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Behavior Generic Timer

Added on 7/14/1999


D7 D8 Mac PC Script Shockwave

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Author: KraigMentor

A single object lets you create and query as many independent timers as you"d like. Each can be either in seconds or ticks. When you create a new, individual timer it returns an integer. That integer is used by you from then on to access that timer within the object. Each function is commented.

--Kraig Mentor
--v1.0 15 May 1999
--v1.1 18 June 1999
----Added comments.
----Added integer checking for 'aDuration' in the function 'gTimer_start'.
----Rewrote the functions to return either 1 or 0 where appropriate.
----    rather than symbolic error codes.
----Added error codes and the 'gTimer_getErrorString' function.

--Copyright 1999, Kraig Mentor
--All rights reserved.
--Permission granted to use and distribute.


property pTimerList --Contains all timer IDs and their information.
property pNextIDval --The timer ID of the last assign ID. 0 indicates no timers.
property pLastError  --Symbol containing a code of the last error, if any.

on new me  
  pTimerList = [:]
  pNextIDval = 0
  pLastError = #ok
end on

--tTimerVals are....[{ID as integer}:[#method:#{ticks,#seconds}, ¬
--                                    #start:{integer}, #stop:{integer}, ¬
--                                    #state:{0,1,2}]]
--#state = 0 indicates the time is not running (Not started)
--#state = 1 indicates the timer is running.
--#aState =2 indicates the timer has expired (Finished timing)
on gTimer_createID me
  --ACCEPTS: Nothing.
  --RETURNS: A positve integer ID value.
  --PURPOSE: Creates a unique id for each timer.
  --         They are generate sequentially as integers.
  pLastError = #ok
  pNextIDval = pNextIDval + 1
  pTimerList.addProp(pNextIDval,[#method:void, #start:void, #stop:void, #state:0])  
end on

on gTimer_killID me, aID
  --ACCEPTS: 'aID' as an integer. Must be non-negative.
  --RETURNS: 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
  --PURPOSE: Removes a timer from the list.
  --Make sure the ID is legit.
  if NOT(voidP(pTimerList.getAProp(aID))) then
    pLastError = #ok
    pLastError = #invalidTimerID
  end if
end on

on gTimer_getTimeRemaining me, aID
  --ACCEPTS: 'aID' as an integer. Must be non-negative.
  --RETURNS: An integer that represents the ticks, or the milliSeconds
  --         remaininging a timer if successful, 0 otherwise.
  --PURPOSE: Determine the remaining time of a timer.
  if NOT(voidP(pTimerList.getAProp(aID))) then
    --The timer ID was located.
    tTimerVals = pTimerList.getAProp(aID)    
    if tTimerVals.getProp(#method) = #ticks then    
      tRemainingTime = gTimer_getTicksRemaining(me, aID)
      tRemainingTime = gTimer_getSecondsRemaining(me, aID)
    end if    
    pLastError = #ok
    --The timer ID was not located.
    pLastError = #invalidTimerID
  end if  
end on

on gTimer_start me, aID, aMethod, aDuration
  --ACCEPTS: 'aID' as an integer. Must be non-negative.
  --ACCEPTS: 'aMethod' as a sybmol. Must be either #ticks or #seconds.
  --         This is the timer counting method to use.
  --ACCEPTS: 'aDuration' as an integer indicating either the ticks or seconds.
  --RETURNS: 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
  --PURPOSE: Start a timer.
  --Make sure the duration is an integer
  if NOT(integerP(aDuration)) then
    pLastError = #integerExpected
  end if
  --Make sure this is a valid method.
  if aMethod = #ticks then      
    tStartStopVals = gTimer_convertTicks(me, aDuration)
  else if aMethod = #seconds then
    tStartStopVals = gTimer_convertSeconds(me, aDuration)
    --Invalid method.
    pLastError = #invalidMethod
  end if  
  if NOT(voidP(pTimerList.getAProp(aID))) then    
    --This is a valid timer ID.
    tTimerVals = pTimerList.getProp(aID)
    tTimerVals.setProp(#method, aMethod)
    tTimerVals.setProp(#state, 1)    
    tTimerVals.setProp(#start, tStartStopVals.getProp(#start))
    tTimerVals.setProp(#stop, tStartStopVals.getProp(#stop))  
    --This is not a valid timer ID.
    pLastError = #invalidTimerID
  end if
end on

