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Behavior Dialing for Behaviors

Added on 6/30/1999


behavior D6_5 D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave

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Author: AlanLevine

Needs two line shape members, one SW to NE and the other NW to SE

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-- dial behavior
-- creates a rotating needle that can sweep continuus full circles,
-- arc lengths, random movements, or move to amounts as sent from
-- other handlers
-- alan

-- assumes quadrant states of
--     v
--     |
--  2  |  1        > 0 degrees is the positive h axis
-- --------- h     > angles are positive in the counter
--  3  |  4          clockwise direction  
--     |           > v axis is positive upward

property myOriginLoc, myOrigin, myVertex, myTheta, myRadius, myMode, myMin, myMax,  myDelay, myClock, myDirection, myIncrement, myTrails, myState, theRadtoDeg

-- myOriginLoc          : symbol param for which corner of the
--                        starting sprte is the axis of rotation;
--                        [#topLeft,#bottomRight,#topRight,#bottomLeft]
-- myOrigin             : point location of the origin
-- myVertex             : point location of the end of the needle
-- myTheta              : angle of rotation measured counter
--                        colckwise from positive h axis
-- myRadius             : radius of circle of rotation
-- myMode               : symbol representing the type of dial
--                        [#arcSweep,#fullSweep,#randomSweep,#externalTrigger]
-- myMin                : starting angle location for arcSweep or range for
--                        randomSweep
-- myMax                : ending  angle location for arcSweep or range for
--                        randomSweep
-- myDelay              : number of ticks between updates
-- myClock              : runing time in ticks since last update
-- myDirection          : clockwise or counter-clockwise
-- myIncrement          : number of degrees to move between updates
-- myTrails             : boolean flag for drawing with trails
-- myState              : flag to indicate whether we have finished for an arc
-- theRadtoDeg          : constant for converting between radians and degrees

on beginSprite me
  -- initialize the constant for angle conversion
  set theRadToDeg =  180.0 / pi()
  -- initialize state to active  
  set myState = #go
  -- initialize clock
  set myClock = the ticks
  -- set increment to negative  for clockwise sweeps
  if myDirection = "Clockwise" then set myIncrement = - myIncrement
  -- initialize trails state
  set the trails of sprite the spriteNum of me = myTrails
  -- find the vertex and the points according to the initial sprite and
  -- flag sent from BH dialog box
  if myOriginLoc = #topLeft then  
    -- sprite with origin at top left of rect ( member "line24" in quadrant 4)
    set myOrigin = point( getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,1),¬
                          getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,2) )
    set myVertex = point( getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,3),¬
                          getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,4) )
  else if myOriginLoc = #bottomRight then  
    -- sprite with origin at bottom right of rect ( member "line24" in quadrant 2)
    set myOrigin = point( getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,3),¬
                          getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,4) )
    set myVertex = point( getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,1),¬
                          getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,2) )
  else if myOriginLoc = #topRight then      
    -- sprite with origin at top right of rect ( member "line13" in quadrant 3)
    set myOrigin = point( getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,3),¬
                          getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,2) )
    set myVertex = point( getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,1),¬
                          getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,4) )
    -- sprite with origin at bottom left of rect ( member "line13" in quadrant 1)
    set myOrigin = point( getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,1),¬
                          getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,4) )
    set myVertex = point( getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,3),¬
                          getAt( the rect of sprite the spriteNum of me,2) )
  end if
  -- determine the initial angle of the vertex
  if the locV of myOrigin = the locV of myVertex then
    -- case where the line is horizontal
    if the locH of myOrigin > the locH of myVertex then
      set myTheta = 0
      set myTheta = 180
    end if    
    set myRadius = abs( the locH of myOrigin - the locH of myVertex )
  else  if the locH of myOrigin = the locH of myVertex then
    -- case where the line is vertical  
    if the locV of myOrigin > the locV of myVertex then
      set myTheta = 270
      set myTheta = 90
    end if    
    set myRadius = abs( the locV of myOrigin - the locV of myVertex )  
    -- all other cases, need to determine angle with arctangent
    set myTheta = theRadToDeg * atan ( 1.0 * (the locV of myOrigin - the locV of myVertex) / (the locH of myVertex - the locH of myOrigin))
    -- determines quadrant of vertex point
    -- 1 = NE, 2 = NW, 3=SW, 4=SE  
    if the locV of myVertex < the locV of myOrigin then
      -- we are in quads 1 or 2
      if the locH of myVertex < the locH of myOrigin then
        -- quad 2
        set myTheta = 180 + myTheta
        -- quad 1, no adjustment
      end if
      -- we are in quads 3 or 4
      if the locH of myVertex  < the locH of myOrigin then
        -- quad 3
        set myTheta = 180 + myTheta        
        -- quad 4
        set myTheta = 360 + myTheta  
      end if  
    end if
    -- keep track of the starting angle
    set myMin = myTheta
    -- calculate radius with distance formula
    set myRadius = sqrt ( power( the locH of myVertex - the locH of myOrigin , 2) +  ¬
                          power( the locV of myVertex - the locV of myOrigin , 2)    )
  end if

