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Behavior Dragging multiple sprites

Added on 4/27/2000


behavior D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave

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Author: SylvainLangevin

To use it, you only have to attach the behavior to the master sprite, ie, the one that will become draggable. The behavior uses the right mouse button for dragging. "SLAVE SPRITES: Write here the number of each sprite that you want to be attached with the master sprite. Separate each number with a comma. Ex: 2,3,4.; RELATIVE SLAVES SPRITES: Check the box if the sprite number you wrote above are relative numbers compare to the master sprite. If they are absolute numbers, then uncheck the box. That could be useful if you have many boxes to move having each of them many sprites where all the sprites contained in each boxes would have the same relative number to the master sprite. Then you would only have to copy the same behavior to each boxes.; ALLOW VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL MOVES: Check one of each to allow your sprites to be dragged in each or both ways.

-- Behavior for dragging multiple sprites
--Sylvain Langevin (
--version 1.0
--22 avril 2000

---- properties --------------------------------
property pNumSpriteMaster   --sprite number of the sprite where the behavior is attached
property pNumSPritesSlaves  --sprite numbers of the slaves sprites that will follow the sprite master location
property pSpriteSlavesLocList  --location of all the slave sprites relative to the master sprite
property pRelAbsSlaves  --type of the sprite numbers for the slaves sprites: if 0 then absolutes ; if 1 then relative to the sprite of the master
property pVerticalMoveEnable  --allow vertical moves (0=no; 1=yes)
property pHorizontalMoveEnable  --allow horizontal moves (0=no; 1=yes)
property pNumSpriteSlavesList  --that list contains all the number of slaves sprites

on beginSprite me
  pSpriteSlavesLocList = [:]
  pNumSpriteSlavesList = []
  --change pNumSPritesSlaves in list
  pNumSPritesSlaves = string(pNumSPritesSlaves)
  repeat with a = 1 to pNumSPritesSlaves.item.count
  end repeat
  pNumSpriteMaster = me.spriteNum
  --build the list for relative positions of the slaves sprites relative to the master sprite
  repeat with a = 1 to pNumSpriteSlavesList.count
    if pRelAbsSlaves = 0 then
      relLocH = sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).locH - sprite(pNumSpriteSlavesList[a]).locH
      relLocV = sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).locV - sprite(pNumSpriteSlavesList[a]).locV
      relLoc = [relLocH, relLocV]
      if pRelAbsSlaves = 1 then
        relLocH = sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).locH - sprite(pNumSpriteSlavesList[a] + pNumSpriteMaster).locH
        relLocV = sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).locV - sprite(pNumSpriteSlavesList[a] + pNumSpriteMaster).locV
        relLoc = [relLocH, relLocV]
        pNumSpriteSlavesList.addProp(pNumSpriteSlavesList[a] + pNumSpriteMaster,relLoc)
      end if
    end if
  end repeat

on RightMouseDown me
  --put the mouseLoc in variable; it will help us to find if the mouse moved from the moment where the button has been clicked
  mousePosInitial = the mouseLoc
  --difference between the reg point of the sprite and the mouseLoc; keep the relation between them during dragging
  offset = the mouseLoc - sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).loc
  --enable dragging
  repeat while the rightMouseDown
    if mousePosInitial <> the mouseLoc then
      --check if vertical is disabled, then move horizontally only
      if pVerticalMoveEnable = 0 then
        sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).locH =  the mouseH - offset[1]
        newLoc = sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).loc
        --move the slaves sprites
        repeat with a = 1 to pSpriteSlavesLocList.count
          sprite(pSpriteSlavesLocList.getPropAt(a)).locH = newLoc[1] - pSpriteSlavesLocList[a][1]
        end repeat
        --if horizontal is disabled, then move vertically only
        if pHorizontalMoveEnable = 0 then
          sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).locV =  the mouseV - offset[2]
          newLoc = sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).loc
          --move the slaves sprites
          repeat with a = 1 to pSpriteSlavesLocList.count
            sprite(pSpriteSlavesLocList.getPropAt(a)).locV = newLoc[2] - pSpriteSlavesLocList[a][2]
          end repeat
          --move freely
          sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).loc =  the mouseLoc - offset
          newLoc = sprite(pNumSpriteMaster).loc
          --move the slaves sprites
          repeat with a = 1 to pSpriteSlavesLocList.count
            sprite(pSpriteSlavesLocList.getPropAt(a)).locH = newLoc[1] - pSpriteSlavesLocList[a][1]
            sprite(pSpriteSlavesLocList.getPropAt(a)).locV = newLoc[2] - pSpriteSlavesLocList[a][2]
          end repeat
        end if
      end if
    end if
  end repeat


on getPropertyDescriptionList
  set p_list = [ ¬
         #pNumSPritesSlaves: [ #comment:   "Slaves sprites:",                  #format:   #string, #default: "" ], #pRelAbsSlaves: [ #comment:   "Relative slaves sprites:", #format: #boolean, #default: 0 ], #pVerticalMoveEnable: [ #comment:   "Allow vertical moves:", #format: #boolean, #default: 1 ], #pHorizontalMoveEnable: [ #comment:   "Allow horizontal moves:", #format: #boolean, #default: 1 ]]
  return p_list  

on getBehaviorDescription
  return ¬
   "Description" & RETURN & "Behavior enabling to drag multiple sprite together while keeping their relative location. Could be useful, for example, if you make a remote control (not using a MIAW) and want to move all the sprite contained in the remote like a window. To use it, you only have to attach the behavior to the master sprite, ie, the one that will become draggable. The behavior uses the right mouse button for dragging."& RETURN &  "PARAMETERS:" & RETURN & "SLAVE SPRITES: Write here the number of each sprite that you want to be attached with the master sprite. Separate each number with a comma. Ex: 2,3,4."  & RETURN & "RELATIVE SLAVES SPRITES: Check the box if the sprite number you wrote above are relative numbers compare to the master sprite. If they are absolute numbers, then uncheck the box. That could be useful if you have many boxes to move having each of them many sprites where all the sprites contained in each boxes would have the same relative number to the master sprite. Then you would only have to copy the same behavior to each boxes." & RETURN & "ALLOW VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL MOVES: Check one of each to allow your sprites to be dragged in each or both ways."  



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