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Behavior Set Castmember properties for DirectMedia member

Added on 6/12/2000


behavior D7 D8 PC

This item has not yet been rated

Author: KumarK

Set Castmember properties for DirectMedia member

---- written for Director 8 ---
---- Kumar.K ----

-- custom properties --
property WhereTo,folderlist,theFile,subfolders,fileslist,result,directmedialist,themember,medialocated,ToolBar,Loopprop,cpuboost,
property pausedatstartprop,Rate,volumeprop,balance,adjustdurationbeforeplayback

------ Get Behavior Description List ------
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  set description = [:]
  if   filelist.count > 0 and directmedialist.count > 0 then  
    addProp description, #themember, [#comment: "Select the DirectMedia Member :", #format:#String,#range:directmedialist,#default:directmedialist[1]]
    addProp description, #theFile, [#comment: "Select the File Name for the meber :", #format:#String,#range:filelist,#default:filelist[1]]
    addProp description, #Rate, [#comment: "Set the Rate of the member  :", #format:#Integer,#range:[#min:0,#max:200],#default:100]  
    addProp description, #volumeprop, [#comment: "Set the Volume of the member  :", #format:#Integer,#range:[#min:-100,#max:0],#default:-10]    
    addProp description, #cpuboost, [#comment: "Set the Cpu Boost of the member(recomended 40)  :", #format:#Integer,#range:[#min:0,#max:95],#default:40]        
    addProp description, #balance, [#comment: "Set the Balance of the member  :", #format:#Integer,#range:[#min:-100,#max:100],#default:40]        
    addProp description, #medialocated, [#comment: "Set the linkedmedialocated of the member  :", #format:#boolean,#default:True]  
    addProp description, #ToolBar, [#comment: "Set the ToolBar of the member  :", #format:#boolean,#default:True]    
    addProp description, #Loopprop, [#comment: "Set the Loop of the member  :", #format:#boolean,#default:True]    
    addProp description, #adjustdurationbeforeplayback, [#comment: "Set the adjustdurationbeforeplayback of the member  :", #format:#boolean,#default:True]    
    if the currentspritenum = 0 then
      SetaProp description, #WhereTo, [#comment: "Where To Attach" ,#format:#String, \
    #range:["On EnterFrame","On ExitFrame"],#default:"On EnterFrame"]
      SetaProp description, #WhereTo, [#comment: "Where To Attach" ,#format:#String, \
    #range:["On MouseUp","On MouseDown","On MouseEnter","On MouseLeave"],#default:"On MouseUp"]    
    end if    
    return description
  end if
end getPropertyDescriptionList
------ Get Behavior Description List ------

-- Get Behavior description --
on getBehaviorDescription
  return "This Behavior Sets the Cast member properties for a DirectMedia cast member. " & RETURN & RETURN &\
  "This Behavior Requires Buddy API to Get filenames,so please make sure uyou have Buddy API Xtra. " & RETURN & RETURN &\
  "This Behavior Requires DirectMedia Xtra,so please make sure you have DirectMedia Xtra. " & RETURN & RETURN &\
  "Parameters" & RETURN & \
  "* File Name" & RETURN & \
  "* Where to attach this script"
-- Get Behavior description --

------ Can be attached both frame script and sprite script ------
on isOKToAttach (me, aSpriteType, aSpriteNum)
  case aSpriteType of
      return true
      return true      
  end case
end isOKToAttach
------ Can be attached both frame script and sprite script ------

------ Search for DirectMedia Member ------
on searchDirectMember me
  directmedialist = []
  maxCastLib = the number of castLibs
  repeat with theCastLib = 1 to maxCastLib
    maxMember = the number of members of castLib theCastLib
    repeat with memberNumber = 1 to maxMember
      theMember = member(memberNumber, theCastLib)
      if theMember.type = #TBDIRECTMEDIA then
        if = EMPTY then
        end if
      end if
    end repeat
  end repeat
  return directmedialist
------ Search for DirectMedia Member ------

-- give alert message --
on alertme
  alert "Supported files not found"
-- give alert message --

--- search for supported file ---
on getfilelist me
  set mypath=the moviepath
  set fileslist=[]
  set Folders = baFolderList( mypath )
  set Files = baFileList( mypath ,"*.*")
  repeat with M=1 to Files.count
    findext files[m]    
    if (result=true) then
    end if
  end repeat
  repeat with i = 1 to folders.count
    set subfolders = baFolderList( mypath & "\" & folders[i])
    if subfolders.count <> 0 then
      repeat with j=1 to subfolders.count
        set Files = baFileList( mypath & " \" &  folders[i] & "\" & subfolders[j],"*.*")
        repeat with k=1 to Files.count
          findext files[k]    
          if (result=true) then  
            fileslist.append(folders[i] & "\" & subfolders[j] & "\" & files[k])
          end if
        end repeat
      end repeat
      set Files = baFileList( mypath & " \" &  folders[i],"*.*")    
      repeat with j=1 to Files.count
        findext files[j]    
        if (result=true) then          
          fileslist.append(folders[i] & "\" & files[j])
        end if
      end repeat    
      set Files = baFileList( mypath & " \" &  folders[i],"*.*")
      repeat with j=1 to Files.count
        findext files[j]    
        if (result=true) then
          fileslist.append(folders[i] & "\" & files[j])
        end if
      end repeat
    end if      
  end repeat
  return fileslist
--- search for soundfile ---

---Set properties --
on setproperties
  if the file of member themember <> the moviepath & theFile then
    set the file of member themember = the moviepath & theFile
  end if
  set the rate of member themember to rate
  set the volume of member themember to volumeprop
  set the cpuboost of member themember to cpuboost
  set the balance of member themember to balance
  set the linkedmedialocated of member themember to medialocated
  set the hastoolbar of member themember to toolbar
  set the loop of member themember to Loopprop  
  set the pausedatstart of member themember to pausedatstartprop
set the adjustdurationbeforeplayback of member themember to adjustdurationbeforeplayback  
---Set properties --

-- Events --
on EnterFrame me
  if WhereTo = "On EnterFrame" then
  end if
end EnterFrame

on ExitFrame me
  if WhereTo = "On EnterFrame" then
  end if
end ExitFrame

on MouseUp
  if WhereTo = "On MouseUp" then
  end if
end MouseUp

on MouseDown
  if WhereTo = "On MouseDown" then
  end if
end MouseDown

on MouseEnter
  if WhereTo = "On MouseEnter" then
  end if
end MouseEnter

on MouseLeave
  if WhereTo = "On MouseLeave" then
  end if
end MouseLeave
-- Events --

--- find out extension --
on findext source
  result=chars(source,the length of source - 3,the length of source)
  if result=".mpg" or result=".avi" or result= ".wav" or result=".mov" or result = ".aif" or result = ".mp2" or result = ".mid" or result = ".mpe" then
  end if
  return result
end if
end findnext

--- find out extension --



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