on prepareFrame me
  -- called on every frame update to generate new locations
  -- First check if this motion is active  
  if myState = #go then
    -- only update if we have passed our delay interval
    if the ticks - myClock > myDelay then
      if myMode = #arcSweep then
        -- update to new value
        set myTheta = myTheta + myIncrement
        -- need two tests for ending condition
        if myIncrement > 0 then
          -- test for counter-clockwise movement
          if myTheta < myMin + myMax then
            move( me, myTheta)
            set myState = #stop
          end if
          -- test for clockwise movement
          if myTheta > myMin - myMax then
            move(me, myTheta)
            set myState = #stop
          end if
        end if
      else if myMode = #fullSweep  then
        -- full sweeps, just increment and draw
        set myTheta = myTheta + myIncrement
        move(me, myTheta)
      else if myMode = #randomSweep then
        -- random sweeps, calculate for range withing specified
        -- inputs, in appropriate direction from starting point
        if  myIncrement > 0 then
          set myTheta = myMin + random(myMax)
          set myTheta = myMin - random(myMax)
        end if
        move(me, myTheta)
      end if
      -- update the clock
      set myClock = the ticks
    end if    
  end if

on move me, newTheta
  -- general purpose call to move the needle to the new value (degrees)
  set myTheta = newTheta
  -- correct for angles that go negative
  if myTheta < 0 then set myTheta = 360 +  myTheta
  -- we need to work off of a local variable so we can test quadrants
  set localTheta = myTheta
  -- reduce the local theta to less than 360
  repeat while localTheta >= 360
    set localTheta = localTheta - 360
  end repeat
  -- 0 degree angle special case
  if  localTheta = 0 then
    -- update new vertex point
    set myVertex = myOrigin + point(integer( myradius),0)
    -- set appropriate line sprite
    set the memberNum of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = the number of member "line13"
    -- scale the sprite by its rect
    set the rect of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = rect(the locH of myOrigin, the locV of myVertex, the locH of myVertex, the locV of myOrigin + the lineSize of sprite (the spriteNum of me) )
  else if localTheta < 90 then
    -- quadrant 1
    -- update new vertex point
    set myVertex = myOrigin + point( integer(myRadius * cos (localTheta / theRadToDeg )), - integer(myRadius * sin (localTheta / theRadToDeg)))
    -- set appropriate line sprite
    set the memberNum of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = the number of member "line13"
    -- scale the sprite by its rect
    set the rect of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = rect(the locH of myOrigin, the locV of myVertex, the locH of myVertex, the locV of myOrigin)
  else  if  localTheta = 90 then
    -- 90 degree angle special case
    -- update new vertex point
    set myVertex = myOrigin - point( 0, integer( myradius))
    -- set appropriate line sprite
    set the memberNum of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = the number of member "line24"
    -- scale the sprite by its rect
    set the rect of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = rect(the locH of myVertex - the lineSize of sprite (the spriteNum of me), the locV of myVertex, the locH of myOrigin, the locV of myOrigin)
  else  if  localTheta < 180 then
    -- quadrant 2
    -- update new vertex point
    set myVertex = myOrigin + point( integer(myRadius * cos (localTheta / theRadToDeg )), - integer(myRadius * sin (localTheta / theRadToDeg)))
    -- set appropriate line sprite
    set the memberNum of sprite (the spriteNum of me) =  the number of member "line24"
    -- scale the sprite by its rect
    set the rect of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = rect(the locH of myVertex, the locV of myVertex, the locH of myOrigin, the locV of myOrigin)
  else  if  localTheta = 180 then
    -- 180 degree angle special case
    -- update new vertex point
    set myVertex = myOrigin - point(integer( myradius),0)
    -- set appropriate line sprite
    set the memberNum of sprite (the spriteNum of me) =  the number of member "line13"  
    -- scale the sprite by its rect
    set the rect of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = rect(the locH of myVertex, the locV of myOrigin - the lineSize of sprite (the spriteNum of me), the locH of myOrigin, the locV of myVertex)
  else  if  localTheta < 270 then
    -- quadrant 3
    -- update new vertex point
    set myVertex = myOrigin + point( integer(myRadius * cos (localTheta / theRadToDeg )),  - integer(myRadius * sin (localTheta / theRadToDeg)))
    -- set appropriate line sprite
    set the memberNum of sprite (the spriteNum of me) =  the number of member "line13"
    -- scale the sprite by its rect    
    set the rect of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = rect(the locH of myVertex, the locV of myOrigin, the locH of myOrigin, the locV of myVertex)
  else if localTheta = 270 then
    -- 270 degree angle special case
    -- update new vertex point
    set myVertex = myOrigin + point( 0, integer( myradius))
    -- set appropriate line sprite
    set the memberNum of sprite (the spriteNum of me) =  the number of member "line24"
    -- scale the sprite by its rect      
    set the rect of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = rect(the locH of myVertex, the locV of myVertex, the locH of myOrigin + the lineSize of sprite (the spriteNum of me), the locV of myOrigin)
    -- quadrant 4
    -- update new vertex point
    set myVertex = myOrigin + point( integer(myRadius * cos (localTheta / theRadToDeg )), - integer(myRadius * sin (localTheta / theRadToDeg)))
    -- set appropriate line sprite
    set the memberNum of sprite (the spriteNum of me) =  the number of member "line24"
    -- scale the sprite by its rect
    set the rect of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = rect(the locH of myVertex, the locV of myVertex, the locH of myOrigin, the locV of myOrigin)
  end if

