--More examples available at http://www.piggelin.com/macromedia/examples.htm
-- Created by kim@nevermind.net -99
-- If you´ll use this script please notify me so i can see what cool stuff you´ve made...
global ca, cb, cc
global sa, sb, sc
global a, b, c
global x1, y1, z1, xp, yp, zp, xg, yg, zg
global lineCnt, lineComb, pointCnt
global zSort
on startmovie
a = 0.0
b = 0.0
c = 0.0
x1 = [-10,10,10,-10,-10,10,10,-10]
--x1 = [-30,-10,-10,-30,-30,-10,-10,-30]
y1 = [-10,-10,10,10,-10,-10,10,10]
z1 = [10,10,10,10,-10,-10,-10,-10]
lineComb = [[1,2,3,4],[2,6,7,3],[7,8,4,3],[4,8,5,1],[2,1,5,6],[6,5,8,7]]
lineCnt = lineComb.count
pointCnt = x1.count
xp = []
yp = []
zp = []
xg = 1
yg = 5
zg = 2
repeat with t = 1 to lineCnt
puppetsprite t, true
end repeat
on t
av = 50
siz = 10.0
--siz = the mouseH / 60.0
ca = cos(a)
cb = cos(b)
cc = cos(c)
sa = sin(a)
sb = sin(b)
ac = sin(c)
repeat with t = 1 to pointCnt
x = x1[t]
y = y1[t]
z = z1[t]
nx = x*cb*cc + y*(sa*sb*cc + ca*sc) + z*(sa*sc - ca*sb*cc)
ny = x*cb*sc + y*(ca*cc - sa*sb*sc) + z*(ca*sb*sc + sa*cc)
nz = x*sb - y*sa*cb + z*ca*cb
rx = (nx * av/(nz + av))*siz
ry = (ny * av/(nz + av))*siz
xp[t] = integer(rx + 200)
yp[t] = integer(ry + 200)
zp[t] = (-nz * 5) + 128
end repeat
zSort = [:]
repeat with cntLines = 1 to lineCnt
sumTemp = 0
repeat with koords = 1 to 4
sumTemp = sumTemp + zp[lineComb[cntLines][koords]]
end repeat
sumTemp = sumTemp / 4
zSort.addProp(sumTemp, cntLines)
end repeat
sort zSort
repeat with setZ = 1 to lineCnt
sprite(zSort[setZ]).locZ = setZ
end repeat
repeat with t = 1 to lineCnt
tt = []
tt[1] = [ xp[lineComb[t][1]] , yp[lineComb[t][1]] ]
tt[2] = [ xp[lineComb[t][2]] , yp[lineComb[t][2]] ]
tt[3] = [ xp[lineComb[t][3]] , yp[lineComb[t][3]] ]
tt[4] = [ xp[lineComb[t][4]] , yp[lineComb[t][4]] ]
--sprite(t).membernum = (t+14)
sprite(t).quad = tt
end repeat
a = a + xg * 3.14 / 270 -- y
b = b + yg * 3.14 / 270 -- x
--c = c + zg * 3.14 / 180 -- z
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Newnan, GA 30263