Drop this behavior on a button. Specify which sprite it should be constrained to, the maximum sound volume, the minimum sound volume and which sound channel(s) it should control. Slider can be vertical or horizontal.
-- Sound slider
-- 8/13/99 JF Cloutier
-- This behavior can certainly be improved, please let me know how!
-- jfcloutier@multivet.com
property mySprite
property pConstrainer -- Spritenum to constrain to
property pOrientation -- Identifies if it's a H or V slider
property pMaxValue -- Maximum volume of sound value
property pMinValue -- Maximum volume of sound value
property pConstrainer_min -- Left or bottom of sprite pConstrainer
property pConstrainer_max -- Right or top of sprite pConstrainer
property pfactor -- Incrementation factor along the slider
property pAffectV1 -- Sound channel 1 can be affected or not
property pAffectV2 -- Sound channel 2 can be affected or not
property finger -- To set a grabbing hand cursor
on beginSprite me
mySprite = me.spritenum
if pMaxValue <= pMinValue then
alert "Maximum volume of sound value cannot be equal or less than minimum volume of sound value !"¬
&RETURN&RETURN& "Modify the behavior parameter dialog box accordingly."
end if
case pOrientation of
pConstrainer_min = sprite(pConstrainer).left
pConstrainer_max = sprite(pConstrainer).right
pConstrainer_min = sprite(pConstrainer).bottom
pConstrainer_max = sprite(pConstrainer).top
end case
pfactor = float((pMaxValue-pMinValue)/(pConstrainer_max - pConstrainer_min))
on placeButton me
there1 = integer(pConstrainer_min + ((the volume of sound 1) / pfactor))
there2 = integer(pConstrainer_min + ((the volume of sound 2) / pfactor))
case pOrientation of
if pAffectV1 then sprite(mySprite).loch = there1
if pAffectV2 then sprite(mySprite).loch = there2
if pAffectV1 then sprite(mySprite).locv = there1
if pAffectV2 then sprite(mySprite).locv = there2
end case
on mouseEnter me
if finger then cursor 260
on mouseLeave me
if finger then
if the rollover <> mysprite then cursor -1
end if
on mouseDown me
if finger then cursor 290
case pOrientation of
repeat while the stilldown me
sprite(mySprite).loch = constrainh(pConstrainer, the mouseh)
z = abs(integer((pMinValue - (pConstrainer_min - sprite(mySprite).loch) * pfactor)))
if z <= pMaxValue and z >=pMinValue then
if pAffectV1 then the volume of sound 1 = z
if pAffectV2 then the volume of sound 2 = z
end if
end repeat
repeat while the stilldown me
sprite(mySprite).locv = constrainv(pConstrainer, the mousev)
z = abs(integer( (pMinValue - (pConstrainer_min - sprite(mySprite).locv)) * pfactor))
if z <= pMaxValue and z >=pMinValue then
if pAffectV1 then the volume of sound 1 = z
if pAffectV2 then the volume of sound 2 = z
end if
end repeat
end case
if finger then
if the rollover <> mySprite then cursor -1
else cursor 260
end if
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
set d = [:]
addProp d, #pConstrainer, [#default: 0, #format: #integer, #comment: "Slider will be constrained to sprite :"]
addProp d, #pOrientation, [#default: #horizontal, #format: #string, #range: [#horizontal, #vertical], #comment: "This slider will be "]
addProp d, #pMaxValue, [#default: 255, #format: #float, #range: [#min: 1, #max: 255], #comment: "Maximum volume of sound value:"]
addProp d, #pMinValue, [#default: 0, #format: #float, #range: [#min: 0, #max: 254], #comment: "Minimum volume of sound value:"]
addProp d, #pAffectV1, [ #comment: "Control soundtrack 1 ", #format: #boolean, #default: TRUE ]
addProp d, #pAffectV2, [ #comment: "Control soundtrack 2 ", #format: #boolean, #default: TRUE ]
addProp d, #finger, [ #comment: "Grabbing hand cursor over this button?", #format: #boolean, #default: TRUE ]
return d
on getBehaviorDescription
set description = "This is a sound slider behavior. Can be vertical or horizontal. Drop the behavior on the button itself," & RETURN &"then specify which sprite you want the button to be constrained to. "
return description
on GetBehaviorTooltip
sContent = "This is a sound slider behavior. Can be vertical or horizontal. Drop the behavior on the button itself," & RETURN &"then specify which sprite you want the button to be constrained to. "
return sContent
end GetBehaviorTooltip
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263