StopWatch Timer
Added on 7/31/1999
Here"s a quick and easy stopwatch timer you can use for a digital counter. Drop it onto a text or field sprite, and let it go. Start counting automatically, or control it with Lingo. Get the elapsed seconds via the mGetTime method.
-- Stop Watch Timer Behavior
-- v1.0 73199
-- ©1999 Robert K Wingate
-- Here"s a quick and easy stopwatch timer |
-- you can use for a digital counter. Drop |
-- it onto a text or field sprite, and let |
-- it go. Start counting automatically, or |
-- control it with Lingo. Get the elapsed |
-- seconds via the mGetTime method |
-- |
-- This code is emailware. If you use it, |
-- email me. What could be cheaper? |
-- Send comments to rwingate@mindmagic.com |
property fTicking
property spriteNum, kStartTime
property iLastTime
on beginSprite me
-- initialize variables and the display
kStartTime = the milliSeconds
iLastTime = 0
mSetCounter me, ":00"
on exitFrame me
-- Check to see if a full seconds has elapsed.
-- If so, format the new time & fill the field
if fTicking then
tix = ( the milliSeconds - kStartTime ) / 1000
if tix <> iLastTime then
mSetCounter me, mGetStopWatchTime ( me, tix )
iLastTime = tix
end if
end if
on mSetCounter me, displayStr
-- dump the formatted counter display to the field
sprite(spriteNum).member.text = displayStr
on mGetStopWatchTime me, tim
-- format the time into a readable text string
hrs = tim / 3600
tim = tim mod 3600
myn = tim / 60
tim = tim mod 60
sec = mPadIfNecessary ( me, tim )
case ( TRUE ) of
( hrs > 0 ): return hrs & ":" & myn & ":" & sec
( myn > 0 ): return myn & ":" & sec
otherwise return ":" & sec
end case
on mPadIfNecessary me, sec
-- private method called by mGetStopWatchTime to
-- aid in formatting digital counter string
secStr = string ( sec )
if secStr.chars.count = 1 then return "0" & secStr
return secStr
on mStartCounting me
-- public method. Turns counting on
kStartTime = the milliSeconds
if not fTicking then fTicking = TRUE
on mStopCounting me
-- public method. Turns counting off
fTicking = FALSE
on mGetTime me
-- public accessor method. Call it from outside to get
-- the current seconds elapsed since counting started
return iLastTime
on getPropertyDescriptionList
-- make sure it"s been dragged onto a field
if not the currentSpriteNum then exit
myType = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).member.type
case ( myType ) of
#field, #text:
err = "This behavior requires text entry. Clear it from this"
err = err && "sprite, then drag it onto a field or text sprite."
alert err
end case
ls = [:]
addProp ls, #fTicking, [ #comment:"Start stopwatch on beginSprite?",¬
#format:#boolean, #default:FALSE ]
return ls
on getBehaviorDescription me
txt = "Drag this behavior onto a field sprite to turn it"
txt = txt && "into a stopwatch counter. Use Lingo"s"
txt = txt && QUOTE & "sendSprite ( whichSprite, #message )"
txt = txt & QUOTE && "syntax with the behavior"s mStartCounting"
txt = txt && "methods to turn the stopwatch on and off."
return txt