep a tally of the offset amount
      addProp(thisList, i, 0) -- if there is no wrap 0 is the value
    end if
    addProp(pMyOffSetList, i, (firstCharLoc - pFixedLineHeight)) -- seperate list to keep the offSett amounts
  end repeat
  return thisList
on getPropertyDescriptionList
  return [¬
    #pMyRollOver: [#default: 5, #format:#integer, #comment:"Set rollOver pixel channel:>"],¬
    #pMyOverColor: [#default: 5, #format:#integer, #comment:"Text Over Color:>"],¬
    #pMyDownColor: [#default: 15, #format:#integer, #comment:"Text Down Color:>"],¬
    #pMyNaturalColor: [#default: 25, #format:#integer, #comment:"Text Default Color:>"]]
on getBehaviorDescription
  return "What the behavior does:" & RETURN & RETURN & "Turns a TEXT field sprite into a rollover menu."¬
& RETURN & RETURN & RETURN & "How to use:" & RETURN & RETURN & ¬
"1. A 1 pixel dots of any color must be on/off the stage." & RETURN & RETURN & ¬
"2. Drag and drop this behavior on to the text sprite that should act as the menu." & RETURN & RETURN &¬
"3. Select color values from 0 to 256 for the rollOver downState and the rearImageOver color." & RETURN & RETURN ¬
"If you wish to link to other pages refine your linking according to pLineNum for example if you create a property list.....myLinks[1:yourLink, 2:thatLink]." & RETURN & RETURN & RETURN & ¬
"Author: Markus Steinwender" & RETURN & RETURN & ¬
"Created: 6.12.00" & RETURN & RETURN



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