on findWordfromChar str, charPos
-- returns the word that the specified character occurs in
wordBreak = [SPACE, TAB, ",", ".", ":", ";", "?", "!", RETURN]
if getOne(wordBreak, str.char[charPos]) > 0 then return EMPTY
mx = length (str)
fWrd = str.char[charPos]
i = charPos - 1
repeat while i > 0
if getOne(wordBreak, str.char[i]) > 0 then
exit repeat
fWrd = str.char[i] & fWrd
i = i -1
end if
end repeat
i = charPos + 1
repeat while i <= mx
if getOne(wordBreak, str.char[i]) > 0 then
exit repeat
fWrd = fWrd & str.char[i]
i = i + 1
end if
end repeat
return fWrd
on getRandomChar letCase
-- returns a random letter; if case is not specifed (as #upper or #lower), it picks a random case
if not symbolP(letCase) then set letCase = getAt([#upper, #lower], random(2))
if letCase = #upper then set aLet = 64 + random(26)
else set aLet = 93 + random (26)
set lett = numToChar (aLet)
return lett
on capitalise lett
-- if the param is a lower case letter, an uppercase version is returned
if stringP(lett) then
set tA = charToNum(lett)
if tA = min(max(96, tA), 123) then
set tA = tA - 32
set lett = numTOChar (tA)
end if
end if
return lett
on forceSentenceCase str
-- converts the first letter of the first word of the str to uppercase
-- str = forceLowerCase (Str)
set lett = char 1 of str
set tA = charToNum(lett)
if tA = min(max(96, tA), 123) then
set tA = tA - 32
set lett = numTOChar (tA)
end if
set outPut = lett & char 2 to length(str) of str
return output
on CapitaliseFirstLetter str
-- converts the first letter of each word to uppercase
set wCount = the number of words in str
set outPut = ""
repeat with j = 1 to wCount
set wrd = word j of str
set lett = char 1 of wrd
set tA = charToNum(lett)
if tA = min(max(96, tA), 123) then
set tA = tA - 32
set lett = numTOChar (tA)
end if
put lett & (char 2 to length (wrd) of wrd) & " " after output
end repeat
delete the last char of output
return output
on forceUppercase iStr
-- takes a string and converts it to all uppercase
set oStr = ""
set n = length(iStr)
repeat with i = 1 to n
set tA = charToNum(char i of iStr)
if tA = min(max(97, tA), 122) then set tA = tA - 32 -- char is lowercase
put numTOChar (tA) after oStr
end repeat
return oStr
on forceLowercase iStr
-- takes a string and converts it to all lowercase
set oStr = ""
set n = length(iStr)
repeat with i = 1 to n
set tA = charToNum(char i of iStr)
if tA = min(max(65, tA), 90) then set tA = tA + 32
put numTOChar (tA) after oStr
end repeat
return oStr
on forceTitleCase iStr
set oStr = ""
set lStr = forceLowerCase (iStr)
set mWrd = the number of words in lStr
repeat with j = 1 to mWrd
set wrd = word j of lStr
set fChar = char 1 of wrd
set UChar = forceUppercase (fChar)
delete char 1 of wrd
put Uchar & wrd & " " after oStr
end repeat
delete the last char of oStr
return oStr
on searchAndReplace input, oldStr, newStr
-- searches the input (string) for oldStr and replaces it with newStr
set output = ""
repeat while input contains oldStr
set posn = offset(oldStr, input)-1
if posn > 0 then put char 1 to posn of input after output
put newStr after output
delete char 1 to (posn + length(oldStr)) of input
end repeat
put input after output
return output
on trimPunctuation pStr
set str = pStr
set punc = " ;:,.-?!*"
repeat while (length (str) > 0) AND (punc contains char 1 of str)
delete char 1 of str
end repeat
repeat while (length (str) > 0) AND (punc contains the last char of str)
delete the last char of str
end repeat
return str
on trimChars charsToTrim, pStr
set str = pStr
repeat while (length (str) > 0) AND (charsToTrim contains char 1 of str)
delete char 1 of str
end repeat
repeat while (length (str) > 0) AND (charsToTrim contains the last char of str)
delete the last char of str
end repeat
return str
on removeLeadingSpaces pStr
repeat while char 1 of pStr = " "
delete char 1 of pStr
end repeat
return pStr
on removeTrailingSpaces pStr
repeat while (the last char of pStr = " ")
delete the last char of pStr
end repeat
return pStr
on stripNonAlphabetChars istr
-- takes a string and strips out non-aphabetcharacters (including spaces)
set oStr = ""
set n = length(iStr)
repeat with i = 1 to n
set tA = charToNum(char i of iStr)
if (tA = min(max(96, tA), 123)) OR (tA = min(max(63, tA), 91)) then
put numToChar (tA) after oStr
end if
end repeat
return oStr
on trimSpaces pStr
set pStr = string (pStr)
-- remove leading spaces
repeat while char 1 of pStr = " "
delete char 1 of pStr
end repeat
-- remove trailing spaces
repeat while (the last char of pStr = " ")
delete the last char of pStr
end repeat
return pStr
on getASCIgarbage strLength
-- generates a string of garbage
if Not integerP(strLength) then set strLength = 100
set str = ""
repeat with k = 1 to strLength
put numToChar (random(231)) after str
end repeat
return str
on pad sourceStr, minLength, padChar, frontorBack
set str = sourceStr
if frontorBack = #front then
repeat while (length(str) < minLength)
set str = padChar & str
end repeat
repeat while (length(str) < minLength)
put padChar after str
end repeat
end if
return str
on stringContainsVowels str
-- returns 0 if the str contains a vowel
set vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
repeat with v in vowels
if str contains v then return 0
end repeat
return -1
on sortField fName
-- sorts field alphanumerically, line by line
set mx = the number of lines in field fName
set tList = []
repeat with j = 1 to mx
append tList, line j of field fName
end repeat
sort tList
set str = EMPTY
repeat with j = 1 to mx
put getAt (tList, j) & return after str
end repeat
delete the last char of str
put str into field fName
on stripEmptyLines str
rStr = EMPTY
mx = the number of lines in str
repeat with L = 1 to mx
chnk = line L of str
if the number of chars in chnk> 0 then put chnk & return after rStr
end repeat
delete the last char of rStr
return rStr
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263