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Behavior FilmLoop Controller

Added on 4/20/2000


behavior D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave

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Author: BrennanYoung (website)

This behavior will only work with filmloop cast members. Just drop it onto your filmloop sprite and adjust the settings for how many loops, the delay between loops and the loopback frame.
Read the behavior description for more details.

--FilmLoop Controller--
--April 2000 Brennan Young--

property spritenum
property filmloopMem
property loopTimes
property loopcount
property framePause
property counter
property filmloopframes
property state
property loopBackTo

on beginsprite me
  set filmloopMem = the member of sprite spritenum
  if the type of member filmloopMem <> #filmloop then
    put "Filmloop control behavior attached to non filmloop sprite in channel"&&spritenum&", frame"&&the frame
  end if
  tell sprite spritenum
    filmloopframes = the lastFrame
  end tell
  set counter = 1
  set loopcount = 1
  if loopTimes = 0 and framePause = 0 and loopBackTo <= 1 then
    setFilmloopProp me, #loop, true
    set state = #playingIndefinitely
    set state = #playing
  end if
  if framePause <> 0 or loopBackTo > 1 then
    setFilmloopProp me, #loop, false
  end if

on getFilmloopStats me
  tell sprite spritenum
    fc = the lastFrame
    cc = the lastChannel
    f = the frame
  end tell
  return [#frames:fc, #channels:cc, #currentFrame:f]

--this is what makes it possible to change filmloop member properties--
on updateLoop me
  set the media of member filmloopMem = the media of member filmloopMem

--triggers filmloop, resetting all counters
on triggerLoop me
  tell sprite spritenum to go 1
  set loopcount = 1
  if loopTimes = 0 and framePause = 0 and loopBackTo <= 1 then
    setFilmloopProp me, #loop, true
    set state = #playingIndefinitely  
    set state = #playing
  end if

on exitframe me
  if the type of member filmloopMem <> #filmloop then return
  tell sprite spritenum
    flFrame = the frame
  end tell
  case state of
    #idle, #playingIndefinitely:
      if flFrame >= filmloopframes then --we have finished a loop--
        if (loopcount < loopTimes) or (loopTimes < 1) then
          set loopcount = loopcount + 1
          if framePause < 1 then
            tell sprite spritenum to go to loopBackTo
          else --setup delay--
            set state = #waiting
            set counter = 1
          end if
          setFilmloopProp me, #loop, false
          set state = #idle
        end if
      end if
      if counter < framePause then
        set counter = counter + 1
        set state = #playing
        tell sprite spritenum to go to loopBackTo
      end if
  end case

on setFilmloopProp me, prop, val
  if the type of member filmloopMem <> #filmloop then
    put "Filmloop control behavior attached to non filmloop sprite in channel"&&spritenum&", frame"&&the frame
  end if
  if not integerP(val) then
    set val = integer(val)
  end if
  case prop of
      if voidP(val) then
        val = not (the sound of member filmloopMem)
      end if
      if the sound of member filmloopMem = val then
      end if
      set the sound of member filmloopMem = val
      if voidP(val) then
        val = not (the loop of member filmloopMem)
      end if
      if the loop of member filmloopMem = val then
      end if
      set the loop of member filmloopMem = val
      if voidP(val) then
        val = not (the crop of member filmloopMem)
      end if
      if the crop of member filmloopMem = val then
      end if
      set the crop of member filmloopMem = val
      if voidP(val) then
        val = not (the center of member filmloopMem)
      end if
      if the crop of member filmloopMem = val then
      end if
      set the center of member filmloopMem = val
  end case
  updateLoop me

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  set pdlist = [:]
  if ilk(me) = #script then
    set sname = string(me)
    set sname = word 2 to (the number of words in sname) of sname
    delete char 1 of sname
    delete char length(sname) of sname
    delete char length(sname) of sname
    if sname = "" then
      alert "Make sure your scripts have names!"
    end if
    if the number of member sname < 1 then
    end if
  end if
  set csn = the currentspritenum  
  if csn > 0 then
    set mem = the member of sprite csn
    set mn = the name of mem
    if the type of member mem <> #filmloop then
      put "Warning! Filmloop controller behavior attached to non filmloop sprite in channel"&&csn&"!"
      set framecount to 999
      tell sprite csn to set framecount to (the lastFrame-1)
    end if
  end if
  addprop pdlist, #loopTimes, [#comment:"Loop how many times (0 for indefinite)", #format:#integer, #default:0, #range:[#min:0, #max:999]]
  addprop pdlist, #framePause, [#comment:"Pause for how many frames between loops", #format:#integer, #default:0, #range:[#min:1, #max:999]]
  addprop pdlist, #loopBackTo, [#comment:"Loop back to frame", #format:#integer, #default:2, #range:[#min:1, #max:framecount]]
  return pdlist
end getPropertyDescriptionList

on getBehaviorDescription
  set str = ""
  set str = str&"• Filmloop Controller behavior •"&return
  set str = str&""&return
  set str = str&"This behavior allows considerably more control over filmloops than is commonly assumed "
  set str = str&"possible. "&return&"It enables a filmloop to play a specified number of times, "
  set str = str&"it allows a delay (in frames) between each loop, it allows the filmloop to loop back"
  set str = str&" to somewhere other than the first frame and it also allows filmloop "
  set str = str&"properties to be set and updated immediately."&return
  set str = str&""&return
  set str = str&"To trigger the loop, resetting all counters, use this lingo:"&return
  set str = str&"sendsprite filmloopsprite, #triggerloop"&return
  set str = str&""&return
  set str = str&"To set the filmloop castmember properties, use the following:"&return
  set str = str&"sendsprite filmloopsprite, #setFilmLoopProp, prop, val"&return
  set str = str&""&return
  set str = str&"...where prop can be #sound, #loop, #crop and #center. These properties "
  set str = str&"correspond closely to the checkboxes and radio buttons in the filmloop castmember "
  set str = str&"properties dialog box."&return
  set str = str&""&return
  set str = str&"val should be a boolean, i.e. either true or false. If no value is given, "
  set str = str&"the message acts as a toggle to that property."&return
  return str



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