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Behavior Cursor trails

Added on 4/17/2000


behavior D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave


Author: BarrySwan (website)

Creates a trail of sprites behind the cursor. There are two types of trails and you can specify the length of the trail as well as how many sprites are used in it. Also includes handlers to toggle the function on and off as well as reset the sprites. Also allows you to specify what order the trail sprites are drawn in as well as allowing for an overall shift in the z-depth to allow you to have it go behind all other sprites, or in front of them, which out having to worry about where in the score they go.

-- Routine to create a user specified trail of the cursor
-- Written by Barry Swan
-- Drop it onto the first sprite you wish to use in the
-- trail and fill in the options that appear
-- For more help on the available option please read the
-- notes that appear in the behavior inspector when this
-- behavior is selected

property pStyle, pSprites, pGaps, pEnabled, pSpriteOrder, pLocZ
property pFirstSN, plLocs, plInitial, pListPos, pListSize

on beginSprite me
  -- Initialise the trail
  pFirstSN = me.spriteNum
  pListPos = 1
  -- This behavior needs at least one sprite to work
  pSprites = max(1, pSprites)
  -- Calculate list size needed
  pListSize = pSprites * pGaps
  -- Store sprite information for resetting purposes
  plInitial = []
  repeat with a = 1 to pSprites
    tSN = pFirstSN + a - 1
    add plInitial, [#loc: sprite(tSN).loc, #locz: sprite(tSN).locz, #visible: sprite(tSN).visible]
  end repeat
  -- Set up sprites and list as appropriate
  if pEnabled then EnableTrail me
  else DisableTrail me

on endSprite me
  -- Clear up sprites afterwards
  ResetSprites me

on prepareFrame me
  -- Manage the trail if enabled
  if pEnabled then
    -- Update the list
    tlPos = the mouseLoc
    -- Update the two trail methods at different times
    if pStyle = #follow then
      -- Update this every frame
      tUpdateThisFrame = TRUE
    else if pStyle = #static AND (pListPos mod pGaps = 1 OR pGaps < 2) then
      -- This is the right frame to update using the static trail method
      tUpdateThisFrame = TRUE
      -- Don't update this frame using the static trail method
      tUpdateThisFrame = FALSE
    end if
    -- Update the trail if necessary
    if tUpdateThisFrame then
      -- Store the current mouse position in the list
      plLocs[pListPos] = tlPos
      -- Go through the trail sprites in order
      repeat with a =1 to pSprites
        -- Work out which sprite we are working on
        tSN = pFirstSN + a - 1
        -- Draw trail in specified order
        if pSpriteOrder then tLocZ = tSN
        else tLocZ = pFirstSN + pSprites - a
        -- Add specified z depth
        tLocZ = tLocZ + pLocZ
        -- Draw the trail sprite in the correct position
        tOffset = ((pListPos - 1) + (a - 1) * pGaps) mod pListSize + 1
        sprite(tSN).loc = plLocs[tOffset]
        sprite(tSN).locZ = tLocZ
      end repeat
    end if
    -- Decrease and loop the pos counter
    pListPos = pListPos - 1
    if pListPos = 0 then pListPos = pListSize
  end if

on EnableTrail me
  -- Initialise and begin using trail
  pListPos = 1
  InitialiseList me
  pEnabled = TRUE
  -- Go through each trail sprite setting it to the start values
  repeat with a = 1 to pSprites
    tSN = pFirstSN + a - 1
    sprite(tSN).loc = plLocs[1]
    sprite(tSN).visible = TRUE
  end repeat

on DisableTrail me
  -- (Temporarily) disable the trail feature and hide trail
  pEnabled = FALSE
  repeat with a = 1 to pSprites
    tSN = pFirstSN + a - 1
    sprite(tSN).visible = FALSE
  end repeat

on StopTrail me
  -- Cancels the trail and resets sprites to what they were before
  pEnabled = FALSE
  ResetSprites me

on InitialiseList me
  -- Creates a default list to store the mouse positions
  tlPos = the mouseLoc
  plLocs = []
  repeat with a = 1 to pListSize
    add plLocs, tlPos
  end repeat

on ResetSprites me
  -- Restore sprites to their position and visibilty
  -- states before this behaviour was called
  repeat with a = 1 to pSprites
    tSN = pFirstSN + a - 1
    sprite(tSN).loc = plInitial[a].loc
    sprite(tSN).locz = plInitial[a].locz
    sprite(tSN).visible = plInitial[a].visible
  end repeat

