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Behavior 3D Model

Added on 1/31/2000


D7 D8 Mac PC Script Shockwave

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Author: DaveCole

Allows a 3D model of multiple quads Requires Dave's 3D engine script. The newest version and full example files are always available at

-- 3DModel v7.1 Copyright 1998 Dave Cole
-- This object represents a general model made up of several 3DQuad
-- objects represented by Quads.  Use this object and any of the
-- proprietary model datafile formats to instantiate a 3D model
-- in director.

-- Model Formats supported so far:
-- 0: No format to be directly imported, placeholder object instantiated
-- 1: Field based "D3D" (Dave's 3D) Model (see docs on format)
-- 2: File based "D3D" (Dave's 3D) Model (see docs on format)
-- 3: Field based "P3D" (Point-based Dave's 3D) Model (see docs)
-- 4: File based "P3D" Model
-- 5: .OBJ format pre-imported into a field (Alias Wavefront, etc.)
-- 6: .OBJ files

global mModelView, sortSprites

property mFormat, mDescriptor, mBeginSprite
property mMatrix, mObjectList, curSprite, maxSprite, mArgs, highestUsedSpriteChannel

-- modelformat = Which model format to import, modeldescriptor = the file/field name of the model to import,
-- beginningSpriteChannel = which sprite channel to begin allocating sprites for the model at (counts up)
on new me, modelformat, modeldescriptor, beginningSpriteChannel, highestSpriteChannel, argList
  set mFormat = modelformat
  set mDescriptor = modeldescriptor
  set mBeginSprite = beginningSpriteChannel
  set curSprite = mBeginSprite
  set maxSprite = highestSpriteChannel
  highestUsedSpriteChannel = mBeginSprite
  set mMatrix = [[1000, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1000, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1000, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1000]]
  set mObjectList = []
  case mFormat of
    0: -- create empty shell of a 3DModel object
    1: -- D3D Field
      importD3D(me, mDescriptor)
    2: -- D3D File
      set zz = importText(me, mDescriptor, "f_"&mDescriptor)
      importD3D(me, zz)
    3: -- P3D Field
      importP3D(me, mDescriptor)
    4: -- P3D File
      set zz = importText(me, mDescriptor, "f_"&mDescriptor)
      importP3D(me, zz)
    5: -- .OBJ Field
      importOBJ(me, mDescriptor, getAt(arglist, 1), getAt(arglist, 2), getAt(arglist, 3))
    6: -- .OBJ File
      set zz = importText(me, mDescriptor, "f_"&mDescriptor, getAt(arglist, 1), getAt(arglist, 2), getAt(arglist, 3))
      importOBJ(me, zz)
  end case
  return me

on kill me
  --  repeat with i = mBeginSprite to highestUsedSpriteChannel
  --    puppetsprite(i, false)
  --  end repeat
  --  updateStage
  --  repeat with i = mBeginSprite to highestUsedSpriteChannel
  --    puppetsprite(i, true)
  --    sprite(i).visible = 1  
  --  end repeat
  put "3dmodel kill"
  z = count(mObjectList)
  repeat with i = 1 to z
  end repeat

on setMouseWithin me, scriptName
  repeat with n in mObjectList
    n.scriptEvents = 1
    n.mouseWithinS = scriptName
  end repeat

on setMouseDown me, scriptName
  repeat with n in mObjectList
    n.scriptEvents = 1
    n.mouseDownS = scriptName
  end repeat

on setMouseUp me, scriptName
   repeat with n in mObjectList
    n.scriptEvents = 1
    n.mouseUpS = scriptName
  end repeat

on setMouseLeave me, scriptName
   repeat with n in mObjectList
    n.scriptEvents = 1
    n.mouseLeaveS = scriptName
  end repeat

on importD3D me, mDescriptor
  set z = the number of lines in field mDescriptor
  set l = 0
  set t = []
  set curSprite = curSprite - 1
  repeat with i = 1 to z
    set m = line i of field mDescriptor
    if char 1 to 2 of m = "--" then
    else if word 1 of m = "NEWFACE" then
      set mInk = value(word 2 of m)
      set mBlend = value(word 3 of m)
      set mDCue = value(word 4 of m)
      set mMember = word 5 of m
      set l = 0
      set t = []
      set curSprite = curSprite + 1
      if curSprite > maxSprite then
        exit repeat
      end if
    else if the number of items in m = 3 then
      set l = l + 1
      if l = 4 then
        add(t, [value(item 1 of m), value(item 2 of m), value(item 3 of m), 1.0])
        add(mObjectList, new(script "3DQuad", t, curSprite, mInk, mBlend, mDCue, mMember))
      else if l < 4 then
        add(t, [value(item 1 of m), value(item 2 of m), value(item 3 of m), 1.0])
      end if
    end if    
  end repeat
  if curSprite > maxSprite then
    highestUsedSpriteChannel = maxSprite
    highestUsedSpriteChannel = curSprite
  end if
  repeat with i = (highestUsedSpriteChannel) + 1 to maxSprite
    sprite(i).visible = false
  end repeat

