-- This is a quite simple implementaion of a JogShuffle
-- by clicking/dragging the jog it updates to a new angle
-- via simple angle calculations.
-- There are currently two parameters that can be edited in
-- the getPropertDescriptionList dialogue:
-- pHotList: a lineralist containing degree values that shall
-- represent the hotspots
-- pRange: the "sensitive area" around a Hotspot in degrees.
-- eg: Hotspot #1 is 45 degree and the range is 10
-- the jog will react in the range from 35 to 55 deg
on beginSprite me
-- pAng stores the actual angle (in degrees) of the jog
pAng = 0.0
-- origin of the sprite
pOrgLoc = sprite(spritenum).loc
sprite(spritenum).rotation = pAng
end beginSprite
on mouseDown me
-- set the jog active
pActive = 1
end mouseDown
on mouseUp me
-- deactivate the jog
pActive = 0
end mouseUp
on prepareFrame me
if not (the mouseDown and pActive) then
pActive = 0
-- adjust the jog to the current mouse position
end if
end exitFrame
on exitFrame me
-- check for hotspots, if there are any
if pHotSpots <> [] then
end if
-- update the jog's rotation
sprite(spritenum).rotation = pAng
end exitFrame
on mAdjustJog me
-- get the new angle towards the mouse position
x = the mouseH
y = the mouseV
-- transform to 'normalized' coordinates
x = (- pOrgLoc[1] + x)
y = (- pOrgLoc[2] + y) * -1
-- although not mentioned in the Director manual,
-- it *IS* possible to pass two values into the atan() function!!
currRad = atan(x,y)
-- convert it back to degrees so we can update the sprite's rotation
currAng = me.mRadToDeg(currRad)
-- a little conversion here if the angle gets a negative sign
if currAng < 0 then
currAng = 360.0 + currAng
end if
-- store the new angle into pAng
pAng = currAng
end mAdjustJog
on mCheckHotSpot me
-- check if the joggle is in a hotspot area
repeat with spot in pHotSpots
if abs(pAng - spot) < pRange then
-- ** just for this demo, enter your special code for hotspot handling here **
put "Hotspot at" && spot && "degrees."
exit repeat
-- ** end of the demo code
end if
end repeat
end mCheckHotSpot
on mDegToRad me, degrees
-- converts degrees to radians
-- returns radians
radians = degrees * pi / 180.00
return radians
end mDegToRad
on mRadToDeg me, radians
-- converts radians to degrees
-- returns degrees
degrees = radians * 180.00 / pi
return degrees
end mRadToDeg
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
description = [:]
description.addProp(#pHotSpots,[#comment:"Hotspots as degree-list:",#format:#list,#default:[45,90,270]])
description.addProp(#pRange,[#comment:"'sensitive' area around each hotspot:",#format:#integer,#range:[#min:0,#max:10],#default:5])