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Behavior Sound 2 CuePoint

Added on 7/14/1999


behavior D6_5 D7 D8 Mac PC

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Author: BrianCassell

Recognizes the sound and cue points in Sound Channel 2. Film Loops and rollovers will still play as opposed to the tempo channel"s built in Wait for Cue Point.

--Sound 2 CuePoint Behavior
--©1999 Brian Cassell, iXL (a cog in the machine)


on getBehaviorDescription me
  return ¬
"Sound 2 Cue Point Behavior"&RETURN&¬
"©1999 Brian Cassell, iXL (a cog in the machine)"&RETURN&RETURN&¬
"Recognizes the sound and cue points in Sound Channel 2."&RETURN&¬
"Film Loops and rollovers will still play as opposed to the tempo channel's built in Wait for Cue Point."&RETURN&RETURN&¬
"*Cue Point Name:"&RETURN&¬
" Choose the Cue Point name to wait for. Default value is the first cue point."&RETURN&RETURN&¬
"*Go to the Frame (+):"&Return&¬
" When 'Go to Frame' is checked the movie will go to the current frame + the number of frames specified in the pulldown."&Return&¬
"Possible Values: 1,2 or 3."&RETURN&&RETURN&¬
"*Destination Marker:"&Return&¬
" When 'Go to Marker' is checked the movie will go to the marker selected in the pulldown."&Return&¬
" Possible values: Next, Previous, Loop and any marker available in the current movie."&RETURN&RETURN&¬
"NOTES: 'Go to specific marker' will always over ride the 'Go to the frame (+)' if both are checked."  


--Written May 1999
--Modified May,24 1999 (added support to wait for END of sound)

--Far superior to Director's built in wait features.
--They kill interactivity (rollovers, animation, film loops) until the cue has been reached.
--All interactivity is maintained with the Sound 2 CuePoint Behavior.


property whichCuePoint   --holds the selected cuePoint name or number
property goFrame         --flag for going to a frame after cuePassed
property whichFrame      --holds selected number of frames to add to current frame to go to
property goMarker        --flag for going to a marker after cuePassed
property whichMarker     --holds selected marker to go to after cuePassed

--Event handlers

on exitFrame me
  if whichCuePoint = "{End}" then
    if soundBusy(2) then go the frame
      if goMarker then
        go to frame whichMarker
        go to the frame + whichFrame
      end if
    end if
    if isPastCuePoint (sound 2, whichCuePoint) then
      if goMarker then
        go to frame whichMarker
        go to the frame + whichFrame
      end if
    end if
  end if
  go the frame

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  set mySound = the frameSound2  --the memberNumber of the sound in the sound channel
  if mySound = 0 then
    alert "This behavior requires a sound in channel 2."
    set theCues = the cuePointNames of member mySound  --putting cues into a list to pass
  end if
  add theCues,"{End}"
  set p_list = [ #whichCuePoint: [#comment:"Wait for Cue Point:", #format:#symbol, #range:theCues, #default:getAt(theCues,1)],¬
                 #goFrame: [#comment:"Go to the frame (+)  ON:", #format: #boolean, #default:TRUE],¬
                 #whichFrame: [#comment:"Go to the frame (+) :", #format: #integer, #range:[1,2,3], #default: 1],¬
                 #goMarker: [#comment:"Go to specific marker ON:", #format: #boolean, #default: FALSE],¬
                 #whichMarker: [#comment:"Destination marker:", #format:#marker, #default:#next]]
  return p_list  



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