A scroll barless scroller. Works horizontally or vertically with pretty much any sprite. Can scroll "lock" sprites along with the main one for layered effects (embedded images, etc).
-- DeadC, a scroller
-- By Warren "The Howdy Man" Ockrassa, warren@nightwares.com
-- This scrolls text onscreen without scrollbars
-- Drag and drop to invoke the GPDL
-- Parameters:
-- Sprite to Scroll -- self-explanatory; automatically selected when behavior is invoked
-- Accelerated Scroll -- the scroll will move faster the farther the cursor is dragged off initial mousedown locV
-- Acceleration Modifier -- the lower the number, the faster the acceleration for the scroll
-- Scrolling background/frame -- used to determine when the sprite's gone out of frame
-- Decelerate on mouseUp -- gradually decelerates the scroll when the user lets the mouse up
-- Bounce deceleration -- How rapidly the sprite bounces back when it hits the frame border
-- Vertical Scroll -- true by default; can be unchecked for horizontal scroll instead
-- Scroll other sprites -- "lock" other sprites so they scroll at the same time as the current one
-- Other sprites to scroll -- a list of the other sprites to be locked into this one's scroll
on GetBehaviorDescription
sContent = "This scrolls text onscreen without scrollbars." & RETURN & RETURN & "Parameters include scroll acceleration and the ability to scroll horizontally or vertically."
return sContent
END GetBehaviorDescription
on GetBehaviorTooltip
sContent = "This scrolls text onscreen without scrollbars." & RETURN & RETURN & "Parameters include scroll acceleration and the ability to scroll horizontally or vertically."
return sContent
END GetBehaviorTooltip
on beginSprite me
pnSpriteToScroll = the currentSpriteNum
plEmbedSprites = value ( plEmbedSprites )
if pbEmbeddedSprites then
plEmbeddedLocList = []
repeat with nEmbed = 1 to count ( plEmbedSprites )
nSprite = getAt ( plEmbedSprites, nEmbed )
-- calculate the starting positions of the "embedded" sprites relative to the starting position of the "main" one
if pbVerticalScroll then
add ( plEmbeddedLocList, sprite(nSprite).locV - sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locV )
else add ( plEmbeddedLocList, sprite(nSprite).locH - sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locH )
end repeat
end if
on mouseEnter me
cursor 260
on mouseDown me
cursor 290
pnStartForSlowDown = the mouseV
if pbAcceleratedScrollEnable and the controlDown then
-- ==================================================================== accelerated vertical scroll section
if pbVerticalScroll then
nStartMouseV = the mouseV
repeat while the stillDown
nDeltaV = the mouseV - nStartMouseV
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locV = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locV + ( nDeltaV / pnAccelerationModifier )
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).top > sprite(pnFrameSprite).bottom then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).top = sprite(pnFrameSprite).bottom - 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
BounceIt( -1 )
exit repeat
else if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).bottom < sprite(pnFrameSprite).top then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).bottom = sprite(pnFrameSprite).top + 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
BounceIt( 1 )
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- ==================================================================== accelerated horizontal scroll section
nStartMouseH = the mouseH
repeat while the stillDown
nDeltaH = the mouseH - nStartMouseH
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locH = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locH + ( nDeltaH / pnAccelerationModifier )
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).right < sprite(pnFrameSprite).left then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).right = sprite(pnFrameSprite).left + 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
BounceIt( 1 )
exit repeat
else if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).left > sprite(pnFrameSprite).right then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).left = sprite(pnFrameSprite).right - 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
BounceIt( -1 )
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
if pbVerticalScroll then
-- ==================================================================== vertical scroll section
nDeltaV = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locV - the mouseV
repeat while the stillDown
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locV = the mouseV + nDeltaV
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).top > sprite(pnFrameSprite).bottom then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).top = sprite(pnFrameSprite).bottom - 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
BounceIt( -1 )
exit repeat
else if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).bottom < sprite(pnFrameSprite).top then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).bottom = sprite(pnFrameSprite).top + 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
BounceIt( 1 )
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- ==================================================================== horizontal scroll section
