Creates a custom alert with the above properties. Requires MUI Xtra
Reproduced with permission from Penworks Lingo User"s Journal
-- Custom alert handler
-- Buttons can be #OkCancel, #AbortRetryIgnore, #YesNoCancel,
-- #YesNo, or #RetryCancel
-- Icons can be #stop,#note,#caution,#question,#error or #none
-- Default (button) can be #Ok, #Cancel, #Abort, #Retry, #Ignore,
-- #Yes, or #No (but must be on the dialog, of course)
-- Return value is symbol of button (#Ok, #Cancel, #Abort, etc.)
on customAlert buttons, default, icon, moveable, message, title
set alertObj =new(xtra "MUI")
if (not objectP(alertObj)) then
end if