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Behavior Sound 1 CuePoint

Added on 7/14/1999


behavior D6_5 D7 D8 Mac PC


Author: BrianCassell

Recognizes the sound and cue points in Sound Channel 1.If there aren"t any cuepoints the behavior can be used to also wait for the end of the sound to finish before giog to the next frame. Film Loops and rollovers will still play as opposed to the tempo channel"s built in Wait for Cue Point and Wait for end of sound.

--Sound 1 CuePoint Behavior


on getBehaviorDescription me
  return ¬
"Sound 1 Cue Point Behavior"&RETURN&¬
"©1999 Brian Cassell, iXL (a cog in the machine)"&RETURN&RETURN&¬
"Recognizes the sound and cue points in Sound Channel 1."&RETURN&¬
"Film Loops and rollovers will still play as opposed to the tempo channel's built in Wait for Cue Point."&RETURN&RETURN&¬
"*Cue Point Name:"&RETURN&¬
" Choose the Cue Point name to wait for. Default value is the first cue point."&RETURN&RETURN&¬
"*Go to the Frame (+):"&Return&¬
" When 'Go to Frame' is checked the movie will go to the current frame + the number of frames specified in the pulldown."&Return&¬
"Possible Values: 1,2 or 3."&RETURN&&RETURN&¬
"*Destination Marker:"&Return&¬
" When 'Go to Marker' is checked the movie will go to the marker selected in the pulldown."&Return&¬
" Possible values: Next, Previous, Loop and any marker available in the current movie."&RETURN&RETURN&¬
"NOTES: 'Go to specific marker' will always over ride the 'Go to the frame (+)' if both are checked."  


--Written May 1999
--Modified May,24 1999 (added support to wait for END of sound)

--Far superior to Director's built in wait features.
--They kill interactivity (rollovers, animation, film loops) until the cue has been reached.
--All interactivity is maintained with the Sound 1 CuePoint Behavior.


property whichCuePoint   --holds the selected cuePoint name or number
property goFrame         --flag for going to a frame after cuePassed
property whichFrame      --holds selected number of frames to add to current frame to go to
property goMarker        --flag for going to a marker after cuePassed
property whichMarker     --holds selected marker to go to after cuePassed

--Event handlers

on exitFrame me
  if whichCuePoint = "{End}" then
    if soundBusy(1) then go the frame
      if goMarker then
        go to frame whichMarker
        go to the frame + whichFrame
      end if
    end if
    if isPastCuePoint (sound 1, whichCuePoint) then
      if goMarker then
        go to frame whichMarker
        go to the frame + whichFrame
      end if
    end if
  end if
  go the frame

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  set mySound = the frameSound1  --the memberNumber of the sound in the sound channel
  if mySound = 0 then
    alert "This behavior requires a sound in channel 1."
    set theCues = the cuePointNames of member mySound  --putting cues into a list to pass
  end if
  add theCues,"{End}"
  set p_list = [ #whichCuePoint: [#comment:"Wait for Cue Point:", #format:#symbol, #range:theCues, #default:getAt(theCues,1)],¬
                 #goFrame: [#comment:"Go to the frame (+)  ON:", #format: #boolean, #default:TRUE],¬
                 #whichFrame: [#comment:"Go to the frame (+) :", #format: #integer, #range:[1,2,3], #default: 1],¬
                 #goMarker: [#comment:"Go to specific marker ON:", #format: #boolean, #default: FALSE],¬
                 #whichMarker: [#comment:"Destination marker:", #format:#marker, #default:#next]]
  return p_list  



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