on getPropertyDescriptionList
  set p_list = [ #myOriginLoc: [ #comment:"Origin Location:", #format: #string,                    #default:1, #range:[#topLeft,#bottomRight,#topRight,#bottomLeft] ],  #myMode: [ #comment:   "Type of Dial:",   #format: #symbol, #default: 1, range: [#arcSweep,#fullSweep,#randomSweep,#externalTrigger ]]   ]
  addProp p_list, #myMax, [#comment: "arc sweep (deg)", #format: #integer, #default:360, #range:[#min:1,#max:360] ]
  addProp p_list, #myIncrement, [#comment: "increment per move (deg)", #format: #integer, #default:10]
  addProp p_list, #myDirection, [#comment: "direction", #format: #symbol, #default:1, #range:["Counter-Clockwise", "Clockwise"] ]
  addProp p_list, #myDelay, [#comment: "delay time (ticks)", #format: #integer, #default:60]
  addProp p_list, #myTrails, [#comment: "trails", #format: #boolean, #default:0]
  return p_list  

on getBehaviorDescription
  return "Creates a rotating needle dial on line sprites. Cast must include 2 members named " && QUOTE & "line24" & QUOTE && "and " && QUOTE & "line13" & QUOTE & RETURN & "PARAMETERS:" & RETURN & "• Origin Location - Select which corner of the line sprites rect is the axis of rotation." & RETURN & "• Type of Dial - Select from the choices. #arcSweep = movement in constrained arc length; #fullSweep=continuous 360 degree rotation; #randomSweep=movement to  random degree offset (within range specified); #externalTrigger=movement will be sent by another handler via a sendSprite command" & RETURN & "• arc sweep - Select how far the needle will move from its initial position (in degrees)." & RETURN & "• increment per move - how many degrees the needle will move on each frame update. "& RETURN & "• direction - spin direction relative to the initial position." & RETURN & "• delay time - length of time between updates." & RETURN & "• trails - draw line with trails on." & RETURN & "NOTES:" & RETURN & "If the needle does not move as expected, the most likely cause is the origin location is not properly set. Drawing with trails can be erratic if other sprites animate over the specified sprites."



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