Reads a fields from a ini-file using fileIO-Xtra
this script uses a text-field to store the ini-file content.
So you have to make a dummy text-field called "inifield".
-- made by Jon van Leuven
-- last update: 23-07-99
-- methods:
-- fileToField( filename )
-- read a file and put it into a field (field "inifield")
-- fieldToFile( filename )
-- put field into a file (field "inifield")
-- readIniField( sectionName, itemName )
-- get a value from an ini-field
-- writeIniField( sectionName, itemName, value )
-- store a value to an ini-field
-- read( filename )
-- get ascii data from file
-- write( filename, data )
-- write ascii data to a file
on fileToField filename
set myFile = new (xtra "fileio")
set rightFile = filename
-- use the searchPaths to search the right ini-file
repeat with n = 1 to the length of the searchPaths
set fullPath = getAt( the searchPaths, n ) & filename
openFile(myFile, fullPath, 1)
set error = error( myFile, status( myFile ) )
if( error <> "OK" ) then
set rightFile = fullPath
end if
end repeat
put read( rightFile ) into field "inifield"
on fieldToFile filename
set myFile = new (xtra "fileio")
set rightFile = filename
-- use the searchPaths to search the right ini-file
repeat with n = 1 to the length of the searchPaths
set fullPath = getAt( the searchPaths, n ) & filename
openFile(myFile, fullPath, 1)
set error = error( myFile, status( myFile ) )
if( error <> "OK" ) then
set rightFile = fullPath
end if
end repeat
write( rightFile, field "inifield" )
on readIniField sectionName, itemName
set sectionFlag = FALSE
set fieldName = "inifield"
set the itemDelimiter = "="
repeat with n = 1 to the lineCount of member fieldName
-- read and process line
set oneLine = line n of field fieldName
if( charToNum( char 1 of oneLine ) = 10 ) then
set oneLine = chars( oneLine, 2, length( oneLine ) )
end if
--put oneLine
if( sectionFlag = FALSE ) then
--section detected
if( char 1 of oneLine = "[" ) then
set sec = chars( oneLine, 2, length( oneLine )-1 )
if( sec = sectionName ) then
set sectionFlag = TRUE
end if
end if
--item detected
if( item 1 of oneLine = itemName ) then
return item 2 of oneLine
end if
end if
end repeat
on writeIniField sectionName, itemName, value
set sectionFlag = FALSE
set the itemDelimiter = "="
set fieldName = "inifield"
repeat with n = 1 to the lineCount of member fieldName
-- read and process line
set oneLine = line n of field fieldName
if( charToNum( char 1 of oneLine ) = 10 ) then
set oneLine = chars( oneLine, 2, length( oneLine ) )
end if
--put oneLine
if( sectionFlag = FALSE ) then
--section detected
if( char 1 of oneLine = "[" ) then
set sec = chars( oneLine, 2, length( oneLine )-1 )
if( sec = sectionName ) then
set sectionFlag = TRUE
end if
end if
--item detected
if( item 1 of oneLine = itemName ) then
set updatedLine = numToChar( 10 ) & item 1 of oneLine & "=" & value
put updatedLine into line n of field fieldName
end if
end if
end repeat
on read filename
set myFile = new (xtra "fileio")
openFile(myFile, fileName, 1)
-- check for error
set error = error( myFile, status( myFile ) )
if( error <> "OK" ) then
alert( filename & " - file error: " & error )
end if
set data = readFile(myFile)
return data
on write filename, data
set myFile = new (xtra "fileio")
openFile(myFile, fileName, 2)
-- check for error
set error = error( myFile, status( myFile ) )
if( error <> "OK" ) then
alert( filename & " - file error: " & error )
end if
writeString( myFile, data )
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263