This simple behavior moves a sprite across the screen either left to right - or right to left - or top to bottom - or bottom to top, and after the sprite vanishes it appears and goes across again ie it wraps
-- SimpleSpriteMover
-- This simple behavior moves a sprite
-- across the screen either
-- left to right - or
-- right to left - or
-- top to bottom - or
-- bottom to top,
-- and after the sprite
-- vanishes it reappears
-- and goes across again;
-- ie it "wraps".
-- It moves at
-- any "speed" you wish,
-- on each enterframe event.
-- Attach this behavior to a sprite.
-- Hacked by
-- Loren Mork 1997
-- Seattle, Washington
-- properties
property pi_theSprite -- Contains the number of the sprite we are moving - integer
property pi_theLocH -- Contains the LocH of the sprite we are moving - integer
property pi_theLocV -- Contains the LocV of the sprite we are moving - integer
property pi_stageWidth -- Contains the width of the stage we are on - integer
property pi_stageHeight -- Contains the height of the stage we are on - integer
property pi_AmountToMove -- Contains the amount to move each time - integer
property ps_Direction -- Contains a string indicating the direction to move in - string
on beginsprite me
set pi_theSprite = the spritenum of me
set pi_theLocH = the loch of sprite the spritenum of me
set pi_theLocV = the locv of sprite the spritenum of me
set pi_stageWidth = the stageright - the stageleft
set pi_stageHeight = the stagebottom - the stagetop
if pi_AmountToMove < 0 then
set pi_AmountToMove = pi_AmountToMove * -1
end if
if ps_Direction = "left" then
set pi_AmountToMove = pi_AmountToMove * -1
end if
if ps_Direction = "up" then
set pi_AmountToMove = pi_AmountToMove * -1
end if
end beginsprite
on enterframe me
if ps_Direction = "down" then
set pi_theLocV = pi_theLocV + pi_AmountToMove
set the locv of sprite pi_theSprite = pi_theLocV
if the top of sprite pi_theSprite > pi_stageHeight then
set pi_theLocV = -1 * ( the height of sprite pi_theSprite / 2 )
set the locv of sprite pi_theSprite = pi_theLocV
end if
end if
if ps_Direction = "up" then
set pi_theLocV = pi_theLocV + pi_AmountToMove
set the locv of sprite pi_theSprite = pi_theLocV
if the bottom of sprite pi_theSprite < 0 then
set pi_theLocV = pi_stageheight + ( the height of sprite pi_theSprite / 2 )
set the locv of sprite pi_theSprite = pi_theLocV
end if
end if
if ps_Direction = "right" then
set pi_theLocH = pi_theLocH + pi_AmountToMove
set the loch of sprite pi_theSprite = pi_theLocH
if the left of sprite pi_theSprite > pi_stageWidth then
set pi_theLocH = -1 * ( the width of sprite pi_theSprite / 2 )
set the loch of sprite pi_theSprite = pi_theLocH
end if
end if
if ps_Direction = "left" then
set pi_theLocH = pi_theLocH + pi_AmountToMove
set the loch of sprite pi_theSprite = pi_theLocH
if the right of sprite pi_theSprite < 0 then
set pi_theLocH = ( the width of sprite pi_theSprite / 2 ) + pi_stagewidth
set the loch of sprite pi_theSprite = pi_theLocH
end if
end if
end enterframe
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
set pl_proplist = [:]
addProp pl_proplist,#ps_Direction,[#default:"right", #format:#string,#range:
["Left","Right", "Up","Down"] ,#comment:"Which direction should the sprite
addProp pl_proplist,#pi_AmountToMove,[#default:10,
#format:#integer,#comment:"Amount of pixels to move each move?"&return&"Note :
this should be a positive number "]
return pl_proplist
end getPropertyDescriptionList
on getBehaviorDescription me
set ps_string to "SimpleSpriteMover"&RETURN&"By Loren Mork,,, Seattle/ Washington/ USA"&RETURN&"This behavior moves a sprite across the screen left to right - or - right to left - or - top to bottom - or - bottom to top - and after the sprite vanishes it reappears on the other side of the screen and goes across (or up/down ) again; ie it wraps."& RETURN &"It moves at any speed you wish, on each enterframe event." & RETURN &"Parameters are direction and amount to move (speed). Amount to move should be a positive number. A higher number will result in a faster speed"
return ps_string
end getBehaviorDescription
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263