on gTimer_getErrorString me, aCode
  --ACCEPTS: 'aCode' as symbol. It should reference a reported error code
  --          from a prior call to a handler.
  --RETURNS: A text string describing the meaning of the error code.
  --PURPOSE: To offer more insight into an error code's meaning.
  case aCode of
      tString = "The request was completed with no apparent errors."      
      tString = "An integer was expected."
      tString = "The requested timer ID was not found."
      tString = "Invalid timer method. Expected either #ticks or #seconds."
      tString = "The requested error string could not be found."
  end case
end on

on gTimer_getTicksRemaining me, aID
  --ACCEPTS: 'aID' as an integer. Must be non-negative.
  --RETURNS: An integer that represents the ticks remainining.
  --         Assumes that the validity of  'aID' has already been established.
  --PURPOSE: Determine the remaining ticks of a timer.  
  gTimer_timeExpired(me, aID)  
  tTimerVals = pTimerList.getAProp(aID)  
  if tTimerVals.getProp(#state) = 2 then
    tDiff = 0
    tDiff = ABS(tTimerVals.getProp(#stop) - the ticks)
  end if
end on

on gTimer_getSecondsRemaining me, aID
  --ACCEPTS: 'aID' as an integer. Must be non-negative.
  --RETURNS: An integer that represents the milliSeconds remainining.
  --         Assumes that the validity of  'aID' has already been established.
  --PURPOSE: Determine the remaining ticks of a timer.  
  gTimer_timeExpired(me, aID)  
  tTimerVals = pTimerList.getAProp(aID)  
  if tTimerVals.getProp(#state) = 2 then
    tDiff = 0
    tDiff = ABS(tTimerVals.getProp(#stop) - the milliSeconds)
  end if
end on

on gTimer_timeExpired me, aID
  --ACCEPTS: 'aID' as an integer. Must be non-negative.
  --         Assumes the validity of 'aID' has already been verified.
  --RETURNS: 1 if the timer has expired, 0 otherwise.
  --PURPOSE: Determine if a timer has expired.      
  tTimerVals = pTimerList.getProp(aID)
  if tTimerVals.getProp(#state) then
    --The timer has been started (may be finished)
    if tTimerVals.getProp(#method) = #ticks then    
      gTimer_checkTicks(me, aID)
      gTimer_checkSeconds(me, aID)
    end if
    if tTimerVals.getProp(#state) = 2 then
      --Timer expired
      --Timer still running
    end if  
  end if
end on

on gTimer_checkTicks me, aID
  --ACCEPTS: 'aID' as an integer. Must be non-negative.
  --          Assumes the validity of 'aID' has already been verified.
  --RETURNS: Nothing
  --PURPOSE: Updates the #state property of a #ticks timer when it has expired.
  tTimerVals = pTimerList.getProp(aID)
  if the ticks > tTimerVals.getProp(#stop) then
  end if
end on

on gTimer_checkSeconds me, aID
  --ACCEPTS: 'aID' as an integer. Must be non-negative.
  --          Assumes the validity of 'aID' has already been verified.
  --RETURNS: Nothing
  --PURPOSE: Updates the #state property of a #seconds timer when it has expired.
  tTimerVals = pTimerList.getProp(aID)  
  if the milliSeconds > tTimerVals.getProp(#stop) then
  end if  
end on

on gTimer_convertTicks me, aDuration
  --ACCEPTS: 'aDuration' as a positive integer.
  --          Assumes the validity of 'aDuration' has already been verified.
  --RETURNS: A property list containing the starting and stopping times.
  return([#start:the ticks, #stop: the ticks + aDuration])  
end on

on gTimer_convertSeconds me, aDuration
  --ACCEPTS: 'aDuration' as a positive integer.
  --          Assumes the validity of 'aDuration' has already been verified.
  --RETURNS: A property list containing the starting and stopping times.
  tDuration = aDuration * 1000
  return([#method:#seconds, #start:the milliSeconds, #stop:the milliSeconds + tDuration])
end on



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