on getBehaviorDescription me
return "¬
Allows you to make your own custom Volume Bar with just 2 sprites."&RETURN&RETURN&"¬
This behavior will also set the position of the adjustable bar to it's appropriate position¬
automatically at initialization."&RETURN&RETURN&"¬
When this behavior is dropped onto a sprite you will be asked to define 3 main variables:"&RETURN&"¬
1) The sprite that you want to use as the Axis (or the constraint) for the movable bar. "&RETURN&"¬
2) The sprite that you want to use as the movable bar."&RETURN&"¬
3) The Direction of the Axis bar (i.e.the direction the user drags the volume bar)."&RETURN&RETURN&"¬
You will also be asked to define 4 additional features. "&RETURN&"¬
Note: these features are not selected by default because they are only optional."&RETURN&"¬
1) If you would, or would not, like to put the soundlevel into a field (for the user to view on the stage)."&RETURN&"¬
2) If Put SoundLevel into Field is checked then you are asked to define the name of the field that you would like to put the soundlevel into."&RETURN&"¬
3) If you would, or would not, like the volume bar to make a sound on MouseUp (a useful indication of the volume change)."&RETURN&"¬
4) If Make a Sound on MouseUp is selected then you are asked to define the name of the sound member."&RETURN&RETURN&"¬
1) This behavior should be attached to both the axis, the scroll bar and whatever other graphic is associated with the volume control.¬
This way, if the user clicks on either one, the volume will be automatically adjusted."&RETURN&"¬
2) You can make any interface you want for the volume control, just make an invisible draw sprite to be your constraint."&RETURN&"¬
3) In case you use a visible constraint sprite, you should make sure that you use a bitmap as the scroll bar and not a quickDraw sprite¬
because a quickDraw sprite's registration point is in the top left corner."&RETURN&RETURN&"¬
This Behavior was created by Michael Nadel on 9/3/99 and is free for distribution."&RETURN&"¬
Write to mims@barak-online.net for comments."
end getBehaviorDescription
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
set pdlist to [:]
addprop pdlist, #pConstraint, [#comment:"Constraint Sprite", #format:#integer, #default:3]
addprop pdlist, #pBar, [#comment:"Bar Sprite", #format:#integer, #default:4]
addprop pdlist, #pDirection, [#comment:"Direction", #format:#symbol, #default:#Verticle, #range:[#Verticle,#Horizontal]]
addprop pdlist, #pText, [#comment:"Put the SoundLevel into Feild" & RETURN, #format:#boolean, #default:0]
addprop pdlist, #pTextName, [#comment:"Feild Member Name", #format:#symbol, #default:#Volume]
addprop pdlist, #pSound, [#comment:"Make a Sound on MouseUp" & RETURN, #format:#boolean, #default:0]
addprop pdlist, #pSoundName, [#comment:"Sound Member Name", #format:#symbol, #default:#ding]
return pdlist
end getPropertyDescriptionList
on beginSprite me
set the constraint of sprite pBar to pConstraint
case pDirection of
#Verticle: set the locv of sprite pBar=((the bottom of sprite pConstraint)-((the soundlevel-1)*(the height of sprite pConstraint)/7))
#Horizontal:set the loch of sprite pBar=((the left of sprite pConstraint)+((the soundlevel-1)*(the width of sprite pConstraint)/7))
end case
if pText=1 then
put the soundlevel into member string(pTextName)
end if
on mouseDown
repeat while the stilldown
case pDirection of
set the locv of sprite pBar to the mousev
set the soundLevel=(((the bottom of sprite pConstraint)-(the locv of sprite pBar))/((the height of sprite pConstraint)/7))+1
set the loch of sprite pBar to the mouseh
set the soundLevel=(((the loch of sprite pBar)-(the left of sprite pConstraint))/((the width of sprite pConstraint)/7))+1
end case
if pText=1 then
put the soundlevel into member string(pTextName)
end if
end repeat
if pSound=1 then
puppetsound member string(pSoundName)
end if
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263