A lingo object that returns non-repeating predefined random integers
From Cole Tierney"s Code Corner
-- This parent script returns non-repeating predetermined random integers.
-- You can pass "new" either a list like: [ 1, 4, 3, 29 ] or a range like: 1, 10.
on new me, p1, p2
set the randomSeed = the ticks
set minVal = p1
set maxVal = p2
set lastVal = 0
set numIndex = 1
if listP( p1 ) then
set intLst = p1
set intLst = []
repeat with i = minVal to maxVal
append intLst, i
end repeat
end if
set numItems = count( intLst )
shuffle me
return me
on shuffle me
if numItems > 1 then
set the randomSeed = the timer
set counter = 1
repeat while counter <= numItems
set ranIndex = random( numItems )
set value1 = getat( intLst, ranIndex )
set value2 = getat( intLst, counter )
setat intLst, ranIndex, value2
setat intLst, counter, value1
set counter = counter + 1
end repeat
end if
on rand me
if numIndex > numItems then -- NEED TO RESHUFFLE
shuffle me
set numIndex = 1
set newVal = getat( intLst, numIndex )
if numItems > 1 then
if newVal = lastVal then -- MAKE SURE WE HAVE NO REPEATS
deleteat( intLst, numIndex ) -- PUT IT AT THE END OF THE LIST
append intLst, newVal
end if
end if
end if
set newVal = getat( intLst, numIndex )
set lastVal = newVal
set numIndex = numIndex + 1
return newVal
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263