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  -- Initialise the property description box data
  tlData = [:]
  tlData[#pStyle] = [#format: #symbol, #default: #follow, #range: [#follow, #static], #comment: "How should the trail be made:"]
  tlData[#pSprites] = [#format: #integer, #default: 1, #comment: "How many sprites to use for the trail:"]
  tlData[#pGaps] = [#format: #integer, #default: 3, #range: [#min: 1, #max: 10], #comment: "How close together should the trail be (1 = Close, 10 = Distant):"]
  tlData[#pEnabled] = [#format: #boolean, #default: TRUE, #comment: "Use the trail immediately:"]
  tlData[#pSpriteOrder] = [#format: #boolean, #default: FALSE, #comment: "Trail follows channel order:"]
  tlData[#pLocZ] = [#format: #integer, #default: 0, #comment: "Add this to the locZ to draw trail at different depth on the stage:"]
  -- Return the property description box data
  return tlData

on getBehaviorDescription me
  -- Create the text to be shown in the behavior inspector
  tText = "[Sprite] Cursor trail" & RETURN & RETURN
  tText = tText & "Use this behaviour to create and manage cursor trails. Sprites required for the trail must be in consecutive channel order. The first sprite will be closest to the cursor while the last used will be furthest (in order) from the cursor. Set their graphics / inks etc. accordingly. Use this behavior by dropping it in the lowest channel numbered sprite to be used for the trail, and setting the options that appear. When the sprite this behaviour is attached to ends for whatever reason, then all the sprites used in the trail are reset to their initial location, z depth, and visibility." & RETURN & RETURN
  tText = tText & "-- Options in the property description list:" & RETURN & RETURN
  tText = tText & "How should the trail be made: [#follow | #static ]" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "#follow creates a trail that follows the cursor precisely. #static creates a trail that places itself at regular intervals at the cursor's current position." & RETURN & RETURN
  tText = tText & "How many sprites to use for the trail: [1 to the maximum number of channels free]" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "These sprites must be in consecutive channel order from the first sprite in the trail." & RETURN & RETURN
  tText = tText & "How close together should the trail be (1 = Close, 10 = Distant): [1 to 10]" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "Each unit here specifies how many frames behind the previous one the trail sprite is. Higher numbers create a much more distinct  trail." & RETURN & RETURN
  tText = tText & "Use the trail immediately: [TRUE | FALSE]" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "Active the trail immediately else initialise it but do not show it. See below on controlling the trail more." & RETURN & RETURN
  tText = tText & "Trail follows channel order: [TRUE | FALSE]" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "If this is set to TRUE then sprites use their channel order for depth. This means the trail sprites nearest the cursor will be obscured by those further away. Set this to FALSE for the first trail sprite to be on top of those further below it in the score." & RETURN & RETURN
  tText = tText & "Add this to the locZ to draw trail at different depth on the stage: [-2 billion to +2 billion]" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "Use this to prevent you having to place the trail sprites in any particular position in the score. Add a number greater than the channels used in the movie to make the trail always appear above them on the stage, or leave at zero for them to stick to the channels they are placed in. If you use a large enough negative number you can set it so the trail always go behind everything on the stage." & RETURN & RETURN
    tText = tText & "-- Handlers that can be called to affect the trail during run-time:" & RETURN & RETURN
    tText = tText & "EnableTrail()" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "Call this to start the trail working. You can either do this after calling DisableTrail() or StopTrail(), or if you set this behaviour to not use the trail by default." & RETURN & RETURN
    tText = tText & "DisableTrail()" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "Pauses the trail and makes all the sprites used in the trail invisible. Restart again by calling EnableTrail()" & RETURN & RETURN
     tText = tText & "StopTrail()" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "This stops the trail from being used and resets all the sprites used in the trail to their initial position, z depth, and visible state. You can still call EnableTrail() to restart them." & RETURN & RETURN
   tText = tText & "Written by Barry Swan" & RETURN
  tText = tText & "" & RETURN
  tText = tText & ""
  -- Return the complete help text
  return tText



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