--put easterdate(2000)
-- [#day: 23, #month: 4, #year: 2000]
--As an added bonus, since Easter always falls on a Sunday, you could theoretically combine this function with a leap year function --and get the day of the week for any date between 1583 and 4099. But you would also have to be pretty much insane.
--Thanks to Greg Mallen for the original algorithm and Ronald W. Mallen of Adelaide Australia for the research. You can check out his web page at http://www.assa.org.au/edm.html
--Any suggestions on how to make the algorithm above even smaller, gratefully appreciated.
on GetEasterDate y
--"all arguments are integer types
--"y is the year (1583 to 4099)
--"d day of month
--"m month
--"This algorithm is adapted from a faq document by Claus Tondering
--"URL: http://www.pip.dknet.dk/~pip10160/calendar.faq2.txt
--"E-mail: c-t@pip.dknet.dk.
--"The FAQ algorithm is based in part on the algorithm of Oudin (1940)
--"as quoted in "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac",
--"P. Kenneth Seidelmann, editor.
--"Additions by Greg Mallen:
--"(1) adds method 2 calculations (original calculation, converted to
--Gregorian date)
--"(2) modified d and m calculations to account for later dates produced by
--method 2
--Dim g "golden year - 1
--Dim c "century
--Dim h " = (23 - Epact) mod 30
--Dim i "no of days from March 21 to Paschal Full Moon
--Dim p "no of days from March 21 to Sunday on or before PFM
-- "(-6 to 28 methods 1 & 3, to 56 for method 2)
--Dim e "extra days to add for method 2 (converting Julian date to Gregorian
--"calc intermediate vars
g = y Mod 19
c = y / 100
h = (c - c / 4 - (8 * c + 13) / 25 + 19 * g + 15) Mod 30
i = h - (h / 28) * (1 - (h / 28) * (29 / (h + 1)) * ((21 - g) / 11))
--"return day and month
p = i - ((y + y / 4 + i + 2 - c + c / 4) Mod 7)
--" p can be from -6 to 56 (for all valid years 326 to 4099, all methods)
--" corresponds to dates 22 March to 23 May
--" (later dates apply to method 2, although 23 May never actually occurs)
return([#year:y, #day:1 + (p + 27 + (p + 6) / 40) Mod 31, #month:3 + (p + 26) / 30])
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