on importP3D me, mDescriptor
  set z = the number of lines in field mDescriptor
  set l = 0
  set t = []
  set curSprite = curSprite - 1
  repeat with i = 1 to z
    set m = line i of field mDescriptor
    if char 1 to 2 of m = "--" then
    else if word 1 of m = "VERTEX" AND the number of words in m >= 10 then    
      set curSprite = curSprite + 1
      if curSprite > maxSprite then
        exit repeat
      end if
      --x, y, z, memberName, spriteNumber, theInk, theBlend, dCue_scale, dCue_blend, dCue_memberchange, lowMem, highMem
      if the number of words in m < 12 then
        set lm = 0
        set hm = 0
        set lm = value(word 11 of m)
        set hm = value(word 12 of m)
      end if
      add(mObjectList, new(script "3DSprite", value(word 2 of m), value(word 3 of m), value(word 4 of m), word 5 of m, curSprite, value(word 6 of m), value(word 7 of m), value(word 8 of m), value(word 9 of m), value(word 10 of m), lm, hm))
    end if    
  end repeat
  if curSprite > maxSprite then
    highestUsedSpriteChannel = maxSprite
    highestUsedSpriteChannel = curSprite
  end if

on importOBJ me, mDescript, mInk, mBlend, mMember
  set vertexList = []
  set z = the number of lines in field mDescript
  set curSprite = curSprite - 1
  repeat with i = 1 to z
    set m = line i of field mDescript
    if word 1 of m = "v" then
      add(vertexList, [value(word 2 of m), value(word 3 of m), value(word 4 of m), 1.0])
    else if word 1 of m = "f" then
      curSprite = curSprite + 1
      if curSprite <= maxSprite then
        set t = []
        set x = getAt(vertexList, value(word 2 of m))
        add(t, x)
        add(t, getAt(vertexList, value(word 3 of m)))
        add(t, getAt(vertexList, value(word 4 of m)))
        add(t, x)
        add(mObjectList, new(script "3DQuad", t,curSprite, mInk, mBlend, 0, mMember))
        exit repeat
      end if
    end if
  end repeat
  if curSprite > maxSprite then
    highestUsedSpriteChannel = maxSprite
    highestUsedSpriteChannel = curSprite
  end if  
  set vertexList = []

on importText me, fileN, fieldName
  io = new (xtra "fileio")
  io.openFile(fileN, 1)
  if the number of member fieldName = -1 then
    set n = new(#field)
    set the name of n = fieldName
  end if
  put cr2lf(me, readFile(io)) into field fieldName
  return fieldName

-- LF (RETURN) = 13, CR (unwanted) = 10
on cr2lf me, str
  if str  contains numtochar(10) then
    set str2 = EMPTY
    repeat with i = 1 to the number of chars in str
      if (char i of str = numtochar(10)) then
        put RETURN after str2
        put char i of str after str2
      end if
    end repeat
    return str
  end if
  return str2

-- Save current ModelView matrix into this Model's memory to be recalled
on saveMatrix me
  set mMatrix = mModelView

-- Take the ModelView matrix stored in this Model's memory and make it
-- the current ModelView matrix (overwrites the previous ModelView).
on imposeMatrix me
  set mModelView = mMatrix

-- Take the ModelView matrix stored in this Model's memory, multiply it
-- against the current ModelView matrix and make that the current ModelView Matrix.
on affectModelViewMatrix me
  set mModelView = Matrix4x4Mult(mMatrix, mModelView)

-- Multiply the current ModelView matrix against the locally saved matrix
on affectLocalMatrix me
  set mMatrix = Matrix4x4Mult(mModelView, mMatrix)

-- Transform all the vertices in the model
on Transform me
  repeat with n in mObjectList
  end repeat

-- Draw the model
on drawMe me
  if sortSprites then
  end if
  repeat with n in mObjectList
  end repeat



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