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Behavior Menu bar emulator

Added on 8/21/1999


behavior D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave

This item has not yet been rated

Author: DannyKodicek

Add to a field sprite to emulate the standard lingo menu functions. Useful for SW or for creating menus with your own font styles

-- add to a field sprite to emulate the menu function in SW
-- Shortcuts work with shift rather than ctrl (an unfortunate necessity)
-- NB - this behaviour uses the mousedownscript and keydownscript,
-- and needs to be adapted if these are needed elsewhere in the movie

-- Danny Kodicek 1999 (please credit)
--Any comments / problems / improvements to

property pmenu -- the menu member
property pmouseselection -- the currently selected line
property pmenuitems -- list of lists of menu items for each menu
property popening -- is there a menu currently popped
property pmenudownsprite -- the sprite holding the menu popup (needs to contain a dot)
property pmenumember -- the member of the popup (created dynamically)
property ptoptext -- the menu bar text
property pfont, psize -- style of the text

on getpropertydescriptionlist me
  addprop lyst, #pmenu, [#comment: "Member of menu text", #format: #field, #default:""]
  addprop lyst, #pmenudownsprite, [#comment: "Menu down sprite", #format: #integer, #default: 100]
  addprop lyst, #pfont, [#comment: "Font", #format: #string, #default: "Times"]
  addprop lyst, #psize, [#comment: "Font size", #format: #integer, #default: 12, #range: [#min: 8, #max: 18]]
  return lyst

on getbehaviordescription me
  t="Emulates the installmenu command; choose your own fonts"
  put "and sizes or use it in Shockwave" after t
  return t

on getbehaviortooltip me
  t="Add to a field sprite, specifying a second sprite for the"&return
  put "drop-down menu and a field cast member containing a standard"&return after t
  put "lingo menu (only supports enable, disable, lingo handler,"&return after t
  put "shortcut and blank line functions. Shortcuts use the shift key)"&return&return after t
  put"This will then emulate a standard menu bar with your specified"&return after t
  put "font style."&return&return after t
  put "Uses the mousedownscript and keydownscript." after t
  return t

on beginsprite me
  id=the itemdelimiter
  repeat with i= 1 to the number of lines of menutext
    the itemdelimiter=":"
    if menuline.item[1]="menu" then
      if currmenu<>[] then
        add pmenuitems, currmenu
      end if
      put menuline.item[2]&"      " after ptoptext
      the itemdelimiter="|"
      addprop curritem, #shortcut, ""
      repeat with j=1 to the number of chars of menufunc
        if menufunc.char[j]="(" then
          setprop curritem, #enabled, false
          if j            if menufunc.char[j+1]="-" then
              m=" "
            end if
          end if
          exit repeat
          if menufunc.char[j]="/" then
            setprop curritem, #shortcut, menufunc.char[j+1]
            exit repeat
            put menufunc.char[j] after m
          end if
        end if
      end repeat
      addprop curritem, #item, m
      if the number of items of menuline>1 then
        addprop curritem, #handler, hand
        addprop curritem, #handler, ""
      end if
      add currmenu, curritem
    end if
  end repeat
  add pmenuitems, currmenu
  the mousedownscript="sendsprite (sprite("&me.spritenum&"), #stopmenu)"
  the keydownscript="if the shiftdown then sendsprite (sprite("&me.spritenum&"), #checkforshortcut)"
  the itemdelimiter=id
  pmenumember=new(#field)"menu field"

on endsprite me
  erase pmenumember

on mousedown me
  if popening=0 then
    openamenu (me)
  end if

on mouseupoutside me
  stopmenu (me)

on exitframe me
  if popening=0 then exit
  if rollover(pmenudownsprite) then
    y=the mousev-sprite(pmenudownsprite).locv
    if linenum>pmenuitems[pmouseselection[2]].count then
    end if
    if pmenuitems[pmouseselection[2]][linenum].enabled=true then
      if linenum=1 then startchar=1
      end if
      hilite char startchar to endchar of field pmenumember
    end if
  else if rollover(me.spritenum) and the mouseword<>pmouseselection[2] then
    openamenu (me)
  end if

on openamenu me
  m= the mouseword
  if m=-1 or m>pmenuitems.count then
  end if
  if m=1 then c=1
    repeat with c=1 to the number of chars of ptoptext
      if ptoptext.char[c]=" " and e=0 then
        if ptoptext.char[c]<>" " then
          if d=m then exit repeat
        end if
      end if
    end repeat
  end if
  z= charpostoloc(sprite(me.spritenum).member, c)
  repeat with i=1 to pmenuitems[m].count
    put pmenuitems[m][i].item after mtext
    if pmenuitems[m][i].shortcut<>"" then put "  Shift+"&pmenuitems[m][i].shortcut after mtext
    if i  end repeat
  put return after mtext
  sprite(pmenudownsprite).rect=rect(l,t,r,b)+rect(meloc, meloc)
  repeat with i=1 to pmenuitems[m].count
    if pmenuitems[m][i].enabled=true then
      set the fontstyle of line i of field pmenumember = "bold"
      set the fontstyle of line i of field pmenumember="plain"
    end if
  end repeat

on stopmenu me
  if popening=1 then
    if pmouseselection[1]<>0 then
      do pmenuitems[pmouseselection[2]][pmouseselection[1]].handler
    end if
  end if

on checkforshortcut me
  l=the key
  repeat with m in pmenuitems
    repeat with i in m
      if i.shortcut=l and i.enabled=true then
        do i.handler
      end if
    end repeat
  end repeat

on enableitem me, m, i
  if not integerP(m) or not integerP(i) then exit
  if m<0 or m>pmenuitems.count then exit
  if i<0 or i>pmenuitems[m].count then exit

on disableitem me, m, i
  if not integerP(m) or not integerP(i) then exit
  if m<0 or m>pmenuitems.count then exit
  if i<0 or i>pmenuitems[m].count then exit

on toggleitem me, m, i
  if not integerP(m) or not integerP(i) then exit
  if m<0 or m>pmenuitems.count then exit
  if i<0 or i>pmenuitems[m].count then exit
  pmenuitems[m][i].enabled=not pmenuitems[m][i].enabled



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