nDeltaH = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locH - the mouseH
repeat while the stillDown
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locH = the mouseH + nDeltaH
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).right < sprite(pnFrameSprite).left then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).right = sprite(pnFrameSprite).left + 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
BounceIt( 1 )
exit repeat
else if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).left > sprite(pnFrameSprite).right then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).left = sprite(pnFrameSprite).right - 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
BounceIt( -1 )
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
end if
on BounceIt nMultiplier
cursor -1
if pbVerticalScroll then
repeat with nDistance = pnBounceDeceleration down to 0
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locV = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locV + ( nDistance * nMultiplier )
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
end repeat
repeat with nDistance = pnBounceDeceleration down to 0
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locH = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locH + ( nDistance * nMultiplier )
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
end repeat
end if
END BounceIt
on mouseUp me
cursor 260
if pbDecelerate then
nTimeSpent = the timer
if voidP ( nTimeSpent ) or nTimeSpent < 1 then nTimeSpent = 1
nPixelsPerTick = pnStartForSlowDown / nTimeSpent
if pbVerticalScroll then
-- ================================================================================ vertical momentum to stop section
if the mouseV < pnStartForSlowDown then
nMultiplier = -1
else nMultiplier = 1
repeat with nAmount = nPixelsPerTick down to 0
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locV = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locV + nAmount * nMultiplier
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).top > sprite(pnFrameSprite).bottom then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).top = sprite(pnFrameSprite).bottom - 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
BounceIt( -1 )
exit repeat
else if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).bottom < sprite(pnFrameSprite).top then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).bottom = sprite(pnFrameSprite).top + 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 1 )
BounceIt( 1 )
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- ================================================================================ horizontal momentum to stop section
if the mouseH > pnStartForSlowDown then
nMultiplier = -1
else nMultiplier = 1
repeat with nAmount = nPixelsPerTick down to 0
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locH = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).locH + nAmount * nMultiplier
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).right < sprite(pnFrameSprite).left then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).right = sprite(pnFrameSprite).left + 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
BounceIt( 1 )
exit repeat
else if sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).left > sprite(pnFrameSprite).right then
sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).left = sprite(pnFrameSprite).right - 3
if pbEmbeddedSprites then MoveEmbeds( 0 )
BounceIt( -1 )
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
end if
on MoveEmbeds bVert
if bVert then
repeat with nEmbed = 1 to count ( plEmbedSprites )
nSprite = getAt ( plEmbedSprites, nEmbed )
nLoc = getAt ( plEmbeddedLocList, nEmbed )
sprite(nSprite).top = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).top + nLoc
end repeat
repeat with nEmbed = 1 to count ( plEmbedSprites )
nSprite = getAt ( plEmbedSprites, nEmbed )
nLoc = getAt ( plEmbeddedLocList, nEmbed )
sprite(nSprite).left = sprite(pnSpriteToScroll).left + nLoc
end repeat
end if
END MoveEmbeds
on mouseLeave me
cursor -1
on GetPropertyDescriptionList me
if not ( the currentSpriteNum ) then
-- behavior has been dropped on the script channel; kickout
end if
return [ #pbAcceleratedScrollEnable: [ #comment: "Accelerated Scroll (CTRL-drag to accelerate)", #format: #boolean, #default: TRUE ], #pnAccelerationModifier: [ #comment: "Acceleleraton Modifier (higher = less acceleration):", #format: #integer, #default: 8, #range: [#min: 1, #max: 20] ], #pnFrameSprite: [ #comment: "Scrolling background/frame sprite:", #format: #integer, #default: the lastChannel, #range: [#min: 1, #max: the lastChannel] ], #pnBounceDeceleration: [ #comment: "Deceleration factor on bounce back from edge of frame:", #format: #integer, #default: 10, #range: [#min: 1, #max: 20] ], #pbDecelerate: [ #comment: "Decelerate scroll on mouseUp?", #format: #boolean, #default: TRUE ], #pbVerticalScroll: [ #comment: "Vertical Scroll (uncheck for horizontal scroll instead)", #format: #boolean, #default: TRUE ], #pbEmbeddedSprites: [ #comment: "Scroll other sprites with this one?", #format: #boolean, #default: FALSE ], #plEmbedSprites: [ #comment: "Sprites to scroll with this one (plain linear list format)", #format: #list, #default: "[]" ] ]
end GetPropertyDescriptionList
36 South Court Sq
Suite 300
Newnan